spongy [ˈspʌndʒi]  [ˈspʌndʒi] 

spongy 基本解释

形容词 海绵似的,柔软吸水的,富有弹性的; 肉; 瓤; 多水

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spongy 相关例句


1. It was spongy to the touch.

spongy 网络解释

1. spongy

1. 海绵状的:spongiose 海绵状的 | spongy 海绵状的 | spongy bone 松骨质

2. 海绵质的:sponging house 负债人拘留所 | spongy 海绵质的 | sponsion 保证

3. 海绵状,弱施胶的:sponge filter 多孔过滤机 | spongy 海绵状,弱施胶的 | spontaneous combustion 自发燃烧

4. spongy的反义词

4. 海绵:Slides Sideways 幻灯片杯 | Spongy 海绵 | Steering Column Will Not Lock 指导栏将不会锁

spongy 双语例句

1. spongy的解释

1. The rubberised keys, especially the softkeys, are not as sensitive as traditional mobile keys and have a spongy feel to them, although they do have reasonable tactile feedback.

2. The characters related to the environment are thickness of lamina, area of blade, specific leaf weight, thickness of cuticle and outer epidermis cell wall, thickness of palisade and spongy tissue, and contents of N and P.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcong than the most luxirious Persian rug.

4. Longipes, G. laxum, C. guangxiense and C. pentagynum were similar, but no features could characterize the species. There was no significant correlation among the content of total gypenosides and the structural index including the ratio of thickness of epidermis and cortex to stem diameter, vascular bundle area to stem area, external phloem area to stem area, and thickness of palisade tissue to that of spongy tissue.

5. spongy什么意思

5. The results showed that the thickness of leaf, palisade tissue, spongy tissue and upper epidermis, ratios of tissue, thickness of palisade tissue /leaf thickness, and the width of palisade tissue had significantly negative correlation with planting density. The rate of descending in average thickness of leaf, upper epidermis and under epidermis, and the width of palisade tissue increased in the planting density from 15000~18000/hm2 to 18000~21000/hm2. While the rate of descending in average thickness of palisade tissue and spongy tissue, ratios of tissue, and thickness of palisade tissue /leaf thickness descended. But this had significantly positive correlation with rate of N application. The rate of rising in average thickness of leaf, spongy tissue and under epidermis increased at rate of N application from 240~300kg/hm2 to 300~360kg/hm2. While the rate of rising in average thickness of palisade tissue and upper epidermis, ratios of tissue, thickness of palisade tissue /leaf thickness, and the width of palisade tissue descended The effect on the thickness of leaf, under epidermis spongy tissue and upper epidermis, ratios of tissue, and the width of palisade tissue in planting density was higher than rate of N application, but the thickness of spongy tissue was lower. The thickness of palisade tissue /leaf thickness was same.

6. It may be of a fleshy, corky, or spongy nature.

7. All HA's showed a loose spongy structure with a large number of internal spaces.

8. spongy的意思

8. Tip: L'OCCITANE''s unique Almond range helps to firm, tone and smooth''spongy''skin on hips, thighs, stomach and buttocks.
    L'OCCITANE 欧舒丹独特的杏仁系列,能使您没有弹性的臀部、大腿、小腹等部位的皮肤变得紧致和光滑。

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Soil moisture and potassium amount could improve potassium content of palisade tissue and spongy tissue.

10. The smallest veins are in direct contact with chlorenchyma, both palisade and spongy tissue

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. It is also preventing the strong light`s radiation, reducing evaporation; The ratio of palisade tissue and spongy tissue is getting higher.

12. In addition to the spongy form vacuoles that are the hallmark of the disease, their brains were littered with large, flower-shaped plaques

13. The mean trabecular plate density and thickness, trabecular bone volume and cortical bone volume of the femurs in the osteoporotic rats treated with boron or estradiol were significantly increased, but the active osteoclast quantity in the spongy bone and serum TRAP activities were obviously decreased, and the bone quality was comparable with that of the normal group.

14. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy g rass is more welcome than the most luxurious persian rug.
      对我来 说,满地厚厚的松针和松软的草坪比奢华的波斯地毯更惹人喜爱。

15. The myo-peduncle bone flap and spongy bone marrow transplantation, scavenge sequestra completely and decompress combined with traditional Chinese medicine, the blood supply and the shape of femoral hea...
      结论带血管蒂骨膜骨瓣并松质骨及骨髓移植,彻底清除死骨和减压,配合中药治疗,可恢复股骨头血运及股骨头外形,适宜于F icatⅠⅡ期青壮年ANFH患者。

16. And the leaves are green. The upper and lower epidermises of Prunus persica leaves are fuchsia, the mesophyll cells with chloroplast are green, chlorophyll/anthocyanin ratio is 8.88:1, and the leaves are fuchsia. The upper epidermis of Zebrina pendula leaves is colorless and transparent, the lower epidermis is purple, mesophyll cells are green, chlorophyll/anthocyanin ratio is 26.05:1, and the back of the leaves is green and the front side is fuchsia. The upper and lower epidermises of Berberis thunbergii cv. atropurpurea are transparent and colorless, palisade tissue is red and spongy tissue is a mixture of red and green, chlorophyll/anthocyanin ratio is 2.79:1, and the leaves are purple.

17. spongy的意思

17. A light, spongy, very sweet confection made of corn syrup, gelatin, sugar, and starch and dusted with powdered sugar.

18. Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy.

19. Seed coat alveolate, with simple and shallow or spongy and complex hexagonal pits.

20. spongy

20. The palisade is from one to two layers thick, the spongy mesophyll usually cosists of four layers of cell.

spongy 词典解释

1. 海绵般松软而有弹性的
    Something that is spongy is soft and can be pressed in, like a sponge.

    e.g. We liked the bike's spongy handgrip for keeping our hands away from cold metal...
    e.g. The earth was spongy from rain.

spongy 单语例句

1. They are called spongiform encephalopathies because the diseases involve spongy degeneration of the brain.

2. Christian Bagge took a slow jog around a spongy track that circles the White House's South Lawn.

3. As time passes they lose their moisture and become shriveled, giving their flesh a somewhat spongy texture.

4. A chef created the dish by boiling chicken first, then beating with a stick till spongy.

5. The spongy loofah absorb the aroma of all the ingredients when cooked in soup.

spongy 英英释义



1. like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressed

    Synonym: spongelike

2. easily squashed
    resembling a sponge in having soft porous texture and compressibility

    e.g. spongy bread

    Synonym: squashy squishy spongelike


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