untidy [ʌnˈtaɪdi]  [ʌnˈtaɪdi] 


untidy 基本解释

形容词 不整洁的,凌乱的; 懒散的; 不干净利落的,不简练的; 不适宜的

动词 使不整洁; 使杂乱无章

untidy 同义词


untidy 反义词

形容词 tidy orderly

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untidy 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 不整齐:shut 关门 | untidy 不整齐 | clothes 衣服

2. 俺太低..............不整齐的:untidy...........俺太低..............不整齐的 | verse............我 词..............诗;诗句 | virgin...........我 紧..............处 女

3. untidy的近义词

3. 不修边幅的:unthinkable 难以想象的 | untidy 不修边幅的 | untoward 倔强的


4. 不整洁的:unkind and unhelpful坏心眼而且袖手旁观的 | untidy不整洁的 | untidy乱, 不整洁

untidy 双语例句

1. Piture 1:The children's room is tidy/untidy/dirty.

2. Or did he see those seven untidy lumps, and who knows how many more?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Ingram ran a hand through his perpetually untidy red hair.

4. untidy什么意思

4. He must be very lazy, for his desk is very untidy.

5. Everything is already tided up, for if there is something I loathe it is an untidy house.

6. When I was happy, it was only necessary to glance into my closets, and it would have been evident that I was not a coquettish and untidy woman

7. There is a kind of vanity in wearing old and untidy clothes, just as there is in wearing the most showy and fashionable ones.

8. Moving, the house has been enlarged, while traveling, when to buy a sword can hang out, But the sword can not be said to untidy, and ask...

9. For a long time, attention has not been paid to the public hygiene systems of urban and rural areas, irregularities are everywhere: offices are dirty and untidy; daily disinfection and protection of public places are neglected; hand-washing facilities in public toilets are in poor condition; dirty water flowing and waste bestrewing everywhere… But the views of administrators and the administrated are surprisingly coincidental--that's not only my business.

10. There was man, a very untidy man

11. There was a man, a very untidy man

12. Forming a picture in our minds in which John Kennedy, Jr., wearing untidy hair, was removing the spilled milk with cloth together with sad-looking Nixon.

13. That's when Aditya Srivastav enters the picture. He is the counterpoint to everything that Roy is as frantic as Roy is calm, as dumb as Roy is smart, as messy and untidy as Roy is smooth.
      这时Aditya Srivastav出现了,他简直就是截然相反的Roy,狂躁对应Roy的镇静,愚笨对应Roy的聪明,邋遢对应Roy的光鲜。

14. In a messy, untidy manner

15. danci.911cha.com

15. Oh, it's much too untidy for us to study in.

16. Your room is very untidy; go and put it in order.

17. Her hair so untidy, so blowsy!

18. Her hair so untidy, so blowsy!"Yes, and her petticoat; I hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud, I am absolutely certain; and the gown which had been let down to hide it not doing its office."


19. I met her in a small, untidy coffeehouse on the outskirts of London.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词

20. Your reviewer's office is easily the most untidy in The Economist (not entirely his own work, it should be said, thanks to the heroic efforts of his even untidier office-mate).

untidy 词典解释

1. 不整齐的;凌乱的
    If you describe something as untidy, you mean that it is not neat or well arranged.

    e.g. The place quickly became untidy.
    e.g. ...a thin man with untidy hair...

Her long hair tumbles untidily around her shoulders.
...the desk piled untidily with books and half-finished homework.
The dust and untidiness in her room no longer bothered her.

2. 不修边幅的;不整洁的
    If you describe a person as untidy, you mean that they do not care about whether things are neat and well arranged, for example in their house.


    e.g. I'm untidy in most ways.

untidy 单语例句

1. Although there were occasional moments of genius from both players, the match was mostly an untidy affair with neither able to take control.

2. While the museum dedicated to the literary giant is well kept and maintained, the street outside is cluttered with untidy small shops and billboards with advertisements.

3. Wu Ge is the notorious king of Beijing's chicken wing scene, infamous for his bad temper and somewhat untidy environment.

4. Authorities would also note how untidy and warm Jackson's living quarters were.

5. She finally served the match out in the next game after 68 untidy minutes.

untidy 英英释义


1. not neat and tidy

    e.g. careless and untidy in her personal habits
           an untidy living room
           untidy and casual about money


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