squab [skwɒb]  [skwɒb] 


squab 基本解释

形容词 刚孵出的,羽毛未丰的,矮胖的

名词 雏鸟,矮胖子

副词 沉重地

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squab 网络解释

1. 雏鸟:往右走,将雏鸟(squab)拿给乞丐,乞丐便会感谢然后交给琼斯一张汽球乘坐票(balloonticket)做为礼物. 继续上屋顶(roof),将汽球乘坐票交给汽球管理员(balloonman)以乘坐汽球. 在汽球升空后,用小刀将绳子割断,于是汽球便在琼斯控制下往沙漠飘走,

2. 刚孵出的:spyhole 窥视孔 | squab 刚孵出的 | squabble 争论

3. 椅垫:splat 椅子嵌板 | squab 椅垫 | stairs 楼梯

4. squab的意思

4. 幼鸽:pigeon 鸽 | squab 幼鸽 | swan 天鹅

squab 双语例句

1. In any case, we put the question to two squab producers.

2. squab

2. In the smoking process, squab meat becomes very soft, almost like paste.

3. In the smoking process, squab meat becomes very soft, almost like paste**.

4. In any case, we put the que stion to two squab producers.

5. Bob Shipley is president of the Squab Producers of California.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Bob Shipley says exporting smoked squab would not be a solution either.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Both men said it takes a lot of food to raise squab.

8. squab的解释

8. Others may disagree with his opinion. In any case, we put the question to two squab producers.

9. After all, young pigeons, called squab, have been raised for centuries for food.

10. After all, young pigeons called squab have been raised for centuries for food.

11. These producers are a group of 77 independent squab frams in Northern California.

12. squab的意思

12. Squab from the United States is generally exported forzen. So there would be a need for refrigeration.

13. These producers are a group of 77% independent squab farms in northern california.

14. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

14. Yes, these crackles are made out of synthetic goose, and these Giblets come from artificial squab. And even these apples look fake, but at least they've got stars on them.

15. These producers are a group of seventy-seven independent squab farms in northern California.

16. I had a delicious squab pie for my lunch.

17. Squab from the United States is generally exported frozen, so there would be a need for refrigeration.

18. squab是什么意思

18. His five-spice squab was outstanding, with flavours bursting through every bite.

19. Flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled.

20. squab的解释

20. To Study the Craft of Making Wine of Mulberry Fruit and Squab

squab 单语例句

1. The food there is a mix of Guangzhou and Western styles, and the toasted squab is delicious.

squab 英英释义


1. an unfledged pigeon

2. a soft padded sofa

3. flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising
    flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled

    Synonym: dove


1. short and fat

    Synonym: squabby


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