unusable [ˌʌnˈju:zəbl]  [ʌnˈjuzəbəl] 

unusable 基本解释

形容词 不能用的

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unusable 网络解释

1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. 于众不同:23. talkative 爱说话的,唧唧喳喳的 | 24. unusable 于众不同 | 25. avid 贪婪渴望的

2. 无用的:ununiformity 不均匀性 | unusable 无用的 | unused balance 结存

3. 不能用的:unsuitable不适合的/不相称的 | unusable不能用的 | unbelievable不能相信的/难以相信的

4. 不可用的:untypical /非典型/ | unusable /不可用的/ | unused /不用的/不使用的/从未用过的/

unusable 双语例句

1. When such a program contains an error, we can no longer guarantee that consecutive runs with the same input will result in the same error. As a consequence, cyclic debugging techniques become unusable.

2. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

2. I'd say about half of the shipment is unusable.

3. B- I'd say about half of the shipment is unusable.

4. This $2500 laptop is unusable at this point and I think I give up.

5. Either we're wrong and her heart is unusable...

6. Officials have said it will be unusable in a few years.

7. unusable

7. There are many negative consequences of this confusion, but the most common is an unusable product.

8. They can then be used for a limited amount of time until they automatically become unusable.

9. unusable的反义词

9. The packing case bad beed damaged in transit and the machine is unusable.

10. If they are not recycled properly, one dry cell battery buried in the soil is able to make a square meter of soil permanently unusable.

11. unusable的翻译

11. For the 8700 series, if you`re below this version, your phone might become unusable!

12. The same applies to much of the Middle East's undeveloped conventional oil reserves, much of which is heavy, viscous and contaminated with sulfur and metals to the point of being unusable.

13. One of the most annoying things about outdoor furniture is its tendency to break down or become unusable if you leave it uncovered outside during inclement weather.

14. A buggy driver can leave hardware in an unusable state, leave kernel resources in an inconsistent state, or, in the worst case, corrupt kernel memory in random places.
      因为一个有 bug 的驱动程序会使硬件处于不可用状态,会使内核资源处于一种矛盾状态,或者最坏的情况就是滥用内核内存。

15. Dealers are required to make the trade-ins unusable by destroying the engine, then recycle the old vehicles into spread medle scrap metal.

16. GPS satellite 6 unusable from 090600 UTC to 120600 UTC. Cancel one hour after time of restoration.
      全球定位系统 6 号卫星从协调世界时 9 日 0600 时至 12 日 0600 时无法使用,恢复后 1 小时取消该信息。

17. As I attacked with the Rogue, unusable skills were grayed out until I could use them.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. The old house sat in the mi ddle of the property leaving only unusable narrow and highly sloping ground around it.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. The pigs grazed on the undergrowth of plants, keeping the land clear of unusable plants so all the goodness in the soil could be used by the trees, and they also added richness to the soil by manuring it. Acorn harvest is a favourite time with pigs.

20. unusable的解释

20. Operating Empty Weight - Manufacturer's empty weight plus the operator's items, such as crew and weight, crew baggage, cargo containers, oil, unusable fuel, food and beverages, galley equipment, passenger service equipment, emergency equipment, potable water, and entertainment systems.
      我已经提示过厂商公怖数据的习惯是要注意的地方,还是有人去拿飞行员和机工长填飞行计划资料的 operating empty weight 的定义来这里高谈阔论,尤其是该份文献清楚指出厂商对空重的习惯。

unusable 词典解释

1. 无用的;不能用的
    Something that is unusable is not in a good enough state or condition to be used.

    e.g. Bombing had made roads and railways unusable.

unusable 单语例句

1. The report centered around an investigation in the northeastern province of Jilin, where 59 hospitals and pharmacies were sold the unusable blood protein.

2. Many customers who have subscribed to " unlimited " usage plans feel aggrieved when their service becomes unusable.

3. Farming is out of the question as the high salt content of the land makes it unusable for farming.

4. Red tide is a harmful algal bloom of phytoplankton that kills fish and renders water unusable.

5. Local people say it is possible the land will be unusable for some time.

6. Police said late on Tuesday that most of the footage was still " unusable " after authorities worked for days to enhance it.

7. Some potential customers say the bank should take some responsibility if the preserved sperm is found unusable.


unusable 英英释义



1. not capable of being used

    Synonym: unserviceable unuseable


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