teepee [ˈti:pi]  [ˈtipi] 

teepee 基本解释



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teepee 网络解释

1. 圆锥形帐篷:teeny-weeny 小的 | teepee 圆锥形帐篷 | teeter 步履蹒跚

2. 圆锥帐:Stable 馬廄 | Teepee 圓錐帳 | Town Center 城鎮中心

3. teepee是什么意思

3. 美国印地安人的圆锥形帐篷:teeny-weeny /小的/ | teepee /美国印地安人的圆锥形帐篷/ | teepleite /氯硼钠石/

4. 超视距雷达:323have power over控制,支配 | 324teepee超视距雷达 | 325buffalon. 水牛

teepee 双语例句

1. I like that waffle teepee that you have built.

2. teepee什么意思

2. You sacrificed your teepee for me.

3. And Nick did get his teepee.

4. teepee的翻译

4. You have been diligently saving your allowance for weeks to buy some material for Grandma to make a teepee for you.

5. The second part discusses the displacement of the archetypal images in the novel, such as the Promised Land, manna and the Tabernacle which correspond with the American society, the pancakes and the Teepee.

6. The rapid progress, law research of Germany and Japan, and Anglo-American law of the emerging of the teepee, make litigation system research more subtle.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Hi. I like that waffle teepee that you have built.

8. This is an Indian teepee.

9. The actual channeling was held in a large teepee, complete with a fire in the center of the circle.

teepee 英英释义


1. a Native American tent
    usually of conical shape

    Synonym: tepee tipi


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