wash [wɒʃ]  [wɑ:ʃ] 


wash 基本解释

及物动词 洗,清洗; 浸湿; 冲刷,冲击; 洗去罪名

不及物动词 耐洗; 被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用); (波涛等)拍打

名词 (尤指船过后划出的)水流; 要洗的衣物的数量; 薄涂层(尤指涂料)

及物动词 弄湿; 使受洗礼; (光)布满; (猫等)舔净(自身)

形容词 可洗的,耐洗的; (证券交易)虚假的

wash 相关词组

1. wash up : 洗餐具;

2. come out in the wash : 真相大白;

3. wash down : 冲洗;

4. wash one's hands of : 洗手不干;

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wash 相关例句


1. wash

1. The waves washed against the shore.

2. Her story just won't wash.


1. His argument won't wash.


1. He takes a cold wash every day.

wash 情景对话


B:Do you have any plans?

A:I’m going to (watch movies/ read a book/ wash my bicycle).


A:What are you cooking?

B:I’m making pizza.

A:Yummy! Do you have all the ingredients you need?


B:I’ve got everything, unless you want salami on your pizza.


A:That would be good. I can run to the store and buy some. What other ingredients are you going to put on the pizza?
      那太好了, 我可以去商店买一些, 你还需要其它调料么?


B:Pizza sauce and cheese, of course. And then mushrooms, green peppers, onions, olives, and bacon.

A:Did you make the pizza crust or buy it from a store?

B:I made it from scratch.

A:Was it difficult?

B:No, I just had to mix some flour, water, and a little yeast. It’s almost ready to come out of the oven.

A:Do I have time to get the salami?

B:Yes, but be quick. I’ve just got to wash the vegetables and cut them into little pieces. And then we can add the tomato sauce and the toppings.


A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.


B:Really? You’re joking.

A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.


B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.

A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??

B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.


A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.


B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?

B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.

A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.


B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.

A:Where’s the peeler?


B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.

A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.

B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.

A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.

wash 网络解释

1. wash

1. 清洗:5.清洗(WASH)系统探针和搅拌棒采用激流式等方式自动冲洗. 清洗装置一般由吸液针、吐液针和擦拭刷组成. 清洗工作流程为吸出反应一吸于一注入纯水一吸干一擦干. 清洗液有碱性和酸眭两种. 一般说来,在吸出反应液后,仪器先用碱性液冲洗,

2. 洗涤:一台洗衣机可以处于浸泡(soak)、洗涤(wash)、漂洗(Rinse)、脱水(Spin)或者关机(off)状态. UML状态图如下图所示,该图能够描述上面所提及的状态. 该图说明洗衣机可以从一个状态转移到另一个状态. 图中最顶端的符号代表起始状态,

3. wash

3. 冲洗:在模型中,零部件(Widget)要经过称重(Weigh)、冲洗(Wash)、加工(Produce)和检测(inspect)四个工序的操作. 执行完每一步操作后,零部件通过兼有运输器和缓存器的输送链传递至下一步操作;经过检测以后零部件脱离模型;

wash 双语例句

1. Wash the frog legs and place them in a wide cooking pan.

2. No. It takes one day to wash ordinary material clothes and two days to wash woolen clothes.

3. Skin 皮肤: Wash material off the skin with soap and water.

4. A lavage is a liquid that doctors introduce into the lung to wash out unwanted material.

5. These are my many years of experience in laundry, for your reference, help you to be able to wash quickly and material saving in net again!

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Wash all the material.

7. wash

7. In the wash solution, these positively charged cationics adsorb to the negatively charged surface of fabrics.

8. Wash dried scallop and soak in water for 2 hours.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

9. Here is the video for the touchup makeup~ Do u feel tiring when morning have to makeup and dinner time you have to wash away ur makeup and makeup again? !

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Rose Yang Yan commonly used water to wash your face to improve blood circulation and weakened, prevention, the amendment uneven colour, so that looking Hongrun shiny.

11. Can be used to wash washing machine.

12. A: Can I machine wash it?

13. wash

13. Penny: Oh, sweetie, you can't machine wash these.

14. wash

14. Do not machine wash or dry your running shoes.

15. I was in the bathroom this morning when the washing machine beeped after a full wash and dry cycle.

16. wash

16. In fully automatic washing machine, washing machine wash, dehydration process is the control center for single computer system.

