vim [vɪm]  [vɪm] 

vim 基本解释

名词 <旧,非正>精力,活力,力量

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vim 网络解释

1. 编辑器:TEST_F宏用于在多个测试中使用同样的数据配置,所以它又叫:测试夹具(Test Fixtures)打开编辑器(vim)编辑上一条命令.

2. 可变进气歧管:包括连续可变气门(VVT)、可变进气歧管(VIM)、微型综合性发动机控制单元(ECU)、电控节流阀(ETC)等高技术都在发动机上得到使用. 除了我们测试的3.6升机,这款发动机还包括3.2升和2.8升,其中2.8升发动机也会被使用在国产荣御上,

3. 精力:villus 绒毛 | vim 精力 | vimineous 细长的

4. vim的意思

4. 命令:增强型vi编辑器:26.vi命令:文字编辑器 | 27.vim命令:增强型vi编辑器 | 28.view命令:文字编辑器

5. vim:vacuum induction melting; 真空感应熔炼

6. vim:vacuum induction melting furnace; 真空感应炉

7. vim:vendor independent messaging; 销售商独立报文传送(微软的)

vim 双语例句

1. Immediately, and accept this kind of way and may result in immediate execution of risk.

2. There was no significant difference in other figures before and after the pallidotomy and thalamotomy.

3. Immunohistochemistry was positive for VIM in a large fraction of fibrocytes, vascular endothelial cells, vessel wall and perithelial cells.

4. With a crack of joke, all our worries and sadness disperse like mist and smoke, and we are full of vim arid vigor once again.

5. Worries'.''and sadness disperse like mist and smoke, and we are''.'full'.''''.'of'.''vim arid vigor once again.

6. To whatever file first compiler error is in at the line of that error.

7. Whatever file first compiler error is in at the line of that error.

8. The teenagers will thrive on teachers'guidance with full of vim and vigor.

9. We must establish the brand stature and sustain it with vim and vigor if we want to make a brand recognized and sustain the customers loyalty to the brand.

10. 好好学单词·英语单词

10. It will penetrate into the inner world of the kind-hearted people who desire for self-development and self-perfection, with an incomparably strong power, to redeem the poor from misery and those who degenerated from the hotbed of self-trampling, to make the weak refresh with vim and vigor, to encourage those desperate people, and to help the helpless ones.

11. Gday and welcome to the home of Attuli Vim Mors Mortis We are a guild on the Shadowsong server Created July 2005, under the loving gaze of Slav and Keki

12. vim的意思

12. One of Vim`s features I cannot live without is text completion.

13. In the meaning time the moderation antitrust legislation can regulate monopoly effectively to keep the economy vim and promote our scale economies development. This is our correct decision.

14. A lot of things are documented and stored here as a reference for people such as how to use Vim as an IDE, etc.

15. When you started Vim, you might have noticed that you can't immediately start typing text.

16. Audio and recording as a dispute between customers and Vim or cause of action of the evidence.
      可以使用此录音和录音整理作为客户和VIM 之间争议或诉讼的证据。

17. The Answer in VIM: Type:help 42 in the command field, and you will get a message.
      VIM中的答案:在命令模式键入:help 42 ,然后你就会得到一条讯息。

18. In addition, she at home full of vim and vigor, continuous discourse, and to the outside, but it is obvious the first DA brain fade completely into the two people to kindergarten is not a short period of time (the beginning of September last year), are still unwilling to take the initiative and human hello, the children called her name as not to reflect, we have very much attention, but the effect is very small, you can tell me what the solution?

19. vim

19. That is because this is the first time we are getting used to opening Vim, writing a file and closing Vim.

20. vim的解释

20. Take some time to soak in this information, this is probably the hardest lesson there is to learn about Vim, the rest is easy

vim 单语例句


1. Most importantly, the vim and vigor of Chinese culture would come from the unleashing of individual creativity.

vim 英英释义


1. an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)

    e.g. his writing conveys great energy
           a remarkable muscularity of style

    Synonym: energy muscularity vigor vigour

2. a healthy capacity for vigorous activity

    e.g. jogging works off my excess energy
           he seemed full of vim and vigor

    Synonym: energy vitality


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