tracheitis [ˌtreɪkɪ'aɪtɪs]  [ˌtreɪkɪ'aɪtɪs] 

tracheitis 基本解释

名词 气管炎

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tracheitis 网络解释

1. 气管炎:急性鼻咽炎(Catarrhal rhinitis),鼻窦炎(sinusitis)以及气管炎(tracheitis)是验尸(autopsy)过程中被发现的最为一致的结果. 圈养的掠食者鸟类和很多水禽类鸟儿的一个潜在问题是一种被称为肿爪(bumblefoot)的病症. 某些高度压力的种类,

2. 管 炎:(三)若同时有下呼吸道感染及肺炎,应收案为肺炎;若有肺脓疡或脓胸,但无肺炎者,应收案为其它的下呼吸道感染;若为急性支气管炎(bronchitis)、气管支气管炎(tracheobronchitis)或气管炎(tracheitis),但无肺炎者,应收案为支气管炎、气管

3. [医]气管炎:autoheterodyne 自差, 自拍 | tracheitis [医]气管炎 | Uknet Uknet网

4. tracheitis在线翻译

4. 气管炎 (名):tracheal 气管的; 呼吸管的; 导管的 (形) | tracheitis 气管炎 (名) | tracheobronchial 气管与支气管的 (形)

tracheitis 双语例句

1. tracheitis

1. Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is caused by Feline Herpes Virus. Range of disease includes rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and conjunctivitis.

2. I don't believe such a quack can cure me of tracheitis.


3. I can't believe a such kind quacksalver will heal my tracheitis.

4. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says smokers are nearly 10 times more likely to die from tracheitis and emphysema than non-smokers
    疾病防治中心说,吸烟的人死于支气管炎和肺气肿的危险比不吸烟的人高出将近 10倍。

5. She died of tracheitis, in the medically underdeveloped days, when I was too young to understand her deep love for me.


6. Tracheitis: Inflammation and infection of the trachea.

7. Tracheitis: inflammation and infection of the trachea.

8. tracheitis

8. Methods Formula deduction Was based on five simphfied grading approaches including rank_ri, ridit_ri, ridit-ci, ridit-rmi and table scores. Practical data set Was verified by SAS8.2 in clinical practice(to test the effect of Shiwei solution in treatment for chronic tracheitis).

9. tracheitis在线翻译

9. Glycerin and the glycol matter behind the combustion, not only may make smoker trouble bladder cancer, moreover the what comes into being acrolein may restrain the air tube and cilium secreta from lung inner snapout, increase the chance suffering from the tracheitis and emphysema thereby, make the person state of illness developing this two kinds disease increase weight and.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. After taking the pill, it may cause the user some side-effects, including soft ears, tracheitis (also named'henpeck'in medicine). It suggests to take the drug under the related doctors'consultance.

11. Results The most prevalent diseases among the 1500 subjects were faucitis ( 15.69%), tracheitis ( 12.52%), keratitis ( 11.63%), arthritis ( 9.80%) and rhinitis ( 8.97%).

12. Tracheitis, softy ears, visual fatigue. Action resistance. Trauma and bruise may appear on face with serious reaction.

13. Environmental pollution is believed to be the cause of health problems, including chronic tracheitis, deaths from premature delivery, asthma and the list continues.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. The chicken infectious laryngitis and tracheitis are diagnosed on epidemiological characteristics, clinical symptoms, pathological changes and experimental tests.

15. tracheitis在线翻译

15. Tracheitis is a nasty illness.

16. He suffers from tracheitis.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Alcohol of contains very little beverage is ill to blood-vessel, tracheitis is effective.

18. tracheitis的意思

18. Objective: To study the clinical effect and mechanism of Tracheitis Plaster (TP) in treating chronic bronchitis.

19. The acute tracheitis rates were 91.9% and 54.0% respectively (P < 0.05).

20. tracheitis在线翻译

20. Objective To understand the pathological changes in acute tracheitis induced by duodenogestroesophageal reflux (DGER).

tracheitis 单语例句

1. Many are displaying symptoms of a body ache, high blood pressure and tracheitis.

2. Some residents said their exposure to the stench had caused them to contract tracheitis, an infection of the windpipe.

tracheitis 英英释义


1. inflammation of the trachea


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