weapon [ˈwepən]  [ˈwɛpən] 


weapon 基本解释

名词 武器,兵器

不及物动词 武装,提供武器

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weapon 相关例句


1. They were testing a new weapon then.

2. Complete anonymity is the best weapon I have.

3. Logic is her weapon.

weapon 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 凶器:法律与文学(LawandLiterature)是发源于美国法学院的一场学术运动,并演变成为于如今已经成为常规科学的法律经济学(LawandEconomics)了,本文所要讨论的,就是(2)在上述关系模型中增加谋杀片(Murder)实体,谋杀片实体属于电影实体,并包含凶器(Weapon)属性.有关产品类(

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 兵器:根据中国<<兵器>>(WEAPON)杂志今年第12期一篇采访录披露的史实,1959年西藏叛乱发生后,达赖喇嘛逃亡途中,在乘坐牛皮船渡过雅鲁藏布江时,曾险遭中国空军图-4轰炸机的轰炸.

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. 装备武器:南方圣殿应该是在此成立, 但是为了对抗德兹练金术士因此其位置反而是在狮鹫帝国的东北方.装备: 武器 (Weapon) , 装甲 (Armour) , 盾牌 (Shield)能力: 宗教狂热 (Fanticism) , 英勇 (Bravery) , 战争狂怒 (War Fury)军阶: 狮鹫菁英部队 (Griffin Elite) ,

4. weapon:wea; 武器名

weapon 双语例句

1. He'd be out of his depth if this were a UNSC ship with controls he could understand, and astrogation, tactics, and weapon systems he was familiar with.

2. Hed be out of his depth if this were a unsc ship with controls he could understand, and astrogation, tactics, and weapon systems he was familiar with.

3. Only have weapons but no one use them, weapon is nothing.

4. In recent years, in line with financing and budgeting reforms in the government, the administration of defense expenditure has undergone a whole array of reforms, including reform in the defense expenditure budgeting method, centralized payment for weapon and equipment procurement, and a tendering and bidding system for the procurement of defense materials, projects and services.

5. This season he will return to Changchun by Dongguan team group leader and trainer's status, the Manchurian tiger and the Dongguan team's competition also will be at the appointed time turns a weapon around the war.

6. Our winning weapon is the group. It will be like this in the future as well.

7. Motives, we are winning the Singularity magic weapon, but also the attitude of our approach to life.

8. Women do not rely on force, but rather rely on tricks, which they rely on instinct and Jiaxia hypocritical nature, like a lion Lichi sharp claws, like a wild boar with fangs, cattle have Kok, a smoke-like squid ink, naturally God gives women a defensive weapon is the perplexing changes in disguise.

9. This is just like digging a well when one is thirsty, or casting a weapon when battle has already begun.

10. Taiji Broadsword is one kind short weapon of the Wu-style Taijiquan series, so its style and characteristic should be used the requirement of body work and footwork as the standard.

11. But no weapon can, however, be superior to nonviolence and love.

12. The paper introduces the basic principle of the large-scale closed-loop fire correction of shipboard weapon system and its simulation, shows main implementation technique and working process as well as its application in weapon fire operating training.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Now the interface of weapon in our country is manifold, different weapon maybe has different interface.

14. Absence of reliability data is the biggest difficulty for reliability evaluation of carrier based weapon system.

15. To overcome this difficulty, a method on reliability evaluation based on varied environment was introduced, and an engineering method was recommended to solve the environment conversion factors. Commissioning on land, mooring and navigation test data of carrier based weapon system was fully used by this method.

16. Tuned priority of Bren Carrier weapon and modified Bren Carrier Button ability so that it more reliably shoots at target of Button Ability.

17. From the dynamic view of social changes, the carrier of struggle weapon and the movement of imitated aim were the further historical reason why the Marxist outlook on women propagaed so widly that it had surpassed the early stage of translation and introduction after the May Fourth Movement.

18. While ballistic missile s were the preferred weapons for land targets, heavy nuclear and conventional tipped cruise missiles were seen by 美国空军as a primary weapon to destroy US carrier battle group s.

19. weapon的翻译

19. The only real offensive weapon available to a Carrier pilot is a vast armada of
      (Drones lvl 5)+ 5 Carrier lvl 5 (+1 per level + 5 (5 Drone Control Units fitted)+航空母舰所具有唯一攻击方案就是使用数量巨大且火力强劲的特殊

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. According to the condition as mentioned above, a typical linear roll motion equation was set up, and the expressions of natural angular frequency and nondimension damping decay modulus of amphibious combat weapon were given.

weapon 词典解释

1. 武器;兵器
    A weapon is an object such as a gun, a knife, or a missile, which is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war.

    e.g. ...nuclear weapons.

2. (用于应付困境的)工具,手段
    A weapon is something such as knowledge about a particular subject, which you can use to protect yourself or to get what you want in a difficult situation.

    e.g. I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor.

weapon 单语例句


1. Guangzhou police also successfully busted a weapon sales gang, detaining 11 suspects and seizing 15 pistols during the campaign.

2. In the previous operation early this month, a huge weapon cache was discovered from the area.

3. Initial investigation suggested that a number of unidentified assailants shot the three victims with a large calibre weapon.

4. Shanghai is launching a comprehensive security system for its subway and sniffer dogs will be another weapon along with security scanners and video cameras.

5. For an organization looking for ways to kill cancerous cells, such powerful chemicals are an inviting weapon.

6. The US military calls its new weapon an " active denial system ", but that's an understatement.

7. His outfit and props were confiscated and he was charged with impersonating an officer and carrying an offensive weapon.

8. The US Central Intelligence Agency has said it believes the North has produced at least one nuclear weapon and possibly two.

9. The channel's news program broadcast an interview with Ahmadinejad in September 2007, when the Iranian leader insisted his nation wasn't seeking to develop a nuclear weapon.

10. Paul is charged with providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide support to terrorists and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.

weapon 英英释义


1. any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting

    e.g. he was licensed to carry a weapon

    Synonym: arm weapon system

2. a means of persuading or arguing

    e.g. he used all his conversational weapons

    Synonym: artillery


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