splendidly ['splendɪdlɪ]  [ˈsplɛndɪdlɪ] 

splendidly 基本解释




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splendidly 相关例句


1. The old woman dressed even more splendidly.

splendidly 网络解释

1. splendidly

1. 壮观地:splendid 壮丽的 | splendidly 壮观地 | splendiferous 了不起的

2. splendidly是什么意思

2. 精彩的:stirring 令人心潮起伏的 | splendidly 精彩的 | spectators 观众

3. splendidly

3. 她安排的正式晚宴进行得好极了:5、truth 有人提出是枪走火,这种说法看起来有点道理. | 6、splendidly 她安排的正式晚宴进行得好极了. | 7、success 你生意上取得的巨大成功要归功于什么?

4. 壮丽地, 豪华地; 极好地, 了不起地 (副):splendid 光亮的, 了不起的 (形) | splendidly 壮丽地, 豪华地; 极好地, 了不起地 (副) | splendiferous 了不起的; 豪华的; 绝妙的 (形)

splendidly 双语例句

1. Lying in bed, feeling some splendidly natural.

2. That is just because you are there in a magnificent corner in my life and shining splendidly there.

3. Sheldon: I have to say I slept splendidly.


4. I believed that I can be competent it, and achieves splendidly.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Meanwhile, in this course, he will give you more better resource, can help you to finish the task more splendidly.

6. We hope that they will exert great efforts to increase production and practise economy and splendidly accomplish their task.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. When we go to town, my brother wines and dines us splendidly.

8. Your father has been behaving most splendidly, except for the fact that he refuses to cooperate with us.

9. splendidly的意思

9. As expected, their individual cells were splendidly designed affairs with all the necessary conveniences and furnishings, all the more sinister in their homeyness.

10. The research work of the paper is with the servo system of measure radar, the author has participated in some previous transformations of the radar servo system and trouble hunting, has participated in and finished splendidly such scientific research task as rockets, satellite and airship, etc.

11. Play it Connery did, and splendidly-five times in all in the 60s. from Dr, No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball to You Only Live Twice.

12. splendidly的翻译

12. It was of stone arches, splendidly solid, and graceful as they were strong.

13. splendidly的翻译

13. Getting along splendidly/quite all gight/pretty good, too.

14. splendidly的翻译

14. She lusted after the Assyrians, governors and officials, who were close to her, clothed splendidly, horsemen riding horses, all of them desirable young men.
      23:12 她贪恋邻近的亚述人,就是穿极华美衣服的省长和官长,是骑着马的骑士,都是可爱的少年人。

15. Below the Italian 21 years old in the row, card Sa Nuo also displays splendidly.

16. He unified the situation of postgraduate examination of the recent years and explained each aspect splendidly.

17. The Asian group star can gather together, demonstrates ones artistic skills splendidly, burns warmly the people the extreme.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. He was splendidly sunburnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia.

19. He was splendidly sun burnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia

20. For those of you who are committed, everything is going splendidly.

splendidly 单语例句

1. Guangzhou - Although they couldn't hear the birds singing or the river murmuring, Zhang Hui and his students paint no less splendidly than anyone else.

2. Los Angeles got off to a slow start this year, but played splendidly later in the season.

3. But the jars and vases for private use are not only larger but also more splendidly colorful and of livelier designs.

4. The porcelain dishes are splendidly painted with flowers in the traditional Chinese style.

5. The Bauhaus Building itself was splendidly refurbished after years of communist neglect, serving as a college and museum.

6. The massive disaster was a major test for China and the country passed it splendidly.

splendidly 英英释义


1. extremely well

    e.g. he did splendidly in the exam
           we got along famously

    Synonym: excellently magnificently famously

2. in an impressively beautiful manner

    e.g. the Princess was gorgeously dressed

    Synonym: gorgeously resplendently magnificently


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