unbosom [ʌn'bʊzəm]  [ʌn'bʊzəm] 


unbosom 基本解释

动词 吐露心事,剖明心迹

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unbosom 网络解释

1. unbosom

1. 吐露心事:unhouse 赶出家去 | unbosom 吐露心事 | uncage 从笼中放出

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 剖明心迹:unborn 后代的 | unbosom 剖明心迹 | unbosom 吐露心事

3. 吐露:unearth从地下挖出 | unbosom吐露) | unravel解开;拆散

4. 吐露心事/剖明心迹:unborn /未诞生的/未来的/在胎内的/后代的/ | unbosom /吐露心事/剖明心迹/ | unbounded /无限制的/限期/

unbosom 双语例句


1. At last she decided to unbosom herself to her mother, and shared her secret sorrow.

2. unbosom什么意思

2. A man willing to unbosom his homesickness should be a responsible man caring about his family...

3. Writing is to unbosom oneself and create.

4. unbosom是什么意思

4. I always believe that anything written with an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself must be full of genuine feelings.

5. The breeze is lingering around the branches, does it want to unbosom or expect anything?

6. Being a man of few words and not good at expressing his feelings, he did not know how to unbosom himself of his love for her.

7. Zhou ZuoRen s pure proses reveal a tender feeling whereas Lu Xun s unbosom himself with enthusiasm.

8. There are still some friends who socialize with you out of consideration for personal interest, just like fair-weather friends, when you are in troube, they always leave you holding the bag. Not real friendship but backscratching can be found in those people, because they never unbosom each other.

9. Unbosom oneself to sb.

10. The Strangle of Soul and the Unbosom of Desire & Analysis of the human nature and spirit of the contemporary Chinese and Japanese novels

11. The rich materials of psychological education included in Chinese course stimulate a better understanding of life and provide a healthy outlet to unbosom themselves emotionally.

unbosom 英英释义



1. relieve oneself of troubling information

    Synonym: relieve


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