sybaritic [ˌsɪbəˈrɪtɪk]  [ˌsɪbəˈrɪtɪk] 

sybaritic 基本解释

形容词 奢侈逸乐的,柔弱的

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sybaritic 网络解释

1. 奢侈逸乐的:sybarite 纵情者 | sybaritic 奢侈逸乐的 | sybil 女巫

2. 耽于奢侈逸乐的/柔弱:sybarite /耽于奢侈逸乐之徒/ | sybaritic /耽于奢侈逸乐的/柔弱/ | sybil /女巫/女算命家/

3. 放纵的:impolitic 不智的 | sybaritic 放纵的 | critic 批评者

4. sybaritic

4. 耽于奢侈逸乐的:sybarite 耽于奢侈逸乐之徒 | sybaritic 耽于奢侈逸乐的 | sybil 女算命家

sybaritic 双语例句

1. A chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness was draped over the bed.

2. sybaritic的近义词

2. Now the last week in August, with the sybaritic pleasures of the State Fair behind me and the September reading group deadline in front of me, I can no longer avoid the monster.

3. I confess to being a bit concerned about some of my female readers, especially those living a sybaritic life as expatriates in some of the newer financial centres of the world, who write and tell me that the length of their relationships is measured by the number of condoms used rather than weeks or months.

4. sybaritic的解释

4. Sybaritic even more strongly suggests devotion to pleasure and luxury; the term implies excess and sometimes connotes effeteness or decadence
    Sybaritic 甚至更强烈地暗指热心于欢乐和奢侈;这个词暗指过分的和经常意味着枯竭或堕落

5. sybaritic在线翻译

5. Chandelier'.''and thick oriental rugs; Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence; a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness.

6. The Dalai Lama who succeeded him pursued a sybaritic life, enjoying many mistresses, partying with friends, and acting in other ways deemed unfitting for an incarnate deity.

sybaritic 词典解释

1. 贪图享乐的;骄奢淫逸的
    Someone who has a sybaritic way of life spends a lot of time relaxing in a luxurious way.

sybaritic 单语例句

1. Forget about decadent grape bunches dangling above the mouths of sybaritic Roman matrons.

sybaritic 英英释义


1. displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses

    e.g. an epicurean banquet
           enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs
           Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
           a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness

    Synonym: epicurean luxurious luxuriant voluptuary voluptuous


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