thermotaxis [ˌθɜ:mə'tæksɪs]  [ˌθɜ:mə'tæksɪs] 

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thermotaxis 网络解释

1. 趋温性:elegans的一些特殊行为有密切关连的神经机制,包括趋化性(chemotaxis)、趋温性(thermotaxis),以及雄性交配行为. 在2002年,诺贝尔生理医学奖(Nobel Prize)颁发给Sydney Brenner、H. Robert Horvitz和John Sulston以表扬他们通过对C.

2. thermotaxis的意思

2. 锹性:thermotaxic center 体温第中枢 | thermotaxis 锹性 | thermotropism 向温性

3. 趨熱性:thermopreferendum 溫度選擇;溫度偏好 | thermotaxis 趨熱性 | therophyte 一年生植物

4. thermotaxis什么意思

4. 趋热性 趋温性 向热性:thermotaxic 趋温的 | thermotaxis 趋热性 趋温性 向热性 | thermotaxy 热排聚形 热排性

thermotaxis 双语例句

1. Our work will be useful for better understanding of the miRNA-mediated control of the chemotaxis and thermotaxis in C.

2. In physiology, it was shown that the environmental temperature affected on the thermotaxis of wool rabbit and caused a series of chain of reactions including peripheral blood circulation, respiration, gaseous metabolism, water metabolism, the amount of feeds taken and the function of digestivity.

3. Body heat regulation; homoiothermism; thermotaxis

4. thermotaxis是什么意思

4. Our work will be useful for better understanding of the miRNA-mediated control of the chemotaxis and thermotaxis in C. elegans.

5. thermotaxis

5. Objective To evaluate whether the thermotaxis tracking model is suitable for assessing long-term memory in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
    目的 评价线虫温度趋向性模型是否适用于长时程记忆的研究。

6. Based on the excessive thermotaxis effect of low current, a novel electrical measurement method of the peak junction temperature is presented in this paper.

7. This phenomenon is called the excessive thermotaxis effect of low current. Based on these characteristics, the uniformity of the junction temperature distribution is studied.

8. Caenorhabditis elegans; research method of learning behavior; thermotaxis; chemotaxis

9. Based on the excessive thermotaxis effect of low current and the sub-transistor parallel model, the peak junction temperature and non-uniform property of junction temperature distribution are analyzed successfully.

10. thermotaxis的近义词

10. The excessive thermotaxis effect of low current was found in the middle of 1990s, and finally applied to judge non-uniform property of junction temperature through two measuring currents. However, the effect has not been verified roundly and completely.


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