tousle [ˈtaʊzl]  [ˈtaʊzəl] 


tousle 基本解释

及物动词 使(尤指头发)蓬乱; 粗鲁地处理

名词 蓬乱的头发; 杂乱; 乱七八糟的一团; <苏格兰>嬉闹

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tousle 网络解释

1. 搅乱:touse 吵架 | tousle 搅乱 | tousy 简陋的

2. tousle的翻译

2. 糟乱:tousle 乱发 | tousle 糟乱 | tousurptoseizeusurpation 篡夺

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. 乱发:touseuptoconsumedepletiondrawdowntabes 消耗 | tousle 乱发 | tousle 糟乱

4. 弄乱(头发):tourniquet 止血带 | tousle 弄乱(头发) | tout 兜售;吹捧,吹嘘

tousle 双语例句

1. tousle的反义词

1. Next you can work, have some of website government of course strict, if the word of your tousle, the card may be expunged, severe drop should seal date possibly, oneself are weighed in the hand, if not be afraid of, then you do a hair post machine to also go, can save your time so.

2. tousle

2. Folk music is an important part of the culture of music in China folk music is also an important carder of the traditional eulture folk tousle is the basis of the development of Chinese musie.

3. tousle的意思

3. Having waited long enough for his invitation to regain its scarcity value, the tousle-haired dictator is at it again.

4. tousle的反义词

4. Therefore, it is especially important to learn the basic knowledge about financial risk and to learn tousle the financial lever to prevent financial risk.

5. Joey: That's was not tousle.

6. tousle

6. The QQ that has used you group, do not suggest you go nevertheless of others group li of tousle advertisement.

7. tousle什么意思

7. Now this is a tousle.

8. Investment adviser is told with me later, you how can so does tousle period counterpoise?

9. tousle的反义词

9. Men smooth their hairs or tousle it depending on his hair style.

10. A pale face, fleeciness tousle, a pair of faint staring at her eyes, her face cling to the little girl's face, then, the moment she saw the girl rushed sad, she smiled.

11. Lost love is still love, It takes a different form, You cant see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor.

12. His image of tousle-haired disorganisation is not merely a pose.


13. His feet are supported by a tousle-headed, one-eyed, snaggletoothed demonic figure naked from the waist up and drawn with short thick-and- thin lines of ink that are comparable to those used in the Vajrapāni paintings such as Pl.

tousle 英英释义


1. disarrange or rumple

    e.g. The strong wind tousled my hair

    Synonym: dishevel tangle


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