ultrared [ˌʌltrə'red]  [ˌʌltrə'red] 

ultrared 基本解释

形容词 红外(线)的

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ultrared 网络解释

1. 红外(线)的:clydonograph 过电压摄测仪 | ultrared 红外(线)的 | tenontolemmitis 腱鞘炎

2. 红外区:ultraprophylaxis 超预防 | ultrared 红外区 | ultrared ray 红外线

3. ultrared的解释

3. 红外的:ultramicroscope 超显微镜 | ultrared 红外的 | ultraresonancescreen 超共振筛

4. 远红外加热器:far infrared target indicator 远红外目的指导器 | ultrared 远红外加热器 | paint 远红外涂料

ultrared 双语例句

1. With ultrared remote control and wireless emission, this product is of high technique.

2. ultrared

2. Ultrared remote control and wireless emission enable you to enjoy the new fruits of modern high-level science and technology.

3. In General, with natural wind, urnace and ultrared and other baking.

4. Taking into account the nature and UV after-product ultrared, water cooled rolls in business card printing and membership card making machine is essential.

5. Films in before processing, you should use iodin tungstenic ultrared warming up.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Use either coater coating usually also use sterilizatin or ultrared oven make solvent, and then by ultraviolet-curing.

7. Mr. Doderlein urnace looptube coilia, ultrared, and the two briefly desiccator.

8. The uses of fossil fuel as well as electric production will both cause global warming. On the contrary, hewing dawn trees bring about a less consumption of CO2. It turn out to be that more and more radiation of ultrared rays is reflexed onto the ground, which reinforce the influence of global warming.

9. Varieties of technologies are used to detect head motion such as the using of ultrared rays and CCD image etc. In this thesis, based on ultrasonic sensors we describe that the system design about using the head-controlled human-machine interface system.

10. ultrared在线翻译

10. Heat shrinkable packer is automatic successive shrinkable packaging device and is the latest pattern in our country, using quartz farness ultrared rays tube and electricity-saving (may save more than 15% the humidity of shrinking and the conveying rate of the electric machine is adjusted, and the adjusting range is extensive; Original creation roller rotation devise and can work continuously.

11. Heat shrinkable packer is automatic successive shrinkable packaging device and is the latest pattern in our c o u n try, using quartz farness ultrared rays tube and electricity-saving (may save more than 15% the humidity of shrinking and the conveying rate of the electric machine is adjusted, and the adjusting range is extensive; Original creation roller rotation devise and can work continuously.

12. Gallium arsenide ultrared lighting transistor a purple variety of the ruby spinel.


13. This paper introduces the application of the precise ultrared distance measurement to the stability of the gas works site of Xinyang City, Henan Province, and discusses the atmospheric influence on ultrared distance measurement.

14. Application of ultrared distance measurement to horizontal displacement monitoring at gas works of Xinyang city, henan province, china

15. 好好学单词·英语单词

15. Infrared Dryer, the auxiliary equipment to Auto glass printing machine, mainly applies in drying glasses after their printing by ultrared rays.

16. Integrated far-ultrared electric-heat tube integrated optical bolometer for radiatio

17. Effect of Ultrared Radiation on Increase Yield of Com

18. Furthermore, ancient buildings and antiques can be investigated by means of the most up-to-date flaw detection techniques, i. e. radiation flaw detection, ultrared radiation flaw detection, supersonic wave flaw detection and industrial television flaw detection etc.

19. ultrared

19. A manifold ultrared remote timing system is introduced in this paper. The photoelectric system is applied by chip 8253 and controlled by APPLE - ⅱ computer. Hardware circuits in detail and some practical examples are given here.

20. PE heat shrinkable packer is automatic successive shrinkable packaging device and is the latest pattern in our country, using quartz farness ultrared rays tube and electricity-saving (may save more than 15% the humidity of shrinking and the conveying rate of the electric machine is adjusted, and the adjusting range is extensive; Original creation roller rotation devise and can work continuously.


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