spunk [spʌŋk]  [spʌŋk] 

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spunk 相关例句


1. spunk的翻译

1. Those kids had spunk who hiked through the forest in the dark.

spunk 网络解释

1. 精神:近日,Castle唱片直接将当年一张叫<<精神>>(Spunk)的唱片正式出版. 如上所述,这是一张再走近性手枪一步的私藏品. 曲目大部分与<<别在乎胡言,我是性手枪>>重合,另加两首<<人造卫星>>和<<就是我>>---也都是老曲目,作为一支朋克乐队,

2. 非常有魅力的人:Spud: 土豆 | Spunk:非常有魅力的人 | Stubby: 小瓶啤酒

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 勇气;精神:spank (用巴掌)打,击,打屁股 | spunk 勇气;精神 | venal 唯利是图的

4. spunk的翻译

4. 引火木材:斜边原木 bevel-edged log | 引火木材 spunk | 隐节;内含节 enclosed knot

spunk 双语例句

1. I like your energy, your spunk, your candidness...

2. spunk是什么意思

2. You have spunk, young lady, and I like that.

3. She might be small, but she's got a lot of spunk.

4. But he sure does have spunk, doesn't he?

5. But he sure does have spunk, doesn`t he?

6. Spunk up, there's nothing to worry about!

7. I'm dating a guy with a funky taste of spunk.

8. BLOOM: Clean your nailless middle finger first, your bully's cold spunk is dripping from your cockscomb.

9. For god's sake, man, where's your spunk!

10. He has the athleticism and spunk that could make him an asset on the floor.

11. Show some spunk. Quit pretending you're being abused.

12. spunk

12. Until now, a Sandra Bullock film often turned on spunk or rue.

13. spunk的解释

13. I admired her independence and her spunk.

14. spunk

14. And while I admire your spunk, miss smith, this is a school built on tradition.

15. Polly got lots of spunk, an'she got some style, too.

16. spunk的反义词

16. She got her spunk up and left the country.

17. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

17. Since they have a lot of spunk, no matter how down and out they get, they never give up.

18. In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one spunk.

19. spunk

19. You will have a childlike approach this week, big hearted and full of spunk.

20. You've got spunk, wolfhouse. I'll give you that.

spunk 词典解释

1. 勇气;胆量
    Spunk is courage.

    e.g. I admired her independence and her spunk.

spunk 单语例句

1. That was apparently an allusion to the feminist spunk displayed by Mattie, as portrayed by Kim Darby.

2. It's also Suede's best, and follow up albums simply couldn't match its sleaze and spunk.

spunk 英英释义


1. the courage to carry on

    e.g. he kept fighting on pure spunk
           you haven't got the heart for baseball

    Synonym: heart mettle nerve

2. material for starting a fire

    Synonym: kindling tinder touchwood punk


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