waffle [ˈwɒfl]  [ˈwɑ:fl] 


waffle 基本解释

名词 华夫饼; 无聊、含糊的话

不及物动词 胡扯

及物动词 唠叨


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waffle 相关例句


1. waffle的反义词

1. I asked him a question but he just went waffling on.

waffle 网络解释

1. 格子鬆餅:蛋糕类(Cake) 巧克力口味 比斯考提(Biscotti) 松糕类(Muffin)甜甜圈(Doughnut) 派类(Pie) 格子松饼(Waffle) 英式酥饼(Scone)卷类(Roll) 塔类(Tart) 贝果(Bagel) 其他享受完美味的餐点后,记得用餐巾纸(Napkin)擦擦嘴,才不会失礼.

2. waffle的反义词

2. 华夫饼干:不过,新早餐文化还是继承传统的部分多一些,比如传统的煎蛋、薄烤饼(Pancake)、华夫饼干(Waffle)、蛋饼(Omelette),加热咖啡,仍然是人们早餐的主打. 近年来人们开始不断加入新的健康元素,比如全麦片粥,配新鲜水果,新鲜蔬菜.

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. 华夫饼:像丹尼尔的农场,有枫糖制作的历史发展介绍、实物展览,进门参观一人五元,仅门票收入就很可观,还有小卖部直接出售枫糖产品,更有一个餐馆供应用枫糖做调味品的系列产品,如煎饼(PanCake)、蛋糕(Cake)、小甜饼(Cookie)、华夫饼(Waffle)、馅饼(Pie)等

4. waffle的反义词

4. 松饼:还有还有,我也有吃到非常好吃的格子松饼(waffle)、以色列风味的冰淇淋(这边也有个有趣的插曲,我一个人跑到冰淇淋专卖店,里面琳琅满目有著至少二、三十种口味的冰淇淋,请店员推荐比较好吃的.

waffle 双语例句

1. waffle的近义词

1. Oh, yum. I'm starved.- What, was Rufus'waffle iron broken?
    哦 好啊我饿死了-什么 Rufus烤华夫饼的机器坏了吗?

2. The Waffle's losing confrontation with the Party establishment was not precipitated by any explicit debate about ideology.

3. A Waffle maker also known, as a waffle iron is a type of kitchen appliance.

4. waffle的解释

4. Don't give me your waffle.

5. waffle什么意思

5. Now that may be pretty common advice these days – but it is also waffle.

6. Once you are clear on your message, stand behind it and don`t waffle.

7. I like that waffle teepee that you have built.

8. I left a Belgian waffle out here. Did you take it?

9. I ask him a question but he just goes waffle on.

10. waffle的解释

10. I ask him a question but he just go waffle on.

11. Asked about energy, Gordon Brown has tended to waffle on about his ambitions for renewable energy.

12. waffle什么意思

12. We're one waffle away from Penny.

13. Yeah, and the waffle iron is cold.
      是啊 而且华夫饼的烤炉是冰的

14. Dan: Yeah, and the waffle iron is cold.

15. waffle

15. One building is my waffle iron. Another is Mike Defeo`s coffee pot.
      一个建筑是我做华夫饼的烤具,另一个是Mike Defeo的咖啡壶。

16. waffle的解释

16. The senator was hospitalized for the next six months, suspended immobile in a frame that resembled a waffle iron.

17. Cyborg:—and the toothpaste, and my football, and the waffle iron

18. waffle的反义词

18. They come in more variety of fabric like the terry and micro terry bathrobes, velour, waffle, microfiber, cotton, Turkish cotton or cotton and polyesters combinations, polyester fabrics, fleece, 100 per cent organic cotton, bamboo and the latest fashion incorporates the silk bathrobes.

19. waffle

19. Dunst may not like thescore, but she definitely likes waffle fries.

20. The Dutch also brought their own words: pit, boss, snoop, coleslaw, cookie and waffle.
      荷兰人也将他们自己的字汇带了进来; pit、boss、snoop、coleslaw、cookie以及 waffle。

waffle 词典解释

1. 胡扯;胡说;废话连篇
    If you say that someone waffles, you are critical of them because they talk or write a lot without actually making any clear or important points.

    e.g. My wife often tells me I waffle...
    e.g. There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.

2. 犹豫不决;含糊其词
    If someone waffles on an issue or question, they cannot decide what to do or what their opinion is about it.


    e.g. He's waffled on abortion and gay rights...
    e.g. He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.

Still, the administration, after some waffling, has now said that it will not stand in the way of Congress.

3. 华夫饼
    A waffle is a kind of square cake made of batter with squares marked on it. Waffles are usually eaten with syrup poured over them.

waffle 单语例句

1. Others may want to use the time to shop further for that very special waffle iron or nose ring.

2. Watching him spoon the mixture into his four waffle irons, the smell proved irresistible.

3. One alternative is a very traditional Belgian waffle that is served with chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

4. Two pyramids of waffle mix boxes stood several feet high on the booth's table.

5. My Aunt Ruth made an incredible grilled cheese with Muenster on rye that she mangled in a hot waffle iron for a Midwestern panino.

6. Kid Rock has pleaded not guilty to a charge of battery from a fight at a Waffle House in Atlanta.

7. It would be great if the whole bureaucracy in the nation could be infused with a strong incentive to " cut the waffle ".

waffle 英英释义



1. pancake batter baked in a waffle iron



1. pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

    e.g. Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures

    Synonym: hesitate waver


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