user [ˈju:zə(r)]  [ˈjuzɚ] 


user 基本解释

名词 用户,使用者; 吸毒成瘾者

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user 网络解释

1. 使用人:反倒是,我知道一些公司导入ERP系统之后,并不顺利,使用人(user)有许多抱怨,高阶主管也抱怨花了许多钱和时间,但还是没办法使用. 一家公司的总经理告诉我,过去几年已经导入过二套电脑系统(MRP,MRPII的时代)都失败了,

2. user

2. user:username; 用户登录名

3. user:user system evaluator; 用户系统鉴别器

4. user:u; 用户

user 双语例句

1. If you are an average PC user and even have the buying power, stay away from 975!

2. User Members shall ensure that confidential business information which they receive from preshipment inspection entities contracted or mandate d by them is adequately safeguarded.

3. The password of this user has expired.
    0x000008c2 此用户的密码已经过期。

4. In this paper, the design idea and implementation method of a graphical user interface editor used to specify and generate the user interface which has the rehearsal function is introduced.

5. Sensor data and user profile information are fed to the inference engine on-demand, they are accessed by logic predicates, returned as their parameters and abstracted by axioms which may also make use of external services.

6. The analysis of user requirement, the operation flow chart, the subsystem function charts are introduced in this article.

7. And visits some our factory user, everybody to our factory trolley furance quality, the use effect, controls

8. user什么意思

8. When the vertical scrollbar is visible, not in focus, and the user drags its thumb?

9. Please retry the command with a user having admin credentials.

10. Action 解决方法 If you are an administrator, retry the command with an user having enough privileges to perform this operation.

11. Do not have relevant file data in authentic attestation only when, ability can ask an user.

12. user的近义词

12. Integrated production of activated carbon was 3000 tons; mercury catalyst production using advanced vacuum adsorption, the main equipment has: Enamel Reactor Units 2, 4 sets of drying equipment, vacuum pump 4, a closed two screening machines, at an annual rate 1000 tons, our factory can be based on user specific requirements for processing operations.

13. The information of these rubbish mail will appear on the data page of the user, show the user likes medicaments of force of property of hempen, man to wait it seems that.

14. This is the Internet version of the user's guide.


15. Can you give me soft's user guide?

16. Please see the rest of the user's guide for more information.

17. For further information consult your compiler's user's guide.

18. This is the Internet version of the User's guide.

19. 好好学单词·英语单词

19. An integrity and security e-mail system resolution is provided, which is encrypted by user finger mark.

20. Special requirements apply to products with higher levels of automated production line, Ni-MH, Ni-Cd, Li-ion battery has a large area of the user.

user 词典解释

1. 使用者;用户
    A user is a person or thing that uses something such as a place, facility, product, or machine.

    e.g. Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand.
    e.g. ...a regular user of Holland's health-care system.

user 单语例句


1. The company will continue to operate this business as to maintain a smooth user experience as well as to be prepared for future market potentials.

2. An energy service company is a business that provides energy management services to an energy user.

3. Asia's social networking sites tend to be country specific but they have very active user bases.

4. Qzone had 228 million active user accounts for the second quarter of 2009, although it won't give out monthly visitor figures.

5. The active number of user accounts for QQ Instant Messenger amounted to 637 million, while its simultaneous online user accounts peaked at 119 million by September.

6. At the end of the second quarter, its user number was only 65 million and monthly active users numbered 36 million.

7. On the fourth floor of the pavilion is the robotic " caretaker " Lingling, which allows user interaction using mobile phones.

8. People can carry a certificate of the grave position and an ID card to apply for a user name and password.

9. We categorize the content into user groups, and tap and spread user data in ways that are interconnected.

10. And the bicycle user can apply for a new bike or an overhaul free of charge when the original one is damaged.

user 英英释义


1. a person who takes drugs

    Synonym: drug user substance abuser

2. a person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically

    Synonym: exploiter

3. a person who makes use of a thing
    someone who uses or employs something


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