tachycardia [ˌtækɪ'kɑ:dɪə]  [ˌtækɪ'kɑ:dɪr] 

tachycardia 基本解释

名词 心动过速

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tachycardia 网络解释

1. 心动过速:Makoto等认为左大脑半球发生癫痫会导致心动过缓(braclyeardia)和心脏停搏(cardiacaft'eat),右半球致痫灶可导致心动过速(tachycardia). 多种皮质起源的发作都可出现心动过缓,可能为岛叶一顶盖、内侧颞叶和眶额皮质组成的皮质系统的功能障碍,

2. 心搏过速:链霉素使用时应该时时注意其毒性的产生,轻者如Drug fever,皮肤炎,慢性中毒如听觉丧失,急性中毒者如肾脏机能减低,耳聋,心搏过速(Tachycardia),木僵(Stupor),及昏迷(Coma)等等.

3. 心跳过速:要诊断心脏衰竭,须有心跳过速(tachycardia),呼吸过速tachypnea),呼吸困难(dyspnea),心脏扩大(cardiomegaly)和肝肿大,下肢水肿亦可见,旦在小孩子临床上不易侦测出.

4. 心跳过激:T cell || 免疫细胞 | tachycardia || 心跳过激 | Taiji || 太极拳

tachycardia 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Methods: 18 patients hospitalized from 2004.5~2005.3 with bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome underwent Medtronic SD303 pacemaker implantation, who were followed up twice at 3 and 6 months after implantation, Af burden and the numbers of mode switch were evaluated after pacing parameter modulation.
    2004-05~2005-03收治的18例病窦慢快综合征患者,均植入Medtronic SD303双腔起搏器,分别在术后3、6个月随访2次,通过起搏器参数的优化观察术后3个月及6个月房颤负荷以及模式转换次数等指标的变化。

2. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients were divided into two groups: supraventricular tachycardia group and ventricular arrhythmia group. AV was treated with Lanatoside C as group AVC, and treated with amiodarone as group AVA. V was treated with Lidocaine as group VC while treated with amiodarone as group VA. Effect and security were recorded. Results The effective rate treated by amiodarone was 88.2%.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia.

4. Results:Two-side pleural effusion occurred in 3 patients and sinus tachycardia occured in 2 patients early.

5. What is a sinus tachycardia ah?

6. Of them were VT, 42 were terminated by ATP and 61 by low energy cardiovertion. 2 episodes were sinus tachycardia.
    在发作中,110次为室性心动过速。42次由ICD的抗心动过速起搏终止,61次由低能量(2~15 j)转复终止,2次发作为窦性心动过速。

7. Hypertension, sinus bradycardia and tachycardia preferred to turn normal after operation.

8. The patient has dyspnea, tachycardia, and cyanosis.

9. Occlusion of septal perforator branches was successfully performed in all patients. We detected neither ventricular tachycardia nor CHB. One patient presented an interventricular septal defect after the procedure, and died 19 days later.

10. The adverse side effects of drug may induce polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or torsade de pointes, which can increase mortality of the cardiovascular diseases.

11. On examination, he has a resting tachycardia and eidence of left entricular dilatation with a displaced apex beat and possible secondary mitral regurgitation.

12. On examination, he has a resting tachycardia and evidence of left ventricular dilatation with a di laced apex beat and po ible secondary mitral regurgitation.

13. In some cases, the cause of supraventricular tachycardia is unknown.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. Objective To investigate the mechanism of atrial tachycardia and the results of radiofrequency ablation.
      目的 探讨房性心动过速的发生机制和射频消融结果。

15. Objective: To explore the clinical feature and cause of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.

16. Objective To explore the variety and its clinical significance of the heart rate turbulence in the ventricular tachycardia patients.

17. Tachycardia. Your heart's beating too fast.

18. Objective To study the clinical characteristics and therapy of children with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia.


19. Methods 16 cases of sudden death of sinus tachycardia were retrospectively analysed, and observed the time of sudden death.
      回顾性分析了 16例猝死的患者。从中观察猝死的高发时间,并作统计学处理。

20. Methods: Clinical analysis of the 16 cases with abstinyl reaction. Results: The pathogenesis was that the ethyl alcohol stores up in the body and causes a series of clinical symptoms and signs, such as facial flushing, sweating, chest stuffiness, palpitation, panting, electrocardiogram showing Dou tachycardia and so on.

tachycardia 英英释义


1. abnormally rapid heartbeat (over 100 beats per minute)


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