toxaemia [tɒkˈsi:miə] [tɔkˈsi:miə] 

toxaemia 基本解释

名词 毒血症; 血毒症

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toxaemia 网络解释

1. 毒血症:毒血症(toxaemia)是指细菌毒素从局部感染病灶进入血液循环,产生全身性持续高热,伴有大量出汗,脉搏细弱或休克. 细菌毒素从局部感染病灶进入血液循环,产生全身性持续高热,伴有大量出汗,脉搏细弱和休克.由于血菌毒素可直接破坏血液中的血细胞,

2. 血毒症:towy 麻屑的 | toxaemia 血毒症 | toxaemic 血毒症的

3. 血毒症 (名):towpath 拉船路, 牵道 (名) | toxaemia 血毒症 (名) | toxaemic 毒血症的; 患毒血症的 (形)

toxaemia 双语例句

1. The literature was searched for data on the sex ratios of offspring associated with: abruptio placenta, placenta praevia, placenta accreta, extrauterine pregnancy, acute fatty liver of pregnancy or toxaemia of pregnancy.

2. Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly.

3. Intestinal toxaemia is responsible for many diseases.

4. Results The main clinical characteristics of adult measles cases were serious toxaemia, high temperature, typical tetter and severe liver dysfunction.

5. toxaemia的意思

5. Results The main clinical characteristics of adult measles cases were serious toxaemia, high temperature, typical tetter and severe liver dys-function.
    结果 成年人麻疹的临床特点主要为全身中毒症状较重,体温较高,皮疹典型,肝功能损害较重。

6. The pathogenesis of anthrax is such that unless antibiotic treatment is initiated at an early stage in the disease, it is ineffective against the bacteria-induced toxaemia that subverts the immune response, inflicts massive tissue damage and is ultimately the major factor contributing to death during anthrax infection.

7. Pregnancy toxaemia ofass and mare 8 Characterized by an overabundance of blood9 A treatment in which evacuated glass cups are applied to intact or scarified skin in order to draw blood toward or through the surface.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

8. Toxemia of pregnancy, toxaemia of pregnancy, toxaemia
    a。血毒症的,患血毒症的 toxic

9. toxaemia的反义词

9. Measurement of Nine Biochemical Indexes in Serum of a Donkey with Pregnancy Toxaemia

toxaemia 英英释义


1. blood poisoning caused by bacterial toxic substances in the blood

    Synonym: toxemia

2. an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine

    Synonym: toxemia of pregnancytoxaemia of pregnancytoxemia


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