sterilization [ˌsterəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]  [ˌstɛrəlɪˈzeʃən] 


sterilization 基本解释

名词 灭菌; 杀菌,绝育

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sterilization 网络解释

1. 消毒:本产品是采用先进提炼科技,再经净化(Purification),消毒(Sterilization)和份量标准检定(Standardization)等的严格GMP过程而制成,并加入适量的维他命D来帮助钙质的吸收.本产品每片含有600mg钙质和125i.u.维他命D,配方份量适中,

2. 灭菌:[此处有两例外,一是传染病人器材均应进行消毒,一是严格防护性隔离病人拟用的器材均需灭菌] 1.3 灭菌与消毒处理的分级 (1)灭菌(sterilization),将传播媒介上各类微生物全部杀灭或清除.

3. sterilization什么意思

3. 杀菌:按现行的国家标准,根据加工过程中采用的杀菌工艺和灌装工艺的区别,只有巴氏和灭菌两大类,但目前在我国生产实践中,液态奶杀菌工艺却存在着三种:巴氏杀菌(pasteurization),超巴氏杀菌(IDF,没有专业词汇),杀菌(sterilization灌装工艺有无菌(aseptic)和非无菌两类,

sterilization 双语例句

1. Formaldehyde is used as one kind of preservatives in cosmetics due to its following advantages: good hydrophility, high efficient sterilization ability, low price and unaffected pH value in the system.

2. Sodium polymannuronate with gelatinum which was without sterilization was served as control group. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The pH value, A value and viscosity of sodium polymannuronate-gelatinum complex were measured after different sterilization methods were applied.

3. The government continued its coercive birth limitation policy, in some cases resulting in forced abortion and sterilization.

4. Medicine and industry equipment Main Products include: induction hand sterilizer, clarity detector, automatic Polarimeter instructions, tablet hardness tester, high performance liquid chromatography, drug melting point instrument, electric thermostatic incubator series, binocular biological microscope, rapid moisture meter, Pointer Wen hygrometer, digital hygrometer temperature, planktonic bacteria sampler, high efficiency air filters, ozone sterilization cabinet, ozone generator, Rat ultrasonic drive device, a variety of fly disinfestation lamp, micro-pressure device, oblique tube pressure table, desktop dust particle counter, mobile sampling vehicle, dehumidifiers, according to meter, anemometer, the volume of dollars, a variety of fly disinfestation lamp, vacuum cleaner water, induction faucet, clean transfer window, automatic hand dryers, automatic; manually to Soap Dispenser, Clean Benches, electronics such as Taiwan, said.

5. sterilization什么意思

5. These include the sterilization of the spray dryer, the source of air and its quality, the chamber temperatures and the particle residence or contact time.

6. Heat sterilization particularly, the combination of temperature and the fermentation is more important for solidified process and use-by date.

7. Meanwhile, compared with heat sterilization HVEF can keep food`s nutrition and quality better.

8. When damp heat is used in medium sterilization, heating temperature and time are both the roles of on the microbial death and the destruction of nutrients.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. To do this through the following analysis and comparison of test data to correct China`s Dairy Technology and many other books in the yogurt heat sterilization temperature of 95℃, 5min of erroneous notion.

10. Some sterile bulk powders can withstand the lengthy times and high temperatures necessary for dry heat sterilization.

11. The extraction and processing of tissue is done without denaturing heat sterilization nor any chemical additives.

12. sterilization的翻译

12. Results The corrosion was most severe in steam sterilization group, followed by chemical sterilization, dry heat sterilization.

13. sterilization的近义词

13. Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effects of hypodermical sewing in oviduct sterilization surgery.
      摘要] 目的探讨输卵管绝育术切口内缝的临床效果。

14. Objective To explore the clinical effects of hypodermical sewing in oviduct sterilization surgery.
      目的 探讨输卵管绝育术切口内缝的临床效果。

15. Is timing one hour two hour three hour and sterilization LED indicators; (5) hot stone pots temperature display.

16. In order to obtain pure axenic spores for further experiments, four different commonly used surface sterilization methods were compared.


17. 3 operating rooms were disinfected by aerpurity appliance, peracetic acid nebulization and ultra-violet lamp irradiation from January in 2007 to January in 2008 respectively, and the effects of air sterilization were detected.

18. Methods Suspended liqu id quantitative sterilization test and metal corrosion test were carried out wit h different concentrations of disinfectant compound.


19. Tetra Pak aseptic packaging is a high-tech method of food preservation, method of which is that liquid food is filled in packages and airproofed under aseptic condition after instant sterilization. It has the advantages of retaining the food`s original flavor and diverse nutrients.

20. sterilization在线翻译

20. Ink series of security: ultraviolet fluorescent ink, infrared excited ink, ink temperature change, change color ink sunlight, water changed transparent ink, optical variable ink, magnetic ink, watermarks ink, ink-Loukong destruction, chemical change color ink, sterilization instructions Ink; LCD ink, ink smell, mirror ink, ink Symphony, Pearlescent inks, Guagua Ka ink and electricity to the hair color ink, ink Paper, luminous ink; Jinsha, silver sand ink; crystal white, blue galaxy, the sun, Chameleon, Xingzuan-ink, and other special effects.

sterilization 单语例句

1. The International Fund for Animal Welfare and the center will jointly fund the sterilization, which will cost several hundred yuan per animal.

2. The central bank of China may have to continue its sterilization for some time in the foreseeable future.

3. So disturbed are some people by tree fluff that solutions used here include chemical warfare and sexual sterilization.

4. The draft regulation requires the facilities to report to medical authorities and enforce strict sterilization measures if infected children are enrolled.

5. Civil aviation and quarantine departments in Beijing are also required to strengthen health inspection and sterilization over flights coming from abroad.

6. Sterilization means that steps are taken to neutralize the effects of rising reserves on money growth.

7. With modern sterilization and vacuum packing technologies, the chicken can be preserved at a normal temperature for six months.

8. SFDA investigations discovered that the company had failed to observe approved production standards by reducing the sterilization temperature and shortening sterilization time.

9. Its trading booths will be required to rotate days off monthly for sterilization purposes.

10. After complete sterilization of cars, it disposes of resulting refuse in a safe and ecological way.

sterilization 英英释义


1. the procedure of making some object free of live bacteria or other microorganisms (usually by heat or chemical means)

    Synonym: sterilisation

2. the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce)

    Synonym: sterilisation


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