wake up [weik ʌp]  [wek ʌp] 

wake up 基本解释

醒来; 活跃起来; 引起注意; (使)认识到

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wake up 网络解释

1. 醒来:收到请求时,服务器进程"醒来(wake up)",完成客户请求的相应的活动. 在此,通过设置定时器来及时地把远程计算机的当前屏幕以位图数据的形式传到客户端,并显示在屏幕上,使维护人员能及时了解到远程计算机的工作状态.

2. 唤醒:*领先搭载先进电源管理机能,率先提供您关机(POWER)/休眠(SLEEP)/唤醒(Wake up)三组常用快捷功能键*领先搭载先进电源管理机能,率先提供您关机(POWER)/休眠(SLEEP)/唤醒(Wake up)三组常用快捷功能键

3. (起床. ):这位来自喀麦隆的黑人Bini上课没带任何东西,刚开始我还担心:看她如何对付这40分钟!可是随着课堂的展开,我看到了不同:她创设了一个从晚上(good night)睡觉(go to sleep)、起床(wake up)、洗脸、梳头、吃饭、拿书包、上学、...

wake up 双语例句

1. wake up在线翻译

1. Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.

2. From these fox sirens, not only can we feel the authenticity of their true-life presence, but also wake up to their special presence as variants based on the details. The perfect combination of humanity and fox-bestiality is just the charm of fox sirens describled by Pu Liuxian.

3. I said, no, she felt only in the side, I was just crying, that is, can not wake up.

4. Wake up every morning and see my wife in our own side, I felt particularly moved.

5. You talk to me you speak with me, don't sink before you rise baby don't fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who's to say we'll be ok we're gonna make it through the night don't wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we're the same and i know that we'll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don't wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don't know if we're gonna be the same baby just talk with me cause i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me

6. When the people down in a pool of blood when I wake up.

7. But in the morning when you wake up, they are remembered just as a dream.

8. Will you wake up by my side?

9. And when you wake up on your eleventh birthday you expect to feel eleven, but you don't.

10. What we are seeing already for example in southern Brazil, which is in the wake of the river of water vapor coming from the Amazon, is already a drying up.

11. If you wake up the ones who just beginging into dream, although their amount of the sleep is enough, they will also get freted and irascibility.


12. If wake up sleep people when they are just begin their dreams, they will become fidget and irascibility even they have enough sleep.

13. Can I not know why the head quarter doesn't know there what time of wake up before down

14. A secret I want you know is that you will see me at first sight when you wake up.

15. wake up的反义词

15. A large number of alcoholic drinks before going to bed bogey, including beer and other alcoholic beverages, although they can urge people to sleep, but it will affect the quality of sleep; when the sedative effects of alcohol in the past, you will immediately wake up.

16. If you want a fresh start in life so the best wake-up call in the dogs after paying silent wake up the shield of silence SS.

17. A You would wake up one day finding your snow white is right next to you.

18. It's nearly seven, Wake him up.

19. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

19. Actually, if you read his analysis carefully, it is quite proper. He is not the type of person to shock people with vitriol, or taking off his clothes... Kubin's criticisms of the deficiencies of Chinese literature is a good dose of medicine and a wake-up call.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. I always wake up full of energy and in a good mood, no more depressed mornings or sluggish days.

wake up 词典解释

1. 激起;唤起
    If something such as an activity wakes you up, it makes you more alert and ready to do things after you have been lazy or inactive.

    e.g. A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.

wake up 单语例句

1. I can only pray that some of these parents will wake up and begin to act responsibly for a change.

2. Alcohol can initially make people sleepy, but then they wake up after a few hours.

3. We don't power walk up to Capitol Hill with a million men and a dozen personal injury lawyers following in their wake.

4. McComb got the idea for the study from her experience with her own cat, who would consistently wake her up in the mornings with a very insistent purr.

5. Janet Jackson found smashing up a house with a golf club " cathartic " in the wake of her brother's death.

6. It's still less than 10 C outside and the central heating's already off, so the dough needed extra time to wake up.

7. He was told to wake up by the provincial capital's Communist Party Chief Qiu He who stood beside the lecturer's seat on the chairperson's platform.

8. The situation would probably change if other countries wake up one morning with a fancy to ignore the Chinese landmark and prowl in its territory.

9. A while later I wake up feeling rather rested - but not without a very obvious tan line across my chest.

10. A doctor would administer the drug when Jackson went to sleep, then would stop the IV drip when the singer needed to wake up.

wake up 英英释义


1. stop sleeping

    e.g. She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock

    Synonym: awake arouse awaken wake come alive waken

2. cause to become awake or conscious

    e.g. He was roused by the drunken men in the street
           Please wake me at 6 AM.

    Synonym: awaken wake waken rouse arouse

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