subdued [səbˈdju:d]  [səbˈdu:d] 


subdued 基本解释

形容词 制服的,被抑制的; 缓和的; 有节制的,抑制; 顺从

动词 制服; 征服( subdue的过去式 ); 克制

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subdued 网络解释


1. 屈服的:subdue 征服 | subdued 屈服的 | subedit 任副编辑

2. 平缓的:subdued uplift 平缓隆起;平坦地形 | subdued 平缓的 | subeffusive dike 半喷发岩墙

3. 屈服的,被抑制的:24、 Fossil 化石 | 26、 Subdued 屈服的 被抑制的 | 27、 Tequila 龙舌兰酒

4. 被抑制的:subdued 屈服的 | subdued 被抑制的 | subduplicate 平方根的

subdued 双语例句

1. Patterns in Nature: Aurorae A subdued aurora fills the sky above the Mackenzie River in Canada`s Northwest Territories.

2. The rebellious dragon was quite humbled and subdued, and became a most creditable younger brother.

3. 28 Thus Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again.
    8:28 这样、米甸人被以色列人制伏了、不敢再抬头。

4. Even today, in many cultures and religions, 'nature'is viewed as a savage, hostile force to be subdued by humans exemplified by shows on the wingnut networks like Fox -- Survivor, When Animals Attack etc.

5. subdued在线翻译

5. Lacking luster; dull and subdued.

6. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear.

7. subdued在线翻译

7. I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.

8. Although appearing quite obedient to his wife, a Shanghai man is never subdued.

9. They subdued the enemy and captured the city after a long battle.

10. The feast was over, the music sank into a low and subdued strain.

11. Although the man had been subdued, he continued to twist and struggle.

12. The subdued color on living room whole builds a pure and fresh smell, make two cardinal 3 people sofa makes the focal point that draws a look.
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13. After enduring many hardships and much suffering, he subdued demons and ghosts, saved the people from the abyss of misery and became a famous young hero known as the mighty Lion King.

14. And your mind is not subdued it, you understand me the truth.

15. The more your Light is subdued, the more you are sucked down into the lower vibrations and literally become lost.

16. One mayor, Pepin II, subdued his counterparts in other Merovingian lands and united the realms.

17. To help the spread of buddhism, the king and his followers gradually subdued the previously existing religion know as bon.

18. In his disputes with his governess over his book, he kicked that quiet creature`s shins so fiercely, that she was entirely overmastered and subdued by him

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. While the black community is far from silent, its leaders have sounded comparatively subdued in the face of growing white indifference or hostility.

20. In this exhibition Chi Chia-Hwa's youthful elegance and talent seems quiet and subdued.

subdued 词典解释

1. 闷闷不乐的;抑郁的;默不作声的
    Someone who is subdued is very quiet, often because they are sad or worried about something.

    e.g. He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood...
    e.g. The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.

2. (声音)压低的;小声的
    Subdued sounds are not very loud.

    e.g. The conversation around them was resumed, but in subdued tones.

3. (灯光、颜色)不强烈的,柔和的
    Subdued lights or colours are not very bright.

    e.g. The lighting was subdued.

subdued 单语例句

1. While more subdued than across the Pacific Ocean, the media attention here has been mostly on the young and charismatic Obama.

2. They tried to storm the cockpit but were subdued by flight security guards and passengers.

3. A subdued color scheme dominates the tableau which has a little boat emphasized in the foreground.

4. Maze of the Middle Class, is finished with a gray and subdued color scheme.

5. Move on then if you like to patterns and stripes, ensuring they are small and subdued and stay within the same colour palette.

6. " I have just called Stephen Harper and I've offered him my congratulations, " Martin told a subdued crowd at his headquarters in Montreal.

7. Inflation has been subdued in recent months, although prices of crude oil and gasoline have increased lately.

8. Without the company of our verbose guide, the trip to Dali was a subdued affair.

9. For all the anticipation surrounding Obama's appearance in Copenhagen, his arrival at the IOC meeting was decidedly subdued.

10. Telecoms infrastructure gear vendors across the world are struggling with falling prices and subdued demand, creating fierce price competition to win new business.

subdued 英英释义


1. lacking in light
    not bright or harsh

    e.g. a dim light beside the bed
           subdued lights and soft music

    Synonym: dim

2. not brilliant or glaring

    e.g. the moon cast soft shadows
           soft pastel colors
           subdued lighting

    Synonym: soft

3. in a softened tone

    e.g. hushed voices
           muted trumpets
           a subdued whisper
           a quiet reprimand

    Synonym: hushed muted quiet

4. restrained in style or quality

    e.g. a little masterpiece of low-keyed eloquence

    Synonym: low-key low-keyed

5. quieted and brought under control

    e.g. children were subdued and silent


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