verboten [feə'bəʊtn]  [fə'boʊtən] 

verboten 基本解释


形容词 禁止的,严禁的


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verboten 网络解释

1. verboten在线翻译

1. 禁止的:verbosity 冗长 | verboten 禁止的 | verdancy 幼稚

2. verboten

2. 以命令禁止的:verbosity 赘言 | verboten 以命令禁止的 | verbsuffixindicatingcontinuation,etc. 下来

3. verboten的解释

3. 禁止:Zoll 关税 | verboten 禁止 | Einfuhr 进口(品)

verboten 双语例句

1. verboten什么意思

1. What is permissible at one may be verboten at another.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. And we don't want to play word games with you - you know what's verboten.

3. Physical and verbal abuse are clearly verboten -- because they affect the safety and comfort of others.

4. verboten的反义词

4. What ispermissible at one may be verboten at another.

5. Beards are virtually verboten in corporate circles.

6. verboten在线翻译

6. Things we used to say were verboten are now considered an acceptable risk-return trade-off as liquidity and hedging markets have developed.

7. The science has been endlessly debated: Some nutritionists counter that verboten foods like grains, dairy and beans contain valuable nutrients, such as calcium, vitamins B and D, antioxidants and fiber.

8. Even airlines have set ideas about good and bad mojo, down to a list of verboten flight numbers: No one ever schedules Flight 13.

verboten 英英释义


1. excluded from use or mention

    e.g. forbidden fruit
           in our house dancing and playing cards were out
           a taboo subject

    Synonym: forbiddenout(p)prohibited proscribed taboo tabu


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