waddle [ˈwɒdl]  [ˈwɑ:dl] 


waddle 基本解释

不及物动词 (像鸭子一样)摇摇摆摆地走

名词 摇摆的步子,蹒跚

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waddle 相关例句


1. waddle的反义词

1. The ducks waddled across the road.

waddle 网络解释

1. waddle

1. 体胖腿短而摇来晃去地走:creep 慢慢地,悄悄地爬着走 | waddle 体胖腿短而摇来晃去地走 | dawdle (浪费时间地)过慢地行走

2. waddle

2. 搖擺:Volumetric efficiency容积效率 | Waddle摇摆 | Warm-up暖车

3. 蹒跚:virus病毒 | waddle蹒跚vi | wade跋涉

4. waddle什么意思

4. 蹒跚而行:vindicate#辩明;主张 | waddle#蹒跚而行 | wag#摇摆

waddle 双语例句

1. Waddle i s u s ed humorou s ly to de s cribe s omeone s waying from s ide to s ide like a duck becau s e of fatne s s or while carrying heavy bag s.

2. And while it`s common to take a used car to a mechanic or two for an opinion, Waddle says evaluating instruments from other shop makes many makers uncomfortable.

3. Loins resting under the shade, while hippos waddle about in the mud holes and elephants standing guard out in the distance.

4. waddle是什么意思

4. When the grass they like best is available in midsummer, they fatten up on it till their fur is a rich dark-brown, and they waddle so slowly on their short paws, their bellies touching the ground, that you can easily catch any number of them.

5. At times he could swear that the young one took a sadistic joy in making him leap up and waddle for the garderobe as quickly as his legs could carry him.

6. waddle的解释

6. I will have as many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast-in-bed every day of the week).

7. I'd like to just waddle around for a while.
    我还真 想下去溜达一会儿。

8. Claire: I'm nearly 9 months pregnant, I can barely waddle on the beach.

9. Eg, the river is very shallow, so you can waddle through it.

10. waddle什么意思

10. Looking back to how it all began I remember that Tony Waddle wrote the following in another thread.
    回头看看此帖是如何开始的,我记得Tony Waddle在另一个帖子里写到

11. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

11. I am pregnant. I waddle awkwardly, my big stomach pressed against the weight of the world.

12. Duck duck waddle back, we like to hear you quack quack

13. There was the pitying chuckle that bubbled in my throat when I watched a fat duck waddle across the back yard.

14. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

14. The duck waddle into the pond.

15. waddle什么意思

15. Sentence:Duck duck waddle back.

16. Duck duck waddle back.

17. waddle

17. Dd Duck duck waddle back.

18. In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.

19. The hen has smaller than normal wings, just like a penguin, and she never attempts to fly like other chickens in the coop. Instead, she chooses to waddle.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. Barmaid Kirsten Jeffs said:'Locals really look after her and enjoy watching her waddle around the beer garden.'

waddle 词典解释

1. 蹒跚行走;摇摇晃晃地行走
    To waddle somewhere means to walk there with short, quick steps, swinging slightly from side to side. A person or animal that waddles usually has short legs and a fat body.

    e.g. McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window...
    e.g. In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.

waddle 单语例句


1. " Shearer will be in charge for the next game, " Waddle told BBC radio.


waddle 英英释义



1. walking with short steps and the weight tilting from one foot to the other

    e.g. ducks walk with a waddle



1. walk unsteadily

    e.g. small children toddle

    Synonym: toddle coggle totter dodder paddle


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