uncomfortable [ʌnˈkʌmftəbl]  [ʌnˈkʌmfətəbəl, -ˈkʌmftə-] 

uncomfortable 基本解释

形容词 不舒服的; 令人不舒服的; 不自在的; 不安的


uncomfortable 同义词

uncomfortable 反义词


形容词 comfortable

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uncomfortable 相关例句


1. I was uncomfortable in the back seat.

2. He feels uncomfortable with strangers.

uncomfortable 网络解释

1. 不舒服:和X360超级舒服好用的手柄比起来,PS3手柄SIXAXIS给我们的感觉是:廉价(cheap)塑料(plasticky)不舒服(uncomfortable)超级轻(disconcertingly light ). 在玩游戏关键时刻感觉手柄会从手里飞出去.

2. 不舒适的:她告诉说她度过了一个愉快的(wonderful),而不是失望的(disappointing),不舒适的(uncomfortable),重要的(important)假期. 注意后句中的but的转折意义. 但是客人伤心她丢失了(losing)好几卷科达彩色胶卷. take拿走, 取通常表示有意行为;

3. 不舒适:根据一项所谓的皮崔奎恩报告的数据,二百至三百万家庭难以支付住房款,这些家庭生活在不稳定(precarious)、不舒适(uncomfortable)的状况中. 过去几十年,为解决.(address)住房问题而制定的政策(policy)已经发生了变化,

uncomfortable 双语例句

1. But how uncomfortable it must have been living with these ironwilled folks!

2. What do you do when you're most uncomfortable?

3. It's the most uncomfortable.

4. But it's the most uncomfortable way to go to work.

5. It`s the most uncomfortable way to go to work.

6. uncomfortable

6. What he said was uncomfortable for most people.

7. uncomfortable的反义词

7. In fact, the most uncomfortable without a fight, so you do not know me, I do not know about you.

8. A race`s most uncomfortable aspect and one that needs to be done before and during the competition.

9. There are several holes at Old Macdonald that I probably never would have done under my own name … the Macdonald connection was a license to build holes that were even bolder, and to introduce a couple of blind shots which would make most clients uncomfortable.

10. This is because English-Chinese Translation will be all kinds of difficulties encountered; The first is difficult to understand English, which is studying the use of English common feeling between the two countries because of history, culture, different customs, so an English It seems logical people in the United States and Britain, and China seemed to have worked in Britain are inverted upside down, on and off, very uncomfortable.

11. uncomfortable的近义词

11. This is because the English-Chinese Translation encountered all kinds of difficulties; above all, difficult to understand English, which is to study the use of English common feeling between the two countries due to the history, culture, customs and habits of different, an English It seems logical that people in Britain and the United States, while in China it seems that people are indisputable was reversed, on and off, extremely uncomfortable.

12. Her voice is very low and makes me very uncomfortable.

13. If you are not wearing the proper hunting clothing and foot gear, you are going to be uncomfortable and班unsu cc essful unless you are the type of person that can buy 1 lottery ticket in your lifetime and win.

14. uncomfortable的意思

14. He says climate change should be a top-priority for the next president, but is uncomfortable with the 100-day action model.

15. But this time I could not come, with the small uncomfortable blob.

16. I had a little kissing scene before and that was a rather uncomfortable experience.

17. As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything and she felt uncomfortable.

18. And at the same time people feel uncomfortable due to the strong cold radiation of the wall inner surface.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. I think it's because you don't follow the norm and people are uncomfortable.

20. No one will respect you for it—especially the poor schmuck you're forcing into that uncomfortable position.

uncomfortable 词典解释

1. 不自在的;不安的;尴尬的
    If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.

    e.g. The request for money made them feel uncomfortable...
    e.g. If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it...

Sandy leaned across the table, his face uncomfortably close to Brad's...
I became uncomfortably aware that the people at the next table were watching me...
He smiled uncomfortably.

2. 不舒服的;不舒适的
    Something that is uncomfortable makes you feel slight pain or physical discomfort when you experience it or use it.


    e.g. Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly...
    e.g. The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.

The water was uncomfortably cold.

3. 身体不适的;不舒服的
    If you are uncomfortable, you are not physically content and relaxed, and feel slight pain or discomfort.


    e.g. I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening...
    e.g. People living or working with smokers can find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses because the smoke causes irritation.

He felt uncomfortably hot...
He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.

4. (处境、事实等)令人不快的,令人担忧的,令人不安的
    You can describe a situation or fact as uncomfortable when it is difficult to deal with and causes problems and worries.

    e.g. It is uncomfortable to think of our own death, but we need to...
    e.g. Such questions are uncomfortable to answer...

uncomfortable 单语例句

1. Pablo Calandria pulled one back for the hosts to give Boca an uncomfortable final few minutes.

2. " I can't see but I still feel quite uncomfortable and disrespected, " he says.

3. But politicians in other countries also felt uncomfortable about the continuing centrality of the US in the postwar order.

4. To borrow from the national intelligence lexicon - and yes, that is uncomfortable - you are listening for dangerous chatter.

5. It also raised uncomfortable questions about the president's judgment, clout and popularity.

6. The voices sometimes are sharp, coarse and are aired in an uncomfortable way for the listeners.

7. Restaurateurs complain the ban forces them into the uncomfortable role of enforcers and insist it will cause a major decline in business.

8. They might be surprised to learn that US officials announcing approval of the world's first oral contraceptive were uncomfortable.

9. Some people find labels uncomfortable, while others object to having another person's name or corporate logo on their clothes.

10. But at the same time, the deadpan delivery of lacerating dialogue remains a reliable source of uncomfortable comedy.


uncomfortable 英英释义



1. providing or experiencing physical discomfort

    e.g. an uncomfortable chair
           an uncomfortable day in the hot sun

2. conducive to or feeling mental discomfort

    e.g. this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable
           the uncomfortable truth
           grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye
           an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest
           the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable


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