tribune [ˈtrɪbju:n]  ['trɪbju:n] 

tribune 基本解释

名词 论坛; (古罗马)护民官; 民众领袖; (赛马场的)看台

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tribune 网络解释

1. 论坛公司:包括美国最大的报业连锁集团甘尼特(Gannett)、论坛公司(Tribune)和纽约时报公司(NewYorkTimesCompany)都对价格低廉的中国新闻纸抱有浓厚兴趣. 论坛公司将其<<奥兰多前哨报>>作为试点在印刷中率先采用中国新闻纸,然后于今年12月或明年1月,

2. 论坛报:因为它是由在美国媒介赫赫有名的奈特-里德报业(Knight-Ridder)、<<论坛报>>(tribune)、<<时报-镜报>>公司(TimesMirror)、先进出版公司(AdvancePublications)、考克斯企业集团(Cox)、甘内特报业(Gannett)、赫斯特(Hearst)、<<华盛顿邮


3. 论坛报业:当时还担任时报总编辑一职的迪恩巴奎特几近歇斯底里地吼道. 记不清这已经是他第几次大动肝火了,为了报社全体编辑和记者的利益,他必须据理力争. 而迫使巴奎特作出如此疯狂举动的,是<<洛杉矶时报>>的大东家美国论坛报业(Tribune)集团提出的报社裁员计划.

4. 护民官:早在今年九月,FFG宣布<<护民官>>(Tribune)将要发行新的扩展,近日,这款游戏正式上市发行. 近日,FFG透露,将于明年春季上市的史诗游戏<<符文大战>>已经于近日正式完成,这款充满策略、战争、阴谋诡计,一场华丽的史诗大战即将上演.

tribune 双语例句

1. For a time Octavian was consul, then proconsul and eventually a tribune

2. tribune在线翻译

2. The positions of tribune of the plebs and aedile continued to exist, but they had little power or purpose.

3. For a time Octavian was consul, then pro consul and eventually a tribune

4. Each of these tribes had a tribune who represented their respective tribes in all civil, religious, and military affairs.

5. The Chicago Tribune recently reported the discovery in China of a 9, 000-year-old flute carved from the wing bone of a crane.

6. tribune什么意思

6. Whether U. S. troop look like a mercenary force of latter-day Hessians is now a secondary concern; what comes first is simply finding the cash. Chiacago Tribune, Setember 19, 1990
    A luodean的参考译文:美国军队是否看上去像现代版的黑森人雇佣兵并不重要,关键课题是如何解决资金来源。

7. Webcams offer owners vicarious vacations Chicago Tribune, United States - 55 minutes ago Using a $10.95-a-month Web service called Rogo, Bill Edwards of Raleigh, NC, checks out the doings at his Wrightsville Beach, NC, vacation home...
    摄像头业主提供替代休假芝加哥论坛报,美国-5 5分钟前用1 0.95美元,每月W eb服务要求罗戈,比尔爱德华兹的北卡州R aleigh,检查了他的所作所为赖茨维尔泳滩,数控,假期回家。

8. tribune是什么意思

8. I hope the Tribune will bend over backwards to restore the reputation of my client.

9. Greeley Tribune - And eating fish is a good idea for everyone.

10. In the 1930s, the Chicago Daily Tribune employed mobsters who were known toshoot up rival newsstands.

11. tribune

11. He enrolled in the senate many of his friends, giving them the rank of aedile or prisoner; and on a number of poor but honest senators he bestowed the rank of tribune or aedile.

12. That's what a southern Minnesota man did - creating the Valentine's Day gift for his wife of 37 years on a field in their farm. Bruce Andersland told local newspaper the Alberta Lea Tribune that he started the project with his tractor and manure spreader on Wednesday last week, and finished it on Thursday.
      怎么个半英里,如图,来自美国Minnesota/迷你苏打州的37岁猛男Bruce Andersland 花尽两天时间开着自己的拖拉机在雪地上为自己的老婆画了这样的雪地爱心。

13. Is that I am the source the Tribune has quoted in its damning article.

14. The Chicago Tribune, Novembe

15. Not only have many newspapers done away with their book-review sections, but several major papers, including the Chicago Sun-Times and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, no longer employ full-time classical-music critics.

16. At five past one pm on January 29, 2010 Source: International Herald Tribune published...
      2010年01月29日13:05 来源:国际先驱导报发表。。。


17. S commentary in the Chicago Tribune surprised me.

18. According to the authorities, Mr. Blagojevich wanted members of the Tribune`s editorial board, who had criticized him, to be fired before he extended any state assistance.

19. The Tribune of Chandigarh newspaper reports Sulochna was admitted to a hospital in the Punjab city of Ludhiana after she complained of acute abdominal pain.

20. tribune的翻译

20. The structure of the deal is in part designed to meet Tribune`s demand that it be as tax-efficient as possible, with Tribune getting cash from the deal by guaranteeing debt raised by the joint venture, the Journal reported.

tribune 单语例句

1. The Tribune said Haan was unhappy he had been left out of a delegation that was following Cameroon's youth team at an African junior championship.

2. As the US newspaper International Herald Tribune observed from the premier's report, the price hike has become the top concern of Chinese government.

3. " I would love to create my own lines now, " Schiffer told a luxury conference in Berlin organized by the International Herald Tribune.

4. The Chicago Tribune newspaper reported on its Web site that Cho left a note in his dorm room that included a rambling list of grievances.

5. For a decade the International Herald Tribune has been the global edition of The New York Times in all but name.

6. " I think it's just kind of a freak accident, " spectator Ron Jutte told The News Tribune.

7. " I am prepared to go without it, " the Tribune quotes Kirilenko as saying.

8. The Chicago Tribune in the US urged readers to see modern China in a clear and complete way.

9. Giblin and three other reporters laid off from the Tribune started The Arizona Guardian, a news Web site that focuses on politics and the Arizona Legislature.

10. " The pyrotechnics are impressively lifelike and modern, " Chicago Tribune said.

tribune 英英释义



1. the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne

2. (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests


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