spoor [spʊə(r)]  [spʊr] 


spoor 基本解释

名词 (动物的)足迹,臭迹

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spoor 网络解释

1. 痕迹:spoony 痴情的 | spoor 痕迹 | sporadic cholera 假霍乱

2. 跟踪:spoony 痴情的 | spoor 跟踪 | spoorer 跟踪者

3. 痕迹,足迹;循着足迹追踪:hardpan(软土下面的)硬质地层,粘土层,砂砾层 | spoor痕迹,足迹;循着足迹追踪 | imprint留下烙印

4. 足迹:6、回声 Echoes | 7、足迹 Spoor | 8、甜美的梦 Sweet Dreams

spoor 双语例句

1. The town'spoor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.

2. And The evil from my dreams...followed my spoor here...!

3. To leave my spoor in the free wind.

4. The second is to spread the fruits of a growing economy to India'spoor.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. The morning after the big night, Spoor changed her relationship status.

6. Too aching to breathe, I could'nt find out your spoor in foretime.

7. According to the spot-checking just now, we have found the spoor that the container door had been prized and the shortages of the cargo were probably caused by theft during the transport.

8. spoor的解释

8. I think I should lock myself in a room in a drinkery, then, maybe, I can throw out all the close in that small room, and erase the spoor you ever existed.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. The hounds followed the fox's spoor.

10. Lesley Spoor and Chris Lassiter got engaged the night before Thanksgiving.

11. spoor的反义词

11. They were amazed to notice that the elephant spoor had vanished from the path.

12. spoor什么意思

12. On a moonlit evening, they break the pen door and follow the wild boar's spoor run to the vast forest.

13. Pray for Guizhou spoor, whose hardships are described in the proverb: Not three feet of flat land, not three days without rain, not a family with three grams of silver.

spoor 词典解释

1. (野兽走过时留下的)踪迹
    The spoor of an animal is the marks or substances that it leaves behind as it moves along, which hunters can follow.

spoor 英英释义


1. the trail left by a person or an animal
    what the hunter follows in pursuing game

    e.g. the hounds followed the fox's spoor


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