spiel [ʃpi:l]  [ʃpi:l] 


spiel 基本解释

名词 <俚>滔滔不绝的演讲[描述],口若悬河的推销言辞

及物动词 流利地讲话,熟背般地讲

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spiel 相关例句


1. spiel

1. That salesman had a good spiel, he sold many dresses in one hour.

spiel 网络解释


1. 演说:spiel off 流利地讲 | spiel 演说 | spieler 招揽顾客者

2. 信号处理联机工程语言:镜铁 spiegel | 信号处理联机工程语言 SPIEL | 管子公扣端 spigot end of pipe

3. 演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐:spiegeleisen /镜铁/ | spiel /演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐/ | spieler /招揽顾客的人/专事欺诈的人/商业宣传员/

spiel 双语例句

1. spiel的近义词

1. I d love it if you could just give me a spiel that I could play back for her.

2. spiel

2. You know, I'm gonna tell you a better story about captivity than the regular old spiel.

3. The children can spiel of the names of all the Presidents, but do they really understand their country's history?

4. After the preceding spiel, the best of those options, from my viewpoint, is wxWidgets.

5. I'm gonna tell you a better story about captivity than the regular old spiel.

6. That salesman had a good spiel, he sold many dresses in one hour.

7. I usually go into a spiel about having to support me and my family, and I can't do it with speculative work -- I then recommend Yahoo!

8. Has he delivered his spiel yet?

9. I didn't think that you'd fall for the spiel.

10. The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product.

11. He can dish out a memorized spiel Well, the Japs haven't done that, have they?

12. spiel的意思

12. We let the time-share salesman give us his opening spiel, but when he got to the high-pressure sales tactics, we cut him short and made it clear that we were not interested.

13. He gave a long spiel about life insurance.

14. I made my spiel about how I could add to this company (Carl Icahn)

15. danci.911cha.com

15. After his spiel, at most such sessions, around 20 such kids get up and pitch their ideas.

16. spiel

16. The spiel of PR company rainmakers is that PR delivers public esteem more efficiently than advertisements.

17. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

17. He made a speech straight off the reel without stumbling over a word. The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product.

18. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

18. The Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year), the most prestigious award for board and card games, is awarded annually by a jury of German game critics.

19. The American gave a long spiel about how the Chinese foreign trade corporations needed to improve the packaging of their export goods if they wanted to increase their sales.

20. Prototype semantics (PS) originated from Wittgenstein's description of the family resemblance of the semantic category of " Spiel " (game).

spiel 词典解释

1. (常指招徕生意的)叫卖词,推销套话
    Someone's spiel is a well-prepared speech that they make, and that they have usually made many times before, often in order to persuade you to buy something.

spiel 单语例句


1. After only 300 meters the cart stopped, everyone got off and a woman with headphones and a microphone launched into her spiel.

2. I fell back on a spiel about my hometown, and luckily it seemed there were some swimming fans out there.

3. Since we kept silent for quite a while during his spiel, the seller gave us 60 per cent discount.

spiel 英英释义


1. plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)

    Synonym: patter line of gab



1. speak at great length (about something)

2. replay (as a melody)

    e.g. Play it again, Sam
           She played the third movement very beautifully

    Synonym: play


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