tint [tɪnt]  [tɪnt] 


tint 基本解释

名词 浅色; 色彩,色泽; 气息,迹象,痕迹

及物动词 染色; 着色于…; 染(发)


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tint 相关例句


1. tint的反义词

1. She tinted each flower in her paintings a different color.

2. tint

2. His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge.


1. She showed no tint of fear.

2. She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint.

3. The soils have a rusty red tint.

tint 网络解释

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. 色调:用好这些显示设备很大的程度依赖于用户的调整,这些用户级的调整包括:亮度(BRIGHTNESS或BLACK LEVEL)、对比度(CONTRAST或PICTURE)、色彩(COLOR)、色调(TINT)、清晰度(SHARPNESS)等,

2. 色彩:8.1文字(text)面板设定8.2场景(scenes)面板设定8.3电影(movie)面板设定8.4变形(Transform)面板设定8.5内容(Content)面板设定8.6导出(Export)面板设定8.8色彩(tint)面板设定8.9排列(Align)面板设定8.10指导(Guides)面板设定

3. tint的近义词

3. 色度:色度(TINT):在0-32之间调整色度(TINT)值(默认值:16). 清晰度(SHARPNESS):在0-32之间调整清晰度(SHARPNESS)值(默认值:16). 按显示器前端或遥控器上的开关(POWER)键开机. 轻推显示器顶部,松开碟槽卡锁,使屏幕向前移动,露出DVD播放器.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 色泽:一样在颈侧(neck)中断,没有延伸到颈背(nape). #17 可是,下喉(throat)中央的黑不见了,成中断状. #18 头冠至背的灰色覆羽,也带著污黄(yellow ash)的色泽(tint). #24 很可惜这次没有照片可以证明臀部(rump)也是上灰下黑.

tint 双语例句

1. If you have light or fair skin, you may see a yellow tint in your skin.

2. Recommended by a good friend of mine, joe the coffee mania, who nicely dropped me by; it's a cosy tiny cafe set in the middle of a busy hub, filled with quite a number of regulars with menus on board by side, I was warmly welcomed by the lady in charge and had a try of the day's blend, sumatra, nicely brewed with a tint of strongly fruity aroma, even though cream milk was added, the taste was neiter masked or tasted diluted.

3. And intertrals interest rate that are tint tied to 10 year note.

4. Fake duotone: Imitation duotone obtained by printing the half-tone in one colourover a tint of another colour.

5. The pattern so used is also called Benday tint which is now better known as Screen tint.

6. The same goes for semi transparent colourful surfaces, or solid yet strongly saturated elements where the colour of the surface will bounce off and tint the surrounding areas, both the air and surfaces, as Daniel Kvasznicza is nicely showing on his Chinatown conceptual sketch.
    这同样适用于半透明物体的表面,或者固体但饱和度高色彩浓烈的物体,物体表面的颜色会反射影响到周围区域,包括周围的空气和物体表面。就像Daniel Kvasznicza漂亮的展示出了他的唐人街概念草图。

7. The defining pencil fills in with soft, blendable color, while the brush-on sheer-tint gel styles, shapes and sets brows.

8. I like to look at the tint s of pink in the sky at dawn.

9. The spray cap is made from metalized ABS of a tint that is identical to that of the front plate.

10. In my tint world, hoped you can add the color for me.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. With the development of the network, intellectual property infringement has spread to tint virtual world.

12. Because writer's creation is not isolated, closely linked with social life at tint time.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Mr. Wang's hair was tint ed black.

14. Because writers creation is not isolated, closely linked with social life at tint time.

15. She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. The world was a rusting red, colored by the sand that seemed to add its own tint to every building and vehicle regardless of its original color.

17. The picture was painted in several tint s of green.

18. It was a dark shiny, grey colour all over, and the glow from the inside lights were pale yellow, pinkish red, and a very faint tint of green.

19. Besides, they did not tint the flashbacks yellow or something so for some, it might be hard to tell whether they were flashbacks in the first place.

20. This is the most restful tint for the eyes.

tint 词典解释

1. (少许)色彩;色调
    A tint is a small amount of colour.

    e.g. Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint...
    e.g. Green has many different shades and tints.

2. 染发剂;染发
    If you put a tint on your hair, you dye it a slightly different colour.


    e.g. You've had a tint on your hair...
    e.g. Haircuts cost £2, tints £6.
           理发 2 英镑,染发 6 英镑。

3. 将…轻微染色;使略有…颜色
    If something is tinted, it has a small amount of a particular colour or dye in it.

    e.g. Eyebrows can be tinted with the same dye...
    e.g. Glass bottles are filled with water tinted with food colourings…

He wore green-tinted glasses.

tint 单语例句

1. Lighting is extremely dim at The Mon with a cinematic blue tint to it.

2. How well sunglasses filter sunlight depends not on the color of the lens, but rather on the darkness of its tint.

3. The ball for the July 9 final in Berlin will have a gold tint.

4. The blue tint adds a certain air of " discovery " and " quest " to the otherwise drab bundle.

5. Police said the woman was a passenger in a car stopped by officers on Wednesday because they believed it had illegal window tint.

6. It was late afternoon and the setting sun gave the buildings a golden tint.


tint 英英释义



1. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color

    e.g. after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted

    Synonym: shade tincture tone


1. color lightly

    e.g. her greying hair was tinged blond
           the leaves were tinged red in November

    Synonym: tinct tinge touch


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