well-built ['wel'bɪlt]  [ ˈwɛlˈbɪlt] 

well-built 基本解释



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well-built 相关例句


1. Wow! She is really well-built!

well-built 双语例句

1. Play: 5098. Magic tuxedo tails Mandarin version of an ordinary well-built Chan...

2. People did not live in well-built houses where doors could be locked.

3. Peopledid not live in well-built houses where doors could be locked.

4. He's a very big guy, you know, well-built with very broad shoulders.

5. He was a big, well-built man, and rather heavy.

6. well-built的意思

6. He's a well-built guy!

7. well-built是什么意思

7. The quality of my company, based in good faith for the idea, well-built corporate image.

8. The pursuit of excellence, strict management and well-built, satisfactory service is our quality policy.

9. well-built

9. At present, enterprises are the basis of the original, well-built product quality at the same time to provide customers a better service.

10. Homes in those days were well-built, they say.

11. You are at a party, this well-built man walks up to you and gropes your breast and grabs your bum.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. As a result, we are fresh, less than the social experience of the graduates are well-built to provide management training programs, Different plans to cycle from one year and a half each, designed to help them better understand the community, to expand capacity, And the successful launch of its own development road.

13. Europe using the German camp specializing in the production of sanitary equipment and the European faction of the sophisticated technology, elegant well-built, safe and practical, stylish and convenient sanitary products, the formation of luxurious steam room, shower room, bathroom cabinet, bathtub, Toilet, steel and glass basin and hardware fittings seven series, hundreds of color style, popular all over the consumers, to become Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places several well-known real estate properties for sale, advanced office and star hotel designated accessory products

14. After more than three decades of exploration and well-built, the college has taken shape unique mode.

15. The joint-venture has well-built production system and strong domestic sales, over seas sales and after sales service network.

16. The company has strong economic strength and large number of technical elite, high-quality marketing team, fast and excellent after-sales service, well-built hygiene supplies industry.

17. After years of preparation, well-built and launched a classic fashion style, put on the market soon by the broad masses of customers.

18. well-built的近义词

18. This well-built house has FA, CAC, and a security system.

19. well-built

19. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.

20. Look at Hatem Ben Arfa at Lyon. He's well-built and he's fast.
      看看里昂的Hatem Ben Arfa,他身体条件很好,跑动也很迅速。


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