vacuous [ˈvækjuəs]  [ˈvækjuəs] 

vacuous 基本解释

形容词 空虚的; 茫然若失的; 无聊的; 愚蠢的

副词 无意义地,茫然若失地,无所事事地

名词 空虚,无聊,愚蠢

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vacuous 网络解释

1. 空的:二、天地之间是一个虚空的(Vacuous)状态. 虽然是'虚'状的,而它的作用却是不穷竭的,这和第四章的说法一样,这个'虚'含有无尽的创造因子. 所以说:'动而愈出'--天地运行,万物便生生不息了. 这个'动'(在虚空中的'动')便成为产生万有的根源了.

2. 虚荣的:transvestite 异装癖 | vacuous 虚荣的 | veiled 隐藏的

3. vacuous什么意思

3. 真空的:vacuoscope 真空仪,真空计 | vacuous 真空的 | vacuseal 真空密封

4. vacuous是什么意思

4. (英文直译:茫然的) 无所事事的闲逛:Temptation英文直译:诱惑不确定的诱惑总是很多. | Utopia英文直译:乌托邦白日梦天天做. | Vacuous英文直译:茫然的无所事事的闲逛.

vacuous 双语例句

1. We would be satisfied with any draft document, however vacuous.

2. I am not happy, because it is vacuous in my heart.

3. I am not happy, for my heart is vacuous.

4. I am not happy for i am vacuous.

5. vacuous的近义词

5. I am not happy because my heart is vacuous.

6. vacuous什么意思

6. I am not happy cause I am vacuous.

7. vacuous的近义词

7. I am unhappy for my heart is vacuous.


8. I'm not happy bacause my heart is vacuous.

9. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

9. Basically there are two types of people who have the strongest religious faith – the vacuous ones and the wise ones, the former believe in God because of the lack of intelligence or education and, the latter believe in God because he realizes the insignificance of our science system; he would even ask: How to prove that 1+1=2?

10. vacuous什么意思

10. Many old people feel vacuous after retired and always dont't know what to do.

11. vacuous的翻译

11. A solar transducing heat pipe made from vacuous ring cavity of glass which includes glass pipe shell, heat-conduction working fluid, transduction film board, reflector interface, getter etc.

12. Every time you revile or slander others, you will feel empty, bored, and vacuous afterwards. To fill the boredom and emptiness, you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth, your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.

13. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

13. Moreover, the advice to be gained from manifestations of the culture industry is vacuous, banal or worse, and the behavior patterns are shamelessly conformist.

14. College is a place where we can enrich our knowledge and improve ourselves. as a college student, we should be these who have a strong sense of social responsibilities, up-to-date knowledge and comperhensive capabilities. but never idle away our precious time and make our college life perplexed and vacuous.

15. At saturated and vacuous status, the bacterial microbial distribution in the intestinal tract of European eel at different growth stage was investigated by selective media mannitol egg yolk polymyxin agar, potato dextrose agar, eosin methylene blue agar, KF strerptococcus agar, CDC anaerobe agar and nutrient agar.

16. At saturated and vacuous status, the bacterial microbial distribution in the intestinal tract of Japonese eel at different culturing stage was investigated by selective media Mannitol Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar, Potato Dextrose Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, KF Strerptococcus Agar, CDC Anaerobe Agar and Nutrient Agar.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. So if you like Shanghai and you're feeling a little rebellious, take a look at the following text; it'll warm you up and help you ease into Shanghai's vacuous lifestyle.

18. vacuous的意思

18. This does not render the notion ofinformal logic vacuous, because no formal logic captures all of thenuance of natural language.

19. As a separate engineering division with its own racing cars and a race series on the way, there's no way Abarth was going to just give this car a vacuous makeover.

20. Unfortunately, a vacuous slogan is underpinned by ineffectual proposals.

vacuous 词典解释

1. 思想贫乏的;空洞的;无知的
    If you describe a person or their comments as vacuous, you are critical of them because they lack intelligent thought or ideas.

    e.g. Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be.
    e.g. ...the usual vacuous comments by some faceless commentator.

vacuous 单语例句

1. The Copenhagen conference ended on Dec 19 with an accord " full of vacuous visions and commitments ".

2. Whoever turns the most vacuous words into the longest speech gets into the final round.

vacuous 英英释义


1. void of expression

    e.g. a blank stare

    Synonym: blank

2. devoid of matter

    e.g. a vacuous space

3. devoid of significance or point

    e.g. empty promises
           a hollow victory
           vacuous comments

    Synonym: empty hollow

4. devoid of intelligence

    Synonym: asinine fatuous inane mindless


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