untimely [ʌnˈtaɪmli]  [ʌnˈtaɪmli] 

untimely 基本解释


形容词 过早的; 不适时的,不合时宜的

副词 过早地,不合时宜地

untimely 反义词

形容词 timely

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untimely 相关例句


1. The accident put an untimely end to the party.

untimely 网络解释

1. untimely在线翻译

1. 不合时宜:王灵智指出,马世云之举动非常不合时宜(untimely)、欠考虑(ill-considered)及非必要(unneces-sary). 再者,这类审计调查需要人力及物力,所须费用大约二十五万元,而将用去近三千小时工作时间,当然最后还是纳税人的损失.

2. 不和适宜的:unsociable 不善于社交的 | untimely 不和适宜的 | unwholesome 不健康的

3. untimely什么意思

3. 不时的:untimeliness 不合时宜 | untimely 不时的 | untinged 未着色的


4. 不合时宜的:unsociable 不善于社交的 | untimely 不合时宜的 | unwholesome 不健康的

untimely 双语例句

1. Die an untimely death; Die(or be cut down by illness, etc.) in one`s prime; die in green or ripe years; go to an early grave

2. Then Ms Lo's posthumous adulation by the Singapore press was at its most feverish, and many people in Singapore were caught up with the untimely death of this young and attractive lawyer.

3. Servilia his wife must be placed on a parity with the wife of Antistius already mentioned, for by swallowing live coals she compensated for her untimely death by the lasting memory of her name.

4. The diesel engine and turbocharger damage, caused by auxiliary oil pump which starts untimely while locomotive diesel engine normally or abnormally stopped, was analyzed.

5. In fact, actor and activist Christopher reeves untimely death at age 51 was attributed to a pressure ulcer.

6. The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.

7. Storm of midnight, like a giant child awakened in the untimely dark, has begun to play and shout.

8. untimely的翻译

8. All essential questioning in philosophy necessarily remains untimely, and this is because philosophy either projects far beyond its own time or else binds its time back to this time`s earlier and inceptive past.

9. His joy in life was eclipsed by the untimely death of his wife.

10. My father before his death was a Cocoa and Gold merchant in Kampala, Republic of Uganda before his untimely death, after his business trip to Abidjan -Cote d'Ivoire, to negotiate on a business he wanted to invest in Abidjan - Coted'Ivoire.
    我的父亲在他的死亡是可可粉和金客商在Kampala,乌干达共和国在他不合时宜的死亡之前之前,在他的商务旅行以后向阿比将- Cote d'Ivoire,谈判在他想投资在阿比将-的事务Coted'Ivoire 。

11. If the leakage has happened and treated untimely, the peripheral tissue necrosis may occure. Then, proper selection of injective sites, avoidance of mechanical damage and suitable drug concentration, and the time and method of antagonist application etc. were reviewed.

12. The Bhuta is the soul of a man who died an untimely death.

13. Of course these events would never come to pass due to her untimely death.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, ''.

15. untimely什么意思

15. I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.

16. I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, and experientially knowing, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.

17. But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people?

18. untimely的意思

18. He was a pure man of letters, untimely born in a world that had no need of letters

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

20. Would she heave one little sigh to see a bright young life so rudely blighted, so untimely cut down?

untimely 词典解释

1. 过早的;提早的;未到期的
    If you describe an event as untimely, you mean that it happened earlier than it should, or sooner than you expected.

    e.g. His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him...
    e.g. Her untimely return could spoil Miss Melville's entire programme for the evening.

2. 不适时的;不合时宜的
    You can describe something as untimely if it happens at an unsuitable time.

    e.g. ...an untimely visit from the milkman...
    e.g. I am sure your readers would have seen the article as at best untimely.

untimely 单语例句


1. Plastic bottles and wrappers lie scattered around the lake, choking it further toward an untimely death.

2. Many observers now worry that Annan's ceasefire plan might come to an untimely end.

3. A woman who bought a pair of sunglasses from a peddler later found that her cool new shades might lead to her untimely demise.

4. Police Lieutenant William Baldwin said in a statement the death was " untimely " and that there was no indication of foul play.

5. But a painful and untimely injury to her left knee almost spoiled her four years of preparation for the Olympics.

6. That's nothing compared to what the companies ought to be fined for conducting themselves in a way that resulted in a man's untimely death.

7. And the DPRK's nuclear test just four months into Obama's presidency has come as an untimely shock to the White House.

8. Chinese analysts called Vale's move untimely and unreasonable since market demand for steel products was weak in both China and other parts of the world.

9. Unable to handle his untimely death, her mother had a mental breakdown.

10. Part of the land actually belonged to his deceased sons, but it reverted back to him upon their untimely deaths.

untimely 英英释义


1. uncommonly early or before the expected time

    e.g. illness led to his premature death
           alcohol brought him to an untimely end

    Synonym: premature

2. badly timed

    e.g. an ill-timed intervention
           you think my intrusion unseasonable
           an untimely remark
           it was the wrong moment for a joke

    Synonym: ill-timed unseasonable wrong



1. too soon
    in a premature manner

    e.g. I spoke prematurely

    Synonym: prematurely


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