suave [swɑ:v]  [swɑv] 


suave 基本解释

形容词 平滑的; 有礼貌的; 老于世故的


suave 反义词

形容词 impolite rude bluff

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suave 网络解释

1. 温和的:suasive 劝说的 | suave 温和的 | suavity 柔和

2. 雪富:Strep / 诗瑞 | Suave / 雪富 | Sue / 萱妍

3. (柔情似水):12. Hasta Que Me Olvides (直到你把我遗忘) | 13. Suave (柔情似水) | 14. El Dia Que Me Quieras(你爱上我的那一天)

suave 双语例句

1. I mean it's – it's pretty hard to be suave when you're

2. I'm not as 2 suave as you are.


3. Now, I want you to keep this suave and oh-so-cool attitude inside your own mind.
    现在,我希望您能保住自己的心在你的这个温文尔雅和OH -等,冷静的态度。

4. I'm the suave type.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

5. And I'm up for the part of this cool, suave, international guy.

6. The secretary's beautiful figure and suave manners made the office bright.

7. 好好学单词·英语单词

7. Antagonists include a suave headmaster, who turns out to be a relentless sexual predator, and a blackmailing husband.

8. suave

8. How easily dazzled and deceived we are by eloquence, job title, degrees, high honors, fancy possessions, expensive clothing, or a suave demeanor.

9. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

10. He was not a man of profound erudition, but he was a suave and unctuous speaker.

11. suave什么意思

11. Managed by suave Frenchman Mr Arsene Wenger, it`s one of the top British teams and on its day plays probably the most beautiful football in the world.
      Arsene Wenger管理时期,该球队是英国最好的球队之一,并且在那个时期可能踢出了全世界最优美的足球。

12. In seven Bond films over a span of 21 years, the tall, dark scot come to embody the suave secret agent whose code name was known around the globe: 007

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. On Gekko's birthday, the suave Fox brings him the rare Cuban cigars as a birthday gift and has a five-minute opportunity to present his sale pitch on stock recommendations.

14. The response from Mr Medvedev was woollier than the barbed words of Mr Putin. At another lunch with the same group on September 15th, the suave if somewhat bloodless president first made a lame joke about blood groups. Then he mused How am I to answer this question?

15. suave

15. Many watches from DKNY are designed with a metrosexual look meaning that they are very sleek and suave for both men and women.

16. This uncommonly intelligent thriller evokes the great films of the 1970s (All the President's Men, Klute, Three Days of the Condor) that managed to elicit gritty urban realism while maintaining a suave sense of style and moral complexity.

17. suave的解释

17. Nature's Gate Baby Soothing Shampoo is more toxic than Suave for Kids 2 in 1 Shampoo?

18. Suave romantic by nature, his cousin Mike is a new line of gigolos, because things get into a lawsuit, Simon to save his cousin, and therefore the conservative character of Sandy met a female assistant prosecutor, Simon finally won in court fighting Sandy so Sandy love and hate him.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. Our cosmetologist recommends Suave as a good all-purpose shampoo.
      我们的 cosmetologist 推荐柔和的当做一个好万用的洗发精。

20. suave是什么意思

20. The violent wind wobbled the faithful sunflowers, but it couldn`t shake their firmness of contemplating the suave sun.

suave 词典解释

1. 精明练达的;圆滑的;温文尔雅的
    Someone who is suave is charming, polite, and elegant, but may be insincere.


    e.g. He is a suave, cool and cultured man.

...the skills needed to deal suavely with a company's senior managers.

suave 单语例句

1. The casting of DiCaprio in the role of the good cop is a surprise and goes against the suave Tony Leung image in the original.

2. I didn't feel the $ 25 being sucked out of my wallet until the flight home, when that suave timepiece clocked out for good.

3. Neither the super suave Mad Men nor real life ad men pretend their business is about maintaining a high moral standard.

4. Angelina Jolie has revealed her ambition to play the suave British spy James Bond.

5. He's a style icon known to millions as suave superspy James Bond.

6. Craig is the first blond Bond and the second Englishman to play the suave British superspy.

7. Sondra is a clever but ditzy American blonde, who immediately falls for the suave charm of her prey.

suave 英英释义


1. smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication

    e.g. he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage
           the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error

    Synonym: politic smooth bland

2. having a sophisticated charm

    e.g. a debonair gentleman

    Synonym: debonair debonaire debonnaire


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