touchy [ˈtʌtʃi]  [ˈtʌtʃi] 


touchy 基本解释

形容词 棘手的; 易动气的; 小心眼的; 需要小心对待的

副词 易动气地,过分敏感地,小心眼地

名词 易动气,过分敏感

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touchy 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 易怒的:易激動的excitable | 易怒的touchy | 急躁的irritable

2. 过敏的:touchwood 火绒 | touchy 过敏的 | tough 恶棍

3. 易怒的;棘手的:facile#灵巧的 | touchy#易怒的;棘手的 | ajar#微开的

4. 棘手,易怒,难以取悦:bespeak,订,显示,预约 | touchy,棘手,易怒,难以取悦 | legitimate,合法,合理,证明有理

touchy 双语例句

1. A touchy man just like a hedgehog who scrunches in the opposite way to use its thron to torture himself.

2. touchy是什么意思

2. Most of them are still far too touchy about sovereignty to agree on any meaningful pooling of it.

3. When Jennifer Garner got a whole lot more than she bargained for from a touchy-feely Gary Busey.

4. Is this some kind of touchy feely conspiracy going on here?

5. I feel that the Gay Mafia exists within the industry, but it's a very touchy thing.

6. It may involve a touchy situation with employees, a tricky problem with a client, or a quandary in interpreting your own company`s rules and guidelines.

7. Japan's rising dominance and touchy relations with its neighbors make it more important than ever to strip away myths and find answers.

8. Japan`s rising dominance and touchy relations with its neighbors make it more important than ever to strip away myths and find answers.

9. It`s a touchy question, but can I ask you how you got that?

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. It's a touchy question. Maybe I should take some more time to think about it.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词

11. It's a touchy subject.

12. Say, You seem a bit quiet/touchy. It's not like you.

13. But they have also been a little touchy about it.

14. Touchy about it, aren't you?

15. S: You don't have to get touchy.

16. touchy的解释

16. Touchy people will notice that I didn`t mention the Darf, Gnome and Faery systems, and there is a good reason!

17. touchy什么意思

17. Changeable Moody Overemotional Touchy Clinging and Unable to let go.

18. touchy

18. Over this touchy topic, he wants to stay above the fray.

19. You may spend more than you have, be hungrier than usual, and a bit more temperamental and touchy.

20. I am touchy and have a hard head, all the defects of the Calabrians and I have fiery nature.

touchy 词典解释

1. 易怒的;过于敏感的;暴躁的
    If you describe someone as touchy, you mean that they are easily upset, offended, or irritated.

    e.g. She is very touchy about her past...
    e.g. Don't be so touchy.

2. 棘手的;难办的;需谨慎处理的
    If you say that something is a touchy subject, you mean that it is a subject that needs to be dealt with carefully and in a sensitive way, because it might upset or offend people.

    e.g. ...the touchy question of political reform.

touchy 单语例句

1. Such subjects can help you steer clear of those touchy lines inadvertently crossed here, leaving your privacy intact and people will still be warm to you.

2. But as the cab driver held on his patience wore thinner and the situation made him feel increasingly touchy.

3. It's a touchy subject that most players would rather not discuss in detail, preferring to talk of peace.

4. But experts agreed that to reform the administration will be a touchy issue.

5. McClellan said that Bush is " not afraid " to raise such touchy issues with Putin.

6. The question of whether Japan should discuss its nuclear weapons policy is a touchy subject.

7. The issue of trade with China has been politically touchy for the administration.

8. With the rise of private enterprise and income stratification, the wealthier have become understandably touchy about the blunt questioning of their poorer neighbors.


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