verandah [və'rændə]  [vəˈrændə] 


verandah 基本解释


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verandah 网络解释

1. 游廊:双层玻璃门之外是一个私人游廊(verandah),可以俯瞰美丽的沙滩和礁湖. 豪华水上别墅(Deluxe Water Villa)拥有甲板,可以在那里享受惬意的阳光,并且有一个小平台和梯子,直接下到礁湖.

2. 走廊;外廊:ventilator 通风器 | verandah 走廊;外廊 | verification 检验;核对

3. 走廊凉台:veranda 走廊凉台 | verandah 走廊 凉台 | verandah 走廊凉台

verandah 双语例句

1. Originally the Japanese grass Dong-Jin Yan of all, after the liberation of Xiangning lived, also known as Xiangning villa, built in 1942, before the Chinese hard-Shan Juan Peng architecture, building on the ground floor, basement, brick-wood structure, there are open-style verandah, the use of units have been closed, building covers an area of 7.33 acres, building area of 440.92 square meters, holds a well.

2. verandah什么意思

2. Backed by Penguin Books, and launched by best-selling British author Jane Green, the club is being trialled at The Verandah Resort in Antigua.

3. verandah是什么意思

3. He saw M. seated on the verandah of the nahabat, behind the fence, absorbed in meditation.

4. verandah

4. Yuanbaoshan Veranda Park is located in the southern hills, elegant antique architecture, red columns, railingslv qi, green glazed tile, each cross bar are painted with colorful paintings, will be important throughout the country and the mining area attractions Panoramic Garden of six of its well-drawn, the verandah to the west, closer together and the flow Shun Hill, in a small verandah Huicheng pool before.

5. After supper he saw Horn on the verandah and, as though to have a casual word with him, went out.

6. Inside, verandah s on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.

7. After the doctor's visit, Antoinette's mother is suddenly changed: She never leaves the house but walks up and down the glacis, or verandah, in plain view of the laughing servants.

8. verandah

8. Rākhāl, Lātu, and Harish were also in the room, and Hazra was on the verandah.

9. The living room, with its traditional dome roof, gives way to a verandah and inspirational views.

10. Turtle Island hosts guests in 14 two-room bures with thatched, vaulted ceilings, each with a private verandah looking out over the ocean.

11. After he had drunk his fill of the slightly salty tea, he took leave of the little courtyard with its verandah in front and its storeyed house in back.

12. Once a year we go to Austria to hunt with our dogs, and attheend of the day we sit on the verandah and drink a beer.

13. At nine o'clock in the morning Sri Ramakrishna was standing on the southeast verandah near the door of his room, with Ramlal by his side.

14. verandah的意思

14. You have lunch on the verandah of a wooden Thai house.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. For example, you see green palms, an endless sea and a cozy verandah.

16. And some have a little private verandah.

17. He made his bed on someone's verandah for 12 years.

18. There, on the small north verandah, he witnessed an amazing sight.

19. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

19. Rooms - JBV - very nice, spacious, adequatly furnished, with flat screen TV, stereo, coffee maker, outdoor bathroom and verandah. Rooms are cleaned daily and every evening they preapre your bed and leave a bottle of water for you.

20. verandah的近义词

20. A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide verandah.

verandah 单语例句

1. Zhang's son saw his father lying motionless in the verandah of their courtyard, while the dog was eating away the deceased's head.


verandah 英英释义


1. a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)

    Synonym: veranda gallery


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