taunt [tɔ:nt]  [tɔnt] 


taunt 基本解释


及物动词 嘲笑,奚落; 用嘲笑刺激

名词 讥讽; 嘲弄,奚落; 嘲弄的对象,笑柄

形容词 [航](桅杆)很高的

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taunt 相关例句


1. taunt的翻译

1. They taunted him with being poor.

2. They taunted him into taking the dare.

3. Some girls taunted her because she was poor.


1. Being Black, he had to endure the taunts of his classmates.

taunt 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. (嘲弄):如果你施放嘲弄(taunt)和狂嚎(howl),最后施放的技能将对怪物起作用. 有三种战斗呐喊可以给你自己和你的战友增加奖励属性. 咆哮(shout)可以增加防御力. 战斗体制(battle order)是一种很受团队欢迎的技能,可以增加魔法和耐力的上限.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 嘲笑:现在我的野人掌握的有嘲笑(taunt),用以减低敌人的防护力;警告(alert)用以提升自己人的感知能力;恐吓(frighten)用以下退附近的生物. 虽然现在没有定量化的测试,但是看来野蛮人比其它角色的攻击力升级速度快,而魔法力的升级速度则要比其它人慢.

3. 辱骂:它们所拥有的魔法辱骂(Taunt)也是十分有用的技能,在辱骂时,山丘巨人必须站在那里,不能做其他事情. 当山丘巨人使用辱骂时,有效范围内的敌人全部都会忽略其他目标转而攻击这个山丘巨人. 这为弓箭手从后面撕碎敌人提供了相当有效的肉盾.

taunt 双语例句

1. Still, taunt me not with the gifts that golden Venus has given me; they are precious; let not a man disdain them, for the gods give them where they are minded, and none can have them for the asking.

2. taunt的反义词

2. By now, it was a taunt to him.

3. My training is such that I should not have let you taunt me in such a manner, regardless.

4. My dreams are a cruel joke. They taunt me. Even in my dreams I'm an idiot to know to wake up to reality. I can only avoid sleep and I can't. I try to tell myself what to dream, I try to dream that I'm flying, something free.

5. Hear all the words of the letter that Sennacherib sent to taunt the living God.

6. Open your eyes, O LORD, and see! Hear the words of Sennacherib which he sent to taunt the living God.

7. The last thing a terminal patient needs is to hear somebody taunt them with a cure.

8. taunt的近义词

8. On this day, those driven to taunt us will hear our voice

9. Granted Taunt should do more taunt than the damage inflicted with Strike or what`s the point?

10. taunt

10. Their author Blaise Pascal, abusing his admirable genius, therein lavished the resources of a captivating style and an inexhaustible sarcastic humour to taunt and decry the Society of Jesus, as favouring and propagating a relaxed and corrupt moral code.

11. Enemy敌手 Taunt辱骂 My Master informs you of his desire to take control of your lands, prepare yourself.

12. taunt

12. KJV So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations

13. If anything, he felt the injustice of the game as it stood, was not cheap enough to add to it the slightest mental taunt.
      com 她找到了。瞧他那副轻漂漂的不负责任的态度,对于她要求 dDdtt 结婚的正当要求 dDdtt 不加理会。

14. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

14. This is why we are leaning towards just giving paladins a brand new ability to taunt, but I'll announce it for sure when we are sure.

15. It is nothing but Taunt, Taunt, Taunt with a few sundering strikes and the occasional Revenge.

16. taunt的解释

16. If I did not know it to be beyond you, I might think you were trying to taunt me.

17. DAY 752 - My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre dangling objects.

18. It can also be used as a taunt move against your opponents.

19. 4 In that day men will ridicule you; they will taunt you with this mournful song: `We are utterly ruined; my people's possession is divided up.
      2:4 到那日必有人向你们题起悲惨的哀歌、讥刺说、我们全然败落了。耶和华将我们的分转归别人。

20. taunt的反义词

20. She may be afraid that her friends will taunt her and think she is a mama's girl.

taunt 词典解释

1. 笑话;嘲笑;奚落;羞辱
    If someone taunts you, they say unkind or insulting things to you, especially about your weaknesses or failures.


    e.g. A gang taunted a disabled man...
    e.g. Other youths taunted him about his clothes.

taunt 单语例句

1. " I don't think my son would do something like taunt animals, " Carlos Sousa said.

2. The two groups had started to taunt each other by singing songs.

taunt 英英释义



1. aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing

    Synonym: twit taunting


1. harass with persistent criticism or carping

    e.g. The children teased the new teacher
           Don't ride me so hard over my failure
           His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

    Synonym: tease razz rag cod tantalize tantalise bait twit rally ride


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