stormy [ˈstɔ:mi]  [ˈstɔ:rmi] 


stormy 基本解释

形容词 暴风雨般的; 激烈的; 有暴风雨的; 热烈的

副词 有暴风雨地,愤怒地,冲动地

名词 <气>风暴度; 暴躁,激烈


stormy 同义词

stormy 反义词

形容词 calm

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stormy 相关例句


1. He has a stormy temper.

2. They had a stormy quarrel.

3. The stormy waves pounded against the rocks.

stormy 网络解释

1. 雨天:DANGEROUS CHUMP 无敌并拥有无限的武器 | stormy 雨天 | slick 自杀

2. 暴风雨的:Shower阵雨 | Stormy 暴风雨的 | rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 有暴风雨的:stormy 暴风的 | stormy 有暴风雨的 | story shore 粗石子石岸

stormy 双语例句

1. He died in 1562 and a stormy period began for the members of the party.

2. It's not safe to go out in this stormy weather.

3. On the third day i was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and i found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

4. On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

5. stormy的反义词

5. On a stormy night, the partisan made a breakthrough into enemy's region without a trace.

6. stormy的解释

6. The algorithm prediction error is larger under ionospheric stormy conditions, which is more prominent for the stations in the low latitudes. Correlation of residual error decreases with the great circle distance between pierce points increasing. For the ionospheric quiet behaviors residual error is small and correlation is high between neighboring errors, but it is the opposite for the storm time.

7. The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea.

8. The boat was tossed about on the stormy sea.

9. stormy

9. Zhang Ping has described the hero images of a group of characters in the reforming times, and reported the trend that the request and history reforming open stormy or unstable situation change, shown times moving forward develop truly. Works do not only stop in the super crust bringing to light and flay to go ahead but also attach importance to culture more deep origin disinterment; It has realized new transforming and promotion based on method and narrating in the traditional inheriting, arts display the depth in soul narrate and the developing in exhibition narrating only to make his political novel has had distinctive significance and value.

10. stormy是什么意思

10. Meng's eyes light up, but also mine thud sound of stormy weather from heaven.


11. In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.

12. You rise me up, to walk on stormy seas

13. You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders

14. Whether it is stormy or sunshine, you can play with most of the toys all the time.

15. stormy的反义词

15. BABS: It was a dark and stormy night!!!

16. She was born on a stormy night.

17. On a stormy night in November, I finally finished my task.

18. The coast had few lighthouses and there were only two marine charts of the route, which made it difficult to navigate, especially amidst the many islands and skerries in the dark, sometimes stormy, winter months.

19. Leaving this Parthian shaft to rankle in Anne's stormy bosom, Marilla descended to the kitchen, grievously troubled in mind and vexed in soul.
      谢谢提供这些网址。开始阅读Anne Of Green Gables,很吸引人。遇到一些不懂的句子,请教

20. A breath; a dream; a bubble in a rapid stream; a lurid shade with scarce array; a short and stormy winter`s day; a falling star; a morning flower; a passing cloud; an autumn shower; a flying shuttle, nay a span; so short and frail`s the life of man.

stormy 词典解释

1. 有暴风雨的
    If there is stormy weather, there are strong winds and heavy rain.


    e.g. It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.
    e.g. ...the long stormy winter of 1942.
           1942 年风雪交加的漫长冬天

2. (大海)波涛汹涌的,波浪滔天的
    Stormy seas have very large strong waves because there are strong winds.

    e.g. They make the treacherous journey across stormy seas.
    e.g. ...the stormy waters that surround the British Isles.

3. 争吵激烈的;群情激愤的
    If you describe a situation as stormy, you mean it involves a lot of angry argument or criticism.

    e.g. The letter was read at a stormy meeting...
    e.g. Their working relationship was stormy at times.

stormy 单语例句

1. Survivors said they jumped from the upper deck and swam for the shore after the boat began to capsize in stormy conditions.

2. A rescue official says 11 Vietnamese sailors are missing after their cargo ship sank in stormy weather off the country's southern coast.

3. Seven Chinese sailors had gone missing after the cargo vessel sank in stormy waters off Vladivostok on Feb 15.

4. The South China Sea Forecast Center of the State Oceanic Administration issued red alerts about sea waves and stormy tides on Friday morning.

5. The area was covered with reeds and local fishermen often encountered stormy waves when catching fish.

6. Officials said Monday they feared many bodies were washed away in stormy weather and that the true number of dead could be more than 100.

7. Lee's sunny demeanor can also turn stormy when she discusses her talks with TV executives about developing the Angry Little Girls into a TV series.

8. Terry has strongly denied hurling a racist slur at Ferdinand during Sunday's stormy west London derby at Loftus Road.

9. Thousands of flights every year travel across this stormy equatorial region worldwide without incident.

10. Lien's public speeches frequently stirred up stormy applauses in Nanjing and Beijing, the first two legs of his tour.

stormy 英英释义


1. (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion

    e.g. a stormy day
           wide and stormy seas

2. characterized by violent emotions or behavior

    e.g. a stormy argument
           a stormy marriage

    Synonym: tempestuous


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