stately [ˈsteɪtli]  [ˈstetli] 

stately 基本解释

形容词 庄严的; 雄伟的; 富丽堂皇的; 高贵的

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stately 相关例句


1. The procession moved at a slow and stately speed.

2. The dining room in the castle was grand and stately.

stately 网络解释

1. stately

1. 庄严的:stateliness 威严 | stately 庄严的 | statement 声明


2. 争议的、堂皇的:17、controversial 争论的、争议的 | 18、stately 争议的、堂皇的 | 19、fragrant 芬芳的、香的


3. 庄严的,雄伟的:sweep 范围,区域 | stately 庄严的,雄伟的 | placid 平静温和的

4. 庄严的;雄伟的;堂皇的:state 状态;情形 | stately 庄严的;雄伟的;堂皇的 | statement 声明,陈述

stately 双语例句

1. Stately; majestic; imposing.

2. The judge was a man of stately embonpoint who walked with a heavy step as he entered the courtroom.

3. When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass, cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.

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4. Regardless, that bronze statue stood high on the banks of the Tormes River, accompanying the stately old Roman bridge

5. For the paper ball, I thought that paper pulp was not so perfect as sticky liquid of starch as I imagined. I hoped to see the dancers moving in the sticky liquid at the audience hall of Nanjing Museum. In this way the museum was not so stately as it seemed. Here people could see the contrast between the stateliness of the museum and the secularity of the paper ball.

6. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies─ they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words─ opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success─ just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

7. stately是什么意思

7. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies― they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words― opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success― just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

8. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies- they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words- opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success- just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

9. How handsome, stately, pure! How consummate his demeanor!

10. He was distinguished by a personal beauty, not of the sort which gives the bloom of youth its charm, but stately and unchanging, as befitted the distinction and good fortune of his career, and this beauty attended him to the last day of his life.

11. The pomps and pageantries of a stately court, and the mad clangour of arms, and the radiant loveliness of woman, bewilder ed and intoxicated my brain

12. The Baptistery is a stately rotunda, of huge dimensions, and was a costly structure.

13. stately的反义词

13. Then He said to him, See, I hereby make your iniquity pass from you and clothe you with stately robes.

14. Once a supremely rare sight, the gigantic stately commerce vessels of the Demiurg have been seen with increasing regularity in the Ultima Segmentum over recent centuries.

15. And sat upon a stately bed, and a table prepared before it, whereupon you have set mine incense and mine oil.

16. stately的翻译

16. A canopied bed; streets canopied by stately trees.

17. And I saw the chambers of the sun and moon, whence they proceed and whither they come again, and their glorious return, and how one is superior to the other, and their stately orbit, and how they do not leave their orbit, and they add nothing to their orbit and they take nothing from it, ...

18. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door- Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door- Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
      开着的这里我投了百叶窗,何时,藉由许多卖弄风骚的人和摆动,在那里中踏了往昔的极为圣洁的数天一只庄严的大乌鸦;不是最少的敬礼制造了他;不分钟停止或停留了他;但是在我的室门上面,藉由统治者或淑女的风采,栖息-在正好在上面我的室门 Athena 神名的一个半身像之上栖息-栖息,而且坐着,和无较多的。

19. stately的反义词

19. At that moment, a hundred yards down the nave, out of sight behind the choir screen, the stately tomb of Sir Isaac Newton had a lone visitor.

20. Swans, I praise your sanctity. You are snow-white, as beautiful as an angel. You are polite and graceful. You are full of sweet and charming manner, agreeable and vivid. You are stately and noble, kind and generous. You are gentle by nature, with gorgeous behaviors.

stately 词典解释

1. 雄伟的;庄严的;高贵的;优雅的
    Something or someone that is stately is impressive and graceful or dignified.

    e.g. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.
    e.g. ...a stately mansion.

stately 单语例句


1. The temple is a stately and graceful exception to the new economic bustle of Huaihe Road.

2. The palatial space was decorated top to bottom by a Singapore design crew, and there is a stately silence about the whole place.

3. Ten days ago, the land covered with rubbish held stately homes of the same caliber.

4. Roman House will be refurbished to reflect the modernist heritage of the current building while retaining its stately Portland stone facade.

5. President Bush arrived Monday evening in the stately old European capital of Prague for a day of meetings with Czech leaders.

6. It goes at a stately pace of 85 km per hour but can rev up to 115 km on certain stretches.

7. Chateau Chenonceaux is also one of the finest examples of stately homes in the Loire Valley.

8. The complex of traditional buildings stands in stately contrast to the uninspiring modern cement structures near it.

9. Stately told several media outlets that the grandfather was a police officer whose guns may have been used in the shootings.

10. She said some stately homes in England often had China rooms where they put pieces brought back from China.

stately 英英释义



1. refined or imposing in manner or appearance
    befitting a royal court

    e.g. a courtly gentleman

    Synonym: courtly formal

2. impressive in appearance

    e.g. a baronial mansion
           an imposing residence
           a noble tree
           severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses
           stately columns

    Synonym: baronial imposing noble

3. of size and dignity suggestive of a statue

    Synonym: statuesque


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