tomato paste [təˈmɑ:təu peist]  [təˈmeto pest] 

tomato paste 基本解释


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tomato paste 网络解释

1. tomato paste的解释

1. 西红柿酱:另准备少许青豆,1大匙西红柿酱 (tomato paste) 用2大匙水调开. 锅里加入2大匙油,油热时加入腌好的鱼片,轻轻翻炒,以防鱼片破碎 (这是俺常犯的错). 待鱼片9成熟时,加入青豆和调开的西红柿酱,轻轻翻炒,少盐调味出锅.

2. 番茄酱:两大条牛腱(Beef Shank),郫县豆瓣一大勺,葱四根,姜一块,蒜四瓣,剪断的干辣椒三四只,花椒,小茴香籽和丁香各一小撮,八角三个,草果一个,陈皮,香叶各一片,番茄酱(tomato paste)一小勺,冰糖一把,冬菇三朵,薄荷叶少许.老抽料酒适量.

3. tomato paste的翻译

3. 蕃茄酱: 他里根醋香草醋 蕃茄酱和蕃茄沙司 Tomato Paste/Tomato Sauce/Ketchup 蕃茄酱 (Tomato Paste) 蕃茄酱是西餐中广泛使用的调味品,是用红色小蕃茄经粉碎,熬煮再 加适量的食用色素制成.优质的番茄 酱色泽鲜艳,浓度适中,质地细腻, 无颗粒,

4. 茄膏:新鲜PARSLEY -- 老师说香料可以根据个人爱好添加, 比如薄荷叶, 辣椒等等.4. 加一点番茄膏(TOMATO PASTE)上色, 继续翻炒均匀后转小火炖煮3~4小时. 如果水分太少可以加一些鸡汤, 但不可以加水.

tomato paste 双语例句

1. tomato paste

1. I contemplated chopped pimentos, ketchup and sun-dried tomatoes before settling on the simple addition of tomato paste.


2. They shouldn't forget ketchup, tomato juice, tomato sauce and paste.

3. Ceramics, vinyl, sealed granite, marble and sealed the ground, which is different from multi-functional detergents, can quickly remove red wine, Italian dry flour paste, mustard, tomato Cahen heel and butter at the same time, so you will not become dull varnish on the ground or leave any residue.

4. tomato paste什么意思

4. Spicy Seafood Spagetti used the tomato paste and garlic, with only seeing the pasta, it makes people mouth watering.

5. And I need a can of tomato paste.

6. Would you like some tomato paste?

7. China is the world leading producer of tomato paste.

8. The US traditionally supplies tomato paste mainly to its large domestic market.

9. Stir in the mushrooms, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, tomato paste, sugar and seasonings.

10. tomato paste的意思


11. Of tomato paste were produced in 2008 crop and sold to over 65 countries including Japan, EU, etc., realizing a good economic profit in the same year.

12. Heat oil and pan fry vegetable. Add thyme, bay leave, black pepper corn, tomato paste, veal shank, red wine and water. Bring to boil and cook under low heat for about 2 hours until tender.

13. tomato paste的翻译

13. Chicken 60g, tomato paste 30g, Blackwater Lam 5g, Italian sausage, salad, soup, sweet and salty taste buds.

14. 好好学单词·英语单词

14. I think it`s very doable for a man to eat a cup and a half of broccoli per day or put broccoli on a pizza with cup of tomato paste, said Canene-Adams.
      我认为这是可行的,对于一个人吃一个杯子和一个半青花菜每天或青花菜对比萨饼与杯的番茄酱,说:canene -亚当斯。

15. tomato paste

15. The main products of the company includes Korla fragrant pear, Gong pear, early maturating pear, melon, Dagua melon seeds, red chilli, common fennel, tomato ketchup, licorice root paste, deer antler, white sugar, dry fruit, cotton yarn, vermiculite, asbestos, and electromechanical equipment, light chemical building material, pharmaceutical and health products, tool and agricutural implement.

16. tomato paste的翻译

16. Mixed vegetable celery, onion, carrot, potato, tomato, garlic chopped, bacon, Vegetable sauce (V8 sauce, tomato paste.

17. Our main dealing items are:imported and domestic frozen pork, beef, poultry and seafood products, further processed chicken products in frozen, and we also dealing with exportation of beef soup, tomato paste and seafood products.

18. After the dough rises again to the desired height, brush with olive oil, tomato sauce, and sprinkle with tomato paste, Italian herbs and parmesan cheese along with sliced mushrooms or other veggies of choice. Top with grated mozzarella and provolone cheese, or other favorite cheese of choice.

19. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.

20. Studies on Separation Methods of Aerobic Bacteria in Tomato Paste

tomato paste 单语例句

1. The production capacity of XPCC's operation has reached 500 million tons a year, making XPCC by far the largest tomato paste producer in the nation.

2. Add chopped parsley, mint and tomato paste if desired at the time of usage.

3. Another ten had a daily dose of olive oil - minus the tomato paste.

tomato paste 英英释义


1. thick concentrated tomato puree

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