whereby [weəˈbaɪ]  [werˈbaɪ] 

whereby 基本解释

副词 借以; 通过…; 与…一致

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whereby 相关例句


1. There is no other way whereby we can cross the river.

2. Whereby shall I know this?

whereby 网络解释

1. 其中:thereby 从而,以 | whereby 其中 | wherein 其中

2. 凭什么, 为何:sampling window 取样窗 | whereby 凭什么, 为何 | Hansom 汉瑟姆(姓氏)

3. 如何:whereas 然而 | whereby 如何 | wherefore 何故

4. 为甚么:02. 飞起来了 Fly Away | 03. 为甚么 Whereby | 04. 到此为止 Discontinue Here

whereby 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. It is a condition whereby, there is a deficiency of red blood cells, or haemoglobin.

2. Actions such as hers are measured by an arbitrary scale. Society possesses a conventional standard whereby it judges all things. All men should be good, all women virtuous.

3. Nutrition might be defined as the proce whereby we obtain the e ential nutrients and use them to make many other su tances our bodies need, this proce would include eating and digesting food and a orbing and using, or metabolizing, the nutrients it contai.

4. China has no discovery procedure whereby relevant documents must be disclosed automatically to the opposing party.

5. SYS file whereby the operating system could load real-mode device drivers for original equipment and for add-on cards.

6. This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.

7. For a unit that is operating continuously, a schedule whereby you perform tuning and check the condition every two days and perform an autotune every week will keep the MSD in optimum condition.

8. This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Said combustion chamber can be cooled essentially by convection by an air stream that flows between the external wall structure and the internal wall, whereby the air stream is conducted in a closed cooling air canal.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. That is, only after Amun was born can he give meaning to his mother, the potential from which he emanated and to the process that created him (as represented by masturbation and incest) whereby he was born.

11. 7 The Borrower shall effect and maintain insurance of the Property against loss or damage by fire or explosion or such other risks as the Lender may require in its full reinstatement value or to the full extent of the facilities granted or to be granted to the Borrower whichever is the higher in some reputable insurance company as the Lender shall first approve of in writing and if so required by the Lender in the joint names of the Borrower and the Lender and shall duly and punctually pay all premia or sums of money necessary for such purpose and will not do or cause or suffer anything to be done whereby such policy or policies may become void or voidable and shall at any time on demand made for that purpose on the Borrower as hereinafter provided endorse over to, produce to or leave with the Lender such policy of such insurance and the receipt for every such payment so that the Lender shall have a lien on the same and on all moneys thereby assured and in the event of any insurance policy being taken out by the Lender on behalf of the Borrower whether on the express or implied instructions of the Borrower or pursuant to any powers herein conferred the Borrower shall irrevocably grant permission to the Lender to receive any commission rebate or other advantage in relation to such policy or any subsequent renewals thereof; and if any of the obligations under this sub-clause is not performed by the Borrower, the Lender shall be at liberty to arrange for any of such obligations to be performed at the cost and expense of the Borrower and such cost and expense shall be included in and shall form part of the secured sum
      9.7 借款人须为物业因火警、爆炸或贷款人要求包括的其他风险而可能引致的损失或损害,在事先获贷款人书面批核、具良好商誉的保险公司投保及维持保险有效,保额为全面修复物业的费用,或为已授予或将授予借款人的全部信贷额,两者以较高者为准;如贷款人有所要求,保险得以借款人与贷款人联名形式购买;借款人并须准时妥为缴交为上述目的需付的全部保金或款项。凡可导致保险单无效或可予作废的作为,借款人均不得作出,或促使或容许其发生。如贷款人在任何时间根据下文规定向借款人提出要求,借款人须将保险的保单和每次缴付保金的收据经批签后交予贷款人、向贷款人出示或留交贷款人,使贷款人对上述保单、收据及所有保险金享有留置权。如贷款人代借款人投保(不论是在借款人明示或默示的指示下,或是依据本契据授予的权力),则借款人须以不可撤销的方式准许贷款人收受任何关於该保单或其后续保的佣金、回佣或其他利益。如借款人未能履行此条款任何义务,则贷款人可自由作出安排,使该义务得以履行,而有关费用及开支须由借款人负责,并包括在有抵押款项内,成为其一部份

12. Commissioner's Commandery in charge of military and administrative affairs in Tibet, whereby Tibet has became thenceforth an inalienable part of Chinese territory, as well as the Penghu Police Office for the administration of the Penghu Islands and Taiwan.

13. It established the Pacification Commissioner's Commandery in charge of military and administrative affairs in Tibet, whereby Tibet has became thenceforth an inalienable part of Chinese territory, as well as the Penghu Police Office for the administration of the Penghu Islands and Taiwan.

14. Only in this way can we make sure the government will not relent in its efforts, and this would help avoid a situation whereby the government would be a failure.

15. This bus control system has centralized the information gathering and control of digital parameters and analog parameters inside each module, and the data transfer between the modules and control panel is completed through Ethernet, whereby a double bus control system is formed, controlling various modules'inner digital and analog volume of the drilling simulator centralized.

16. A new technology was developed successfully during the rehabilitation of Shuaiba Oil Pier in Kuwait, whereby raking pile s were driven in position with a hoisted hammber cage.

17. Employer shall pay for all fees charged by Government of Malaysia, except Levi, whereby, Employer reserves the right to deduct on monthly basis (RM150) for the payment of Levy of the Employee on yearly basis.
      11.1 雇主负责为雇员交纳项目所在国政府所征收的一切办证费。除了人头税之外,雇主保有每月从雇员的工资(RM150)里扣除之权力。

18. 好好学单词·英语单词

18. A ceremony is described whereby a dying father bequeaths all he has to his son.

19. whereby的解释

19. It is a type of tools used whereby profits and losses are shared. This is different from bank deposit or national debt. It can not secure the base benefit, so it could not secure the creditors'profits and the base benefit