tertian ['tɜ:ʃən]  ['tɜ:ʃən] 

tertian 基本解释

形容词 每三天发生一次的,隔日的

名词 隔日热

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tertian 网络解释

1. 每三日复发的:terseness 简洁 | tertian 每三日复发的 | tertiary 第三的

2. tertian什么意思

2. 每三天发生一次的:tertial 三级飞羽 | tertian 每三天发生一次的 | tertian 隔日的

3. 隔日热:tertian 隔日的 | tertian 隔日热 | tertiparatripara 三产妇

4. tertian的反义词

4. 隔日的:tertian 每三天发生一次的 | tertian 隔日的 | tertian 隔日热

tertian 双语例句

1. Since the end of 1960's, Guidong County in Hunan has been an endemic area of tertian malaria with Anopheles hyrcanus sinensis as transmission vector.

2. tertian

2. It was found that the rodent's density and the positive rate of HFRS virus antigens in shoaly land with lower terrain and silt loam were all higher than those in hillock land with higher tertian and shandy loam.

3. Study of the Latency Period and Relapse of Tertian Malaria

4. Indicating that this community was an unstable low-incidence malarious area with tertian malaria dominating.

5. Analysis on mixed distribution of tertian malaria with long and short incubation

6. tertian

6. Observation on the Incubation Period of Tertian Malaria in Human Infection Experiments in Areas of Different Climate in Yunnan Province

7. The incidence of tertian malaria with long-incubation period was 58.65%, its onset had 2 Peaks, human population was generally susceptible to the disease.

8. Results The alleles of MSP-1 and CSP from 32 blood samples of tertian malaria patients were identified. 18.75% and 35.29% multiple infections were observed in MSP-1 and CSP respectively.

9. tertian的翻译

9. Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the predictable value of tertian serum β - human chorionic gonadotropin (β - hCG) and serum progesterone (P) in 3 week pregnancy after assisted reproductive technology (ART).

10. Aim: To study the potential capacity of Tertian malaria transmission of Anopheles sinensis in Zhengzhou area in nature.

11. Methods: The SSUrRNA gene of tertian malaria parasite was used as indication molecule. End-labelling method was used for biotin labelling. Immuno-PCR was developed based on the principle of ELISA and PCR.

12. tertian是什么意思

12. To analyze 12 cases (male 10 and female 2) of double infected with typhoid fever and malaria over the past ten years in our hospital. Results: Of them, 8 cases suffered fioom typhoid fever with tertian malaria, 3 cases of typhoid fever with falciparum nalaria, anid the other one was diagnosed by anti-malaria treatment.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词

13. 2Malaria, 12 days for malignant malaria, 14 days for intermittent or ovale malaria, 30 days for tertian malaria

14. Song Liyuan: Outstanding now morrow service can be accomplished basically in one class city tertian perhaps service.

15. This research proves that Dr. Field's conclusion about Tertian villageculture is false, and thus that the observation-centered approach to

16. This research proves that Dr. Field's conclusion about Tertian village culture is false, and thus that the observation-centered approach to studying cultures is invalid.
      这个研究证实了 Field 博士关于 Tertia 村庄文化的结论是错误的,因而这种以观察为中心的研究文化的方法是无效的。

17. Field's conclusion about Tertian village culture is false, and thus that the observation-centered approach to studying cultures is invalid.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. This research proves that D r. Field's conclusion about Tertian village culture is false, and thus that th e observation-centered approach to studying cultures is invalid.

19. tertian

19. About their biological parents than about other adults in the village. This research proves that Dr. Field's conclusion about Tertian village

20. AGUE, tertian fever, quartan fever, paludism. Malaria has been known about since ancient times and has gone under many names.

tertian 英英释义


1. of or relating to a tonal system based on major thirds

    e.g. a tertian tonal system

2. relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day

    e.g. tertian fever


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