valor ['vælə]  [ˈvælɚ] 

valor 基本解释


名词 (尤指战斗中的)勇猛,英勇


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valor 相关例句


1. The troops showed great valor.

valor 网络解释

1. 英勇:英勇:(Valor)这个和我前面提到的Aggressive有相近的意思,但是我认为是有区别的,也就是说英勇和谦卑不矛盾. 英勇是AQ,是在逆境中的奋斗,是一种排除万难的决心与努力. 本人在重庆项目中表现得不够英勇,曾经很多次在发生一些不利意外情况后,

2. 驍勇:Wildfire Emissary 野火密使.............20x1 | 16.Valor 驍勇........15x1 | 243.Mishra, Artificer Prodigy神器師逸才米斯拉.....170$

3. 勇敢:island=岛屿; | valor=勇敢; | soldier=士兵;

valor 双语例句

1. valor

1. The rest of the acts of Omri, with all his valor and accomplishments, are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.

2. In some, judgement excels, in others valor.

3. The men of Ostland resist, as they always have, fighting with relentless tenacity, seeking out those who have turned to the ways of ruin and meeting the stark terror of bloody battle with uncommon valor.

4. From his own hands I received the Autonomic Region Valor Award, the highest individual honor ever granted to a native of Madeira.

5. valor什么意思

5. Gold has no value for the warriors of Altan, for you can`t buy valor or glory in the bloody battles for it.

6. valor是什么意思

6. The Song of Mighty Valor Movement set up the narrative tradition for the Extolment of Zhou and a model for the style of temple songs and dances.

7. Stanzas as the main part. The Song of Mighty Valor Movement set up the narrative tradition for the Extolment of Zhou and a model for the style of temple songs and dances.

8. And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valor; and there escaped not a man.

9. valor是什么意思

9. Such valor continued once people took to the streets, where reporters describe women as being in the vanguard of action, goading more timorous men to get up and fight for their rights.

10. Take one way or another, the king's highway of valor or bypath of cunning.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. They say discretion is the better part of valor.

12. However, they have now equipped a numerous fleet, and are just preparing to make a descent upon us; and his Imperial Majesty, placing great confidence in your valor 10 and strength, hath commanded me to lay this account of his affairs before you.

13. However, they have now equipped a numerous fleet, and are just preparing to make a descent upon us; and his Imperial Majesty, placing great confidence in your valor10 and strength, hath commanded me to lay this account of his affairs before you.

14. valor

14. Well knowing the tried valor of our people and our exhaustless resources

15. Despite his valor and strength, izual was captured by the prime evils and twisted by their perverse power.

16. Together with the particulars of his reign and valor, and of the events that affected him and all Israel and all the kingdoms of the surrounding lands.

17. Those who enlist under His banner shall have a Commander who will train them for the conflict and give them both vigor and valor.

18. On looking round on the vacant stalls of the knights and their esquires, and on the rows of dusty but gorgeous banners that were once borne before them, my imagination conjured up the scene when this hall was bright with the valor and beauty of the land, glittering with the splendor of jewelled rank and military array, alive with the tread of many feet and the hum of an admiring multitude.

19. Arguably one of the greatest assets to the GI Joe team, Snake Eyes'record of honor and valor cause even the most evil enemies to tremble with fear.

20. He showed valor and skill on the battlefield.

valor 单语例句

1. Olson was awarded a Silver Star, the military's third highest award for combat valor.

2. The supreme sacrifices and unmatched valor of the valiant freedom fighters will be ever remembered in the history of the country's independence.

3. As one could see from the Sichuan earthquake and other disasters, random acts of altruism and valor always receive praise.

4. Although few veterans of the conflict remain alive, the war is seen as the paragon of Russian military power and valor.

5. Most of the netizens support the senior citizen for his valor, according to surveys conducted by some websites.

6. " They were called on to act and did so with the highest valor, " he said.

valor 英英释义


1. the qualities of a hero or heroine
    exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle)

    e.g. he showed great heroism in battle
           he received a medal for valor

    Synonym: heroism gallantry valour valorousness valiance valiancy


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