vigilance ['vɪdʒɪləns]  [ˈvɪdʒələns] 

vigilance 基本解释

名词 警惕; 警戒; <正>警觉; <医>失眠症


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vigilance 相关例句


1. In spite of vigilance a polar bear escaped from the zoo.

2. Do not relax your vigilance.

3. Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents.

vigilance 网络解释

1. 警觉:告..站在傍晚的湖邊.感覺真愜意.傍晚的太子城我們急忙走的時候燈還沒全開呢.馬來西亞1957年獨立.獨立前後犧牲了很多英雄們所以建立了上圖就是象徵著護城河.河上還有睡蓮和噴泉.Tugu Negara 七勇士的青铜塑像象征着七个不同的品质,领导能力(Leadership)、苦难的经历(Suffering)、团结(Unity)、警觉(Vigilance)、力量(Stren

2. 警醒:每当谈及伟大的修道者,即那些因着他们众多属灵恩赐而倍受尊崇的修女和修士们,教会的赞美诗告诉我们,他们是靠着跟从和遵守三种操练(disciplines)而领受这些恩赐的:禁食(fasting)、警醒(vigilance)和祈祷(prayer).

3. 警惕:欧洲央昨晚议息,维持于3%变;但会后声明中指要对通胀保持警惕(vigilance)的话,则下次几乎肯定加息. 加上美国经济数据愈疲弱,就是消费信心指数已跌穿100 水平;从走势观察,欧元短期于1.2750 应有俗支持,妨伺机买入,短线目标为1.29 以上水平,

vigilance 双语例句

1. There vigilance is good, but there are always victims of thinking is that they are not normal.

2. It is imperative that we should maintain sharp vigilance in all departments.

3. This is inevitable and beyond all doubt, and under no circumstances must we relax our vigilance.

4. Result: The main psychology symptoms of PTSD were distress, involuntarily and repeatedly recalling trauma experience, avoiding circumstances, sustained higher vigilance, selectance forgetting and losing confidence in the future. Most of them were with negative mood of anxiety and depression.

5. Result: The main psychology symptoms of PTSD were distress, involuntarily and repeatedly recalling trauma experience, avoiding circumstances, sustained higher vigilance, selectance forgetting and losing confidence in the future.

6. To this, easy interest was adopted be on guard effectively measure, remind broad user in time to raise vigilance, had kept oneself install date of Fu Tong Zhang and password.

7. vigilance的反义词

7. The occupier of the next seat will make his move upon your armrest the moment your vigilance flags.

8. Could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage

9. vigilance的解释

9. They could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage in further double-dealing, gang up with each other and conceal themselves in our ranks.

10. Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day.

11. Avoiding the pothole depends on shortening your reaction time: faster reflexes through practice and vigilance, head-lights that reach farther, and so forth.

12. This is a time of great prayer and vigilance.

13. In this regard, we should maintain a high degree of vigilance.

14. vigilance的反义词

14. But I want you to realize that vigilance is

15. It's a question of vigilance.

16. In today's world of images, attentive vigilance is required, since this temptation is great.

17. Eternal vigilance is the price of success.

18. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

19. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

20. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

vigilance 单语例句


1. But on a word of caution Omi called for continued vigilance against the disease in spite of the excellent achievements made in combating it.

2. Drivers took great care in the first hours of the changeover but authorities warned accidents were likely once the initial vigilance wore off.

3. But such vigilance is not only necessary for the protection of civil rights, but also actually an essential check on the exercise of public powers.

4. Hasn't the time come to heighten our vigilance against official hypocrisy?

5. Stricter regulations may slow the growth of property loans for the moment, but commercial banks can benefit more in the long run from their vigilance with credit.

6. Compare this year's report with the previous two versions and one can see the US is increasing its strategic vigilance towards China.

7. The other necessary capability for a good bodyguard is constant vigilance on duty.

8. The repeated attacks by deranged individuals on innocent children at schools and kindergartens is indeed worth the vigilance it has aroused.

9. Whoever relaxes vigilance will disarm himself politically and land himself in a passive position.

10. Experts say fire fatalities have skyrocketed since the end of the Soviet Union, in part because of lower public vigilance and a disregard for safety standards.

vigilance 英英释义


1. vigilant attentiveness

    e.g. he keeps a weather eye open for trouble

    Synonym: watchfulness weather eye

2. the process of paying close and continuous attention

    e.g. wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter
           vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue

    Synonym: watchfulness wakefulness alertness


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