superhuman [ˌsu:pəˈhju:mən]  [ˌsu:pərˈhju:mən] 

superhuman 基本解释

形容词 超人的; 非凡的; 超出常人能力的; 超常的

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superhuman 相关例句


1. Angels are superhuman beings.

superhuman 网络解释

1. superhuman什么意思

1. 超人的:他说:卡里斯码(charisma),这个字眼在此用来表示某种人格特质;某些人因具有这个特质而被认为是超凡的(extaordinary),禀赋著超自然(supernatural)以及超人的(superhuman)的,或至少是特殊的力量或品质.

2. superhuman什么意思

2. 超人:他是英国电视界的明星学者主持人,编写并主持诸多科普电视影集及纪录片,例如<<人体>>(The Human Body)、<<孪生子的秘密生活>>(Secret Life of Twins)、<<超人>>(Superhuman)等.

3. 属于神仙的:superhuman 人类能力所不能及的 | superhuman 属于神仙的 | superimpose 加上去

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. 人类能力所不能及的:superhighway 超级高速公路 | superhuman 人类能力所不能及的 | superhuman 属于神仙的

superhuman 双语例句

1. Let me talk about a big case on the bar, blood character study, episode heavily at this stage, Holmes used his superhuman ability, with the help of a doctor Watson solved one by one a mystery.

2. Kunlun comes from a tribe endowed with superhuman speed, an attribute exploited in some of the wackier action sequences, notably a tribute to the running of the bulls in Pamplona (something Peter Jackson also recently tried, but with dinosaurs).

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The ancient achiever not only has superhuman talent, but also has fortitudinous courage.

4. Boundless The Middle Ages is the age of God rule the whole shoot, God full of omniscience and almightiness made the heroes in the Hebrew myth wanting of independent consciousness and subjective spirit of Greece heroes trevolting and activity, therefore, The heroes in the Hebrew myth were the embodiment of the godship brilliance and reasonableness spirit of God, Their superhuman power and outstanding achievement is just for proving the greatness of God's divine nature.

5. There are lots of ways to dispose of a body when you have superhuman strength.

6. Somehow, I had superhuman strength, he said, and noted that both men's lives were in jeopardy during the rescue.

7. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

7. His armor magnifies Stark strength to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift roughly 85 times.

8. Strength Level: The Hulk possesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level, enabling him to lift in excess of 100 tons.

9. Focus on it at home or in your work, with love as your one and only motivation, and you will have superhuman strength and energy. It gives everything meaning. It makes you a winner instantly.

10. I was quiet and gentle girl, like Mulan, beauty and courage, like superhuman strength and wisdom, like the flat faint life.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. In 1949, a man waved Jubi, an announcement that China had 5, 000 years to disperse the haze; In 1978, a giant with superhuman courage, size up the situation, the dust-laden country will be open to the world!
      1949年,一位伟人挥动着巨臂,一声宣告,驱散了神州五千年的阴霾; 1978年,一位巨人以超人的胆识,审时度势,将尘封的国门向世界洞开!

12. superhuman

12. You have superhuman senses, but you don't know it yet.

13. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

13. A Battle Mage is fast, possesses superhuman fighting skills and is the only Mage able to master weaponry.

14. To be able to do all these superhuman things in space...

15. He is not necessarily possessed of superhuman capability.


16. You're asking me to be superhuman!

17. This is not a superhuman achievement—only a question of practice.

18. superhuman的意思

18. I do not have the advantages of Superman, there superhuman endurance.

19. superhuman

19. You are charged with finding them, along with your 1st Class mentor Angeal, and the 1st Class superhuman hero Sephiroth.

20. superhuman

20. Battle Mage: A Mage who prefer the full-contact satisfaction of combat becomes a Battle Mage and attacks with close-range weapons and spells However, being of diminutive stature, her magical powers manifest as defensive Chasers, magical spheres infused with various elemental properties that serve as a powerful buffer between her and the relentless barrage of enemy attacks A Battle Mage is fast, possesses superhuman fighting skills and is the only Mage able to master weaponry At level 48, a Battle Mage awakens as a Bellatrix

superhuman 词典解释

1. 超出常人的;非凡的;超人的
    If you describe a quality that someone has as superhuman, you mean that it seems to be much greater than that of ordinary people.

    e.g. Officers were terrified of his superhuman strength...
    e.g. They saw their bills rising steadily, in spite of superhuman efforts to save water.

superhuman 单语例句

1. He said the soul of his work is the boy in Transparent Carrot who has an almost superhuman ability to bear suffering.

2. Tiger Woods has been described as a freak of nature and his rivals could certainly be forgiven for thinking he's superhuman.

3. The implication being you are already wise because of your experience and reading the book at such an age would make you almost superhuman.

4. After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker develop superhuman abilities like incredible strength and armored skin.

5. Is there any superhuman power in the world that can help us to avoid evil?

superhuman 英英释义


1. above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance

    e.g. superhuman beings
           superhuman strength
           soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery


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