17. Then centrifuge 4000r/min. Transfer supernatant into a new centrifuge tube and add n-hexane for extraction. Then evaporate to dryness and concentrate by passing basic alumina solid-phase extacion. Wash with 5ml mobile phase and test with by HPLC. LC operating conditions:C18, 150 ×4.6mm; Mobile phase, phosphoric acid(0.02mol/L) and Acetonitrile; Column temperature, 35 ℃; Sample size, 50ul; UV-Detector, 275nm.
      经实验对比,确定同时检测禽蛋中六种磺胺类药物的样品前处理方法为:样品加入乙腈高速匀浆,4000r/min 离心,上清液加入正己烷萃取,取乙腈层旋转蒸发近干,溶解残渣,过用95%的乙腈溶液预洗过的碱性氧化铝SPE柱,5ml 流动相洗脱,洗脱液上高效液相色谱仪检测;高效液相色谱检测条件为:C18 柱,流动相为磷酸溶液(0.02mol/L)和乙腈梯度洗脱,柱温为35℃,进样量50ul,紫外检测器,检测波长为275nm。

18. wash

18. I shouldn't wash those in the same water, or else the colours will run together.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. If you persist in disregarding my advice, I shall wash my hands of the whole business.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. Our main products are industrial naphthalene, light oil, phenol Dephenol oil, wash oil, anthracene oil, crude phenol, hard asphalt, restructuring asphalt, fuel oil, -Methylnaphthalene, -methyl naphthalene, quinoline, fluorene, acenaphthene and other products.

wash 词典解释

1. 洗涤;清洗
    If you wash something, you clean it using water and usually a substance such as soap or detergent.


    e.g. He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour...
    e.g. The colours gently fade each time you wash the shirt...

2. 洗;洗漱
    If you wash or if you wash part of your body, especially your hands and face, you clean part of your body using soap and water.


    e.g. They looked as if they hadn't washed in days...
    e.g. She washed her face with cold water...

3. (海水或河流)流动,冲刷,冲到
    If a sea or river washes somewhere, it flows there gently. You can also say that something carried by a sea or river washes or is washed somewhere.

    e.g. The sea washed against the shore...
    e.g. The oil washed ashore on roughly 1,000 miles of coastline...

4. (船只等激起的)浪花
    The wash of a boat is the wave that it causes on either side as it moves through the water.


    e.g. ...the wash from large ships.

5. (情感)强烈冲击
    If a feeling washes over you, you suddenly feel it very strongly and cannot control it.

    e.g. A wave of self-consciousness can wash over her when someone new enters the room...
    e.g. The overpowering despair that he'd fought so hard to keep at bay washed through the boy.

6. (颜色、光线等的)薄层
    A wash of something such as light or colour is a thin layer of it.

    e.g. The lights from the truck sent a wash of pale light over the snow.

7. 令人信服;使人接受
    If you say that an excuse or idea will not wash, you mean that people will not accept or believe it.


    e.g. He said her policies didn't work and the excuses didn't wash...
    e.g. If they believe that solution would wash with the Haitian people, they are making a dramatic error.

8. see also: washing

9. 真相大白;水落石出
    If you say that something will come out in the wash, you mean that people will eventually find out the truth about it.

    e.g. This will all come out in the wash—I promise you.

10. 正在洗着;将要洗;刚洗过
    If you say that something such as an item of clothing is in the wash, you mean that it is being washed, is waiting to be washed, or has just been washed and should therefore not be worn or used.


    e.g. Your jeans are in the wash.

11. to wash your dirty linen in public -> see dirty
      to wash your hands of something -> see hand

相关词组:wash away wash down wash out wash over wash up

wash 单语例句

1. Some of their mothers actually travel several hundreds kilometers by train to university campuses regularly to help wash the clothes of their children.

2. So she got a candle from a door keeper, lit it and let it lighting on while going out to wash her clothes.

3. Police have admitted that the car wash isn't breaking any laws.

4. Four men and nine women were arrested in Malaysia when authorities found out the car wash they were operating was offering free sex.

5. " Bath centers and car wash services are forbidden to use the water, " Jiang said.

6. The owner told police that animal parts had been left before at the car wash, but never a heart.

7. A car wash next to the parlor was also destroyed and the owner and his wife killed.

8. Police said Zhou believed one of the car wash workers had been having a relationship with his wife.

9. He said most of the victims were recovering drug addicts and worked at the car wash.

10. Yu and his wife drove their brand new Volkswagen Passat into the car wash over the weekend.

wash 英英释义



1. the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)

    Synonym: washing lavation

2. any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out

    e.g. at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash

3. garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering

    Synonym: laundry washing washables

4. a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other

    Synonym: wash drawing

5. a thin coat of water-base paint

6. the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)

    Synonym: dry wash

7. the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller

    Synonym: slipstream airstream race backwash

8. the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway)

    e.g. from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water

    Synonym: washout


1. to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking

    e.g. The cat washes several times a day

2. cleanse (one's body) with soap and water

    Synonym: lave

3. wash or flow against

    e.g. the waves laved the shore

    Synonym: lave lap

4. make moist

    e.g. The dew moistened the meadows

    Synonym: moisten dampen

5. form by erosion

    e.g. The river washed a ravine into the mountainside

6. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent

    e.g. he washed the dirt from his coat
           The nurse washed away the blood
           Can you wash away the spots on the windows?
           he managed to wash out the stains

    Synonym: wash out wash off wash away

7. apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to

8. clean with some chemical process

    Synonym: rinse

9. cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water

    e.g. Wash the towels, please!

    Synonym: launder

10. separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)

11. move by or as if by water

      e.g. The swollen river washed away the footbridge

12. admit to testing or proof

      e.g. This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court

13. be capable of being washed

      e.g. Does this material wash?


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