stitch [stɪtʃ]  [stɪtʃ]

stitch 基本解释

名词 (缝纫或编织中的)一针; 缝法; 衣服; (缝合伤口的)缝线

及物动词 缝; 缝补; 缝合裂口; 缝缀

不及物动词 缝针,缝纫

stitch 相关词组


1. in stitches : 忍不住大笑;

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stitch 相关例句


1. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

1. The doctor stitched the cut on his head.


1. He had twelve stitches on his face.

2. I'm trying a new stitch.

3. The children in the pool did not have a stitch on.

4. She didn't do a stitch of work the whole afternoon.

stitch 网络解释

1. stitch的解释

1. 缝合:您可以选择要导入Inventor中的曲面,并使用现有的建模工具--灌注(Sculpt)、缝合(Stitch)和加厚(Thicken)等,利用所导入的曲面生成三维零件模型. Autodesk Inventor软件提供了易于使用的模具设计功能,便于用户直接利用塑料零件的Inventor三维模型设计模具,

2. stitch



stitch 双语例句

1. Celebrate a joyous union with Paula Vaughan's newest cross stitch creation.

2. Stitch crose disney free pattern stitch.

3. 9 Hoop Frame Cross Stitch Embroidery 2 Sizes 5 Colors...

4. Barely used scroll embroidery/cross stitch frame!!

5. Patterns Disney Cross Stitch Patterns Online Free Prairie Schooner Cross Stitch...

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. A NEW BASE OF OPERATIONS: Revival Incidents; Going West in a Prairie Schooner, ... Following this he sat on a near-by log, without a stitch of clothing, until he...
    一个新的业务基地:复苏事件;西进在一个草原schooner ,……以下这他坐在一个近由日志,没有一个缝衣,直到他。。。

7. Cross Stitch Pictures Lucky Brand Pic Stitch Jean Prairie Schooner Counted Cross...

8. stitch是什么意思

8. And that stitch must be consistently straight and tiny, one that outlines the patterns in the quilt.

9. Ladder stitch and how it...

10. stitch的翻译

10. Cross stitch of the largest power, it is a strong emotional when people's beloved people to express feelings, as some of the things, from the first to see it, you hold your breath, telling myself: I love her!

11. stitch的解释

11. Spider Cross Stitch Happy Anniversary Pattern Laced Cross Stitch DMC Embroidery Floss...

12. stitch的解释

12. Embroidery in which the design is outlined in a buttonhole stitch and the intervening material is cut away.

13. The balance of a buttonhole and stitch are badly adjusted.

14. stitch在线翻译

14. Worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern.

15. To sew with a buttonhole stitch.

16. Cross Stitch Frame Cross Stitch Kit Free Cross Stitch Chart Free Counted Cross Stitch Pattern...

17. Find God's Garden Completed Crosstitch with Frame + free gft in the Crafts, Cross Stitch, ...
      寻找上帝的花园完成crosstitch框架+免费gft ,在工艺品,交叉缝合,。。。

18. stitch什么意思

18. She is the best selling author of two books of cross stitch designs and in these...

19. Some cross-stitch designers are also fashion designers and use their thread and floss to create patterns on the attire that they create.

20. Some cross-stitch designers are also fashion designers and use their thread and floss to create patterns on the attire that the y create.

stitch 词典解释

1. 缝;绣;缝补
    If you stitch cloth, you use a needle and thread to join two pieces together or to make a decoration.


    e.g. Fold the fabric and stitch the two layers together...
    e.g. We stitched incessantly.

2. (布料上的)针脚,线迹
    Stitches are the short pieces of thread that have been sewn in a piece of cloth.


    e.g. ...a row of straight stitches...
    e.g. You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.

3. (编织或钩针法中的)一针
    In knitting and crochet, a stitch is a loop made by one turn of wool around a knitting needle or crochet hook.


    e.g. Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles...
    e.g. She kept dropping stitches.

4. 针法;编织花样;缝法
    If you sew or knit something in a particular stitch, you sew or knit in a way that produces a particular pattern.

    e.g. The design can be worked in cross stitch.
    e.g. ...a woolly vest knitted in garter stitch.

5. 缝合(伤口)
    When doctors stitch a wound, they use a special needle and thread to sew the skin together.


    e.g. Jill washed and stitched the wound.

6. (缝合伤口的)缝线
    A stitch is a piece of thread that has been used to sew the skin of a wound together.


    e.g. He had six stitches in a head wound.
           他头上的伤口缝了 6 针。

7. (通常指因奔跑或大笑引起的)肋部剧痛,岔气
    A stitch is a sharp pain in your side, usually caused by running or laughing a lot.


8. 捧腹大笑;大笑不止
    If you are in stitches, you cannot stop laughing.

    e.g. Here's a book that will have you in stitches.

相关词组:stitch up

stitch 单语例句

1. There are also indications that on a full stomach the diaphragm can cramp up and cause side stitch.

2. I know which pressure foot to use for stretchy material and which embroidery stitch looks particularly good on pillowcases.

3. The boy had to be rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors performed an emergency operation to stitch back his left hand.

4. I only needed to stitch them again or use gum to stick the soles back on.

5. It has also been observed that side stitch often happens when the stomach is full and in people who are not fully trained.

6. If you jog you are probably familiar with the pain in the lower abdomen area known as a side stitch.

7. Side stitch can appear during all stamina sports but it's especially common during running.

8. " The stitch brings us a lot of fun, " Chen said.

9. She was rushed to a hospital, but doctors were unable to stitch back her finger.

10. His chalkboard " Help Wanted " signs advertised for one worker who can sew belt loops and another who can stitch pockets.


stitch 英英释义



1. a link or loop or knot made by an implement in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or sewing

2. a sharp spasm of pain in the side resulting from running


1. fasten by sewing
    do needlework

    Synonym: sew run up sew together


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