toothsome [ˈtu:θsəm]  [ˈtuθsəm] 

toothsome 基本解释

形容词 可口的,美味的,好看的

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toothsome 网络解释

1. toothsome是什么意思

1. 可口的, 美味的, 好看的:male menstruation 男性血经 | toothsome 可口的, 美味的, 好看的 | resaleable 可转卖的, 可再卖的

2. 可口的:toothpick 牙签 | toothsome 可口的 | toothy 露出牙齿的

3. 可口的/美味的:toothpick /牙签/ | toothsome /可口的/美味的/ | toothspasm /出牙痉挛/

4. 美味的;可口的;好吃的:toothpick 牙签 | toothsome 美味的;可口的;好吃的 | top coating 面塗料

toothsome 双语例句

1. Acting in Collins'play, which was called The Frozen Deep, he sets free feelings he was accustomed to keeping tightly confined, and his co-star, the toothsome Ellen Ternan, finds herself right in the splash zone.

2. If that solid bogey that you find so toothsome had not dried out, it would have dribbled down your pharynx and been swallowed anyway, unless you intercepted it with your sleeve or handkerchief or stuck it on the underside of your chair.

3. I've found that each of the available brands are all equally toothsome.

4. If one day, when we become old, when we want to go some place hand in hand, shoulder by shoulder, I am still willing to bring you eat all the toothsome food that I know!

5. Appreciating the toothsome food on the table, you should own it to the peasants industriously working on the farm.

6. toothsome的近义词

6. But the toothsome tie up for some will likely prove to be a sticky problem for Pennsylvania-based Hershey's.

7. Toothsome 曾见到这么一段话:And if you ever get the chance to try some of those Buffalo Wing Flavored Potato Chips, you shouldn't pass up the opportunity.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Are the noodles slightly toothsome, the herbs fresh and bright-tasting, the broth fragrant and piping hot?

9. It was filled with friandises, with luscious and toothsome bits—the finest of fruits, pates, a rare bottle or two, delicious syrups, and bonbons in abundance.

toothsome 词典解释

1. 可口的;美味的
    If you describe food as toothsome, you mean that it tastes very good.


    e.g. ...the toothsome honey-sweetened gingerbread.

toothsome 英英释义


1. acceptable to the taste or mind

    e.g. palatable food
           a palatable solution to the problem

    Synonym: palatable

2. having strong sexual appeal

    e.g. juicy barmaids
           a red-hot mama
           a voluptuous woman
           a toothsome blonde in a tight dress

    Synonym: juicy luscious red-hot voluptuous

3. extremely pleasing to the sense of taste

    Synonym: delectable delicious luscious pleasant-tasting scrumptious yummy


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