teaspoon [ˈti:spu:n]  [ˈtiˌspun] 


teaspoon 基本解释

名词 茶匙; 一茶匙的量

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teaspoon 相关例句


1. Add one teaspoon of sugar.

teaspoon 网络解释

1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. 茶匙:1 汤匙(tablespoon)香草精华(pure vanilla extract)1 1/2 茶匙(teaspoon)泡打粉(baking powder)把 红糖、香草精华和香蕉泥依次加入打匀的鸡蛋中,混合均匀;再加入融化的黄油,打匀.

2. 茶匙;汤匙;小匙:teapot茶壶 | teaspoon茶匙;汤匙;小匙 | teat乳头(人或动物(奶瓶上的)橡皮奶头

teaspoon 双语例句

1. Put 1 teaspoon of oil in the pan and turn the stove to a medium temperature.

2. teaspoon的近义词

2. Cook fava beans with 1 teaspoon oil in boiling unsalted water until tender, 6 to 8 minutes, then drain.

3. Have one teaspoon or more according to your needs.

4. teaspoon的近义词

4. We need three bananas and a teaspoon of salt.

5. teaspoon

5. Please help me put a teaspoon of salt in the soup.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.

7. One teaspoon, two times a day.

8. teaspoon的解释

8. Ingredients: pork loin (320 grams), moderate leek, ginger amount of red silk, parsley at the end of appropriate 腌料: salt (1/4 teaspoon), cooking wine (1 tablespoon), 鸡粉(1/3 teaspoon), raw powder (2 teaspoons) Euryale ferox juice: Haitian Jinbiao Wang soy sauce (2 tablespoons), sugar (2 tablespoons), vinegar (3 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon ketchup, 鸡粉(1/2 tablespoon), Health Powder (1 spoon), water (1/2 cup) Fried paste: corn starch (6 tablespoons), oil (1/2 tablespoons), water (1/2 cup) Seasoning: oil 1: Wash the pork, sliced ramp, adding 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1/3 tablespoon and 2 tablespoons of Health鸡粉grasping absorbed powder, preserved for 30 minutes.
    材料:猪里脊肉(320克)、葱丝适量、姜丝适量、红椒丝、香菜末适量腌料:盐(1/4茶匙)、料酒(1大匙)、鸡粉(1/3茶匙)、生粉(2茶匙)芡汁:海天金标生抽王(2大匙)、白糖(2大匙)、香醋(3汤匙)、蕃茄酱1大匙、鸡粉(1/2汤匙)、生粉(1汤匙)、清水(1/2杯)炸浆:玉米淀粉(6大匙)、油(1/2大匙)、清水(1/2杯)调料:油 1:猪肉洗净,斜切成薄片,加入1/4茶匙盐、1汤匙料酒、1/3汤匙鸡粉和2汤匙生粉抓匀,腌制30分钟。

9. A table spoon is much bigger than a teaspoon.

10. Cucumber in Sauce ingredient: 2 cucumbers 2 garlic 2 dried-peppers Seasoning: 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1/8 teaspoon vinegar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon MSG 1 teaspoon sugar Production method: 1 wash the cucumbers, shave them with plane, cut them into small pieces, put into a bowl while add sliced garlic and traced peppers, salted them for two minutes.
    凉拌黄瓜配料:两根黄瓜两瓣蒜两个干辣椒皮调味:1茶匙麻油 1/8茶匙醋 1/8茶匙盐 1茶匙味精 1茶匙糖制作方法:1、黄瓜洗净,用刨子刨成花皮,切成小片,放入碗中,同时放入蒜片,切好的细辣椒丝,用盐腌二十分钟左右。

11. teaspoon

11. Then, line the bottom of four demitasse cups with 1 teaspoon each of chocolate sauce before adding the teaspoon cinnamon to the coffee.

12. Put a little oil, the next piece of lean meat, soy sauce, 1 teaspoon, stir fry about, then a good fried celery and pepper into them, along with speculation.

13. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

13. This cod liver oil is easy to take because it's just a teaspoon a day and there's absolutely no fishiness before or after taking it.

14. Egg cup of finely broken cracker crumbs (use a high quality cracker with a delicate flavor for the best results) tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 teaspoons Chesapeake Bay Seasoning 1 dash of Tabasco Jumbo Lump Crabmeat should have very few pieces of shell, however you should pick through it carefully and remove any pieces you see.
      杯的鸡蛋打破饼干屑细(使用高品质的黑客也有一种微妙的口味的最佳效果)汤匙蛋黄酱1汤匙新鲜的挤压柠檬汁半茶匙的新鲜辣椒3茶匙切萨皮克湾调味品 1破折号塔巴斯科巨型块蟹肉应该有极少数件外壳,但是你应该通过仔细挑选,并移除任何件你看到。

15. A teaspoon of fresh gingerroot has only 1 calorie, 0 fat and 0 fiber.

16. Crack a rib on that teaspoon. Choke to death on that chocolate egg.

17. teaspoon的近义词

17. Mila and Oa have come to use an organic detergent powder and found that if they put a teaspoon or more of it upon any spot including blood, that the spot easily comes out without the need for Clorox or some other product.
      Mila 和 Oa 已经来使用有机的清洁粉,并发现如果他们放置一匙(5毫升)或更多到任何污点包括血液上的话,那么这个污点就很容易去除,而不需要用次氯酸钠或者其它产品。

18. Place one teaspoon of olive oil on a wooden board.

19. You want to have one teaspoon of tea leaves per person and then one for the pot.

20. teaspoon

20. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt with a glass of warm water.

teaspoon 词典解释

1. 茶匙
    A teaspoon is a small spoon that you use to put sugar into tea or coffee.

    e.g. Drop the dough onto a baking sheet with a teaspoon.

2. 一茶匙的量
    You can refer to an amount of food resting on a teaspoon as a teaspoon of food.


    e.g. He wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.
           他要在咖啡里放 3 茶匙的糖。

teaspoon 单语例句


1. Heat up stock and add pumpkin and carrots together with a teaspoon of ginger juice.

2. Adding a teaspoon of cornstarch to the chicken is part of a process called velveting.

3. And kiwi fruit somehow just feels like it should count for two, especially when you cut them in half and scoop the fruit out with a teaspoon.

4. This involved mixing really good dark soya sauce with a dash of sesame oil, and a teaspoon of sugar.

5. Shape little meatballs with a teaspoon and drop them into the frying pan.

6. Just soak a teaspoon of gelatin powder, or a sheet of leaf gelatin in a cup of thin chicken stock.

7. Mix icing sugar with a few drops of color and a teaspoon of milk or more.

8. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a pint of hot water and apply pads soaked in the solution to puffy areas.

9. Adding a teaspoon of sugar will neutralize the slight bitterness of the radish.

10. You can change the spice balance by using a teaspoon of aromatic chili powder instead of the chopped chilies.


teaspoon 英英释义



1. a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee
    holds about one fluid dram

2. as much as a teaspoon will hold

    Synonym: teaspoonful


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