spore [spɔ:(r)]  [spɔr, spor] 


spore 基本解释

名词 孢子; 胚种; (事物的)根源,原因

动词 长孢子

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spore 网络解释

1. spore什么意思

1. 芽胞:芽胞 概况 芽胞(spore) 在一定条件下,芽胞杆菌属(如炭疽杆菌)及梭状芽胞杆菌属(如破伤风杆菌、气性坏疽病原菌)能在菌体内形成一个折光性很强的不易着色小体,称为内芽胞(endospore),简称芽胞.

2. 芽孢:绝大多数细菌不含叶绿素,是异养植物. 其繁殖方法为细胞分裂,不进行有性生殖. 某些杆菌在不良的环境下. 每个细胞形成1个内生芽孢,在环境适宜的时候,芽孢(spore)再发育成1个细菌,芽孢是渡过不良环境的适应结构,并不是繁殖的.

3. spore

3. 孢:细菌细胞的特殊构造有鞭毛(flagellum)、伞毛(pilus)、荚膜(capsule)和芽孢(spore). 到目前为止,已大量投产的微生物多糖主要有黄原胶(xanthan gum),结冷胶(gellan gum),右旋糖酐(dextran),小核菌葡聚糖(scleroglucan),

spore 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Results showed that no obvious difference in spore germination was observed between different pH.

2. Spore germination and invasion of white rot are closely bound upwith moisture...

3. spore是什么意思

3. It had strong antagonistic effect on spore germination.

4. The results showed that different time, temperature, pH and light irradiation had an obvious effect on spore germination and mycelial growth.

5. After spore germination, first logarithmic growth is followed by a transient cessation of cell growth...

6. RT-PCR analysis showed that the gene omk1 transcribed in the phases of both spore germination and hyphal growth.

7. spore的意思

7. When the damage was serious enough, the germination ability of spore was lower and even lost completely.

8. Sequence analysis of a number of microsporidian genes suggests that they may be related to fungi [5] and this is borne out by characteristics such as the chitinous spore wall and intranuclear division.
    一数字的序列分析 microsporidian 基因提议他们可能是讲到真菌 [5] 而且这被特性为~作证例如壳质的户外运动墙壁和 intranuclear 区分。

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. We isolated a group of thermophilic, facultative anaerobic or aerobic spore bacillus by investigating contamination of total producing technical flowing and testing.

10. The order of the growth rate of Mars strain on sixkinds of media was: PDA added with pest carcasses>CA added with pestcarcasses>CA>PPDA>PPDA added with pest carcasses>PDA. The order ofthe growth rate of 3.4428 strain on six kinds of media was: PDA added withpest carcasses>CA added with pest carcasses>PDA>PPDA>PPDA addedwith pest carcasses>CA. The order of spore output of Mars strain on thesemedia was: PPDA added with pest carcasses>PPDA>CA added with pestcarcasses>PDA added with pest carcasses>CA>PDA. The order of sporeoutput of 3.4428 strain on these media was: PPDA added with pest carcasses>PPDA>CA added with pest carcasses>CA>PDA added with pestcarcasses>PDA.

11. spore的反义词

11. Key words heat disinfection far infrared rays factors influencing bactericidal efficacy bacterial spore Bacillus subtilis var.

12. While on a diplomatic mission to Monor II, Mara was secretly infected with a coomb spore, a deadly bio-engineered pathogen crafted by the Yuuzhan Vong.

13. Ganoderma spore; Ventral root cut; Motor neuron; Neurotrophin_3(NT_3); Nitric oxide synthase; Neuronal survival; Immunohistochemistry; In situ hybridization; Rat

14. Protonema growth and gametophyte development of Encalypta ciliata are observed based on the cultivation of spore germination.

15. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

15. The use of slide culture method compression rate of spore germination.

16. spore是什么意思

16. Compound substances and Bt and put it for certain time, and then carry on bioassay to determine the influence to the activation of the spore of Bacillus thuringiensis. Results of the test indicate that compound thing and Bt having put some time will reduce the activation of the spore. So we should use the mixture as soon as we mixed.


17. The influence of light is not marked to hyphae growth, but very marked to the production of spore.

18. It can cause heavy losses of tomato production and friuts` quality. According to the researches of internal and external country, This review summarized the main symptoms of Fulvia fulva of tomato caused by cladosporium fulvum, the biological properties, including to form character, temperature and humidity of mycelium and spore, the outbreak of the disease, regularity of epidemic, race differentiation of different area, Maofen 802, Shuangkan 2No. should be chosen. In resisting disease, mode of action, gene clone, gene structure, gene function and control methods of the disease.

19. We successfully cultivated the spores of P. ensiformis in mixed soil and observed spore germination and gametophytic development by microscopy.

20. spore的翻译

20. To make different culture medium with different organs of A. senticosus which fried the juice, respectively, to observe the growth of pathogenic fungus of A. brassicicola and the germination rate of pathogenic fungus spore with different treatment.

spore 词典解释

1. 孢子;胚种
    Spores are cells produced by bacteria and fungi which can develop into new bacteria or fungi.

spore 单语例句

1. Conrad Chun, said the Fort Detrick test showed a spore count of 138.

spore 英英释义


1. a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusion

    e.g. a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes


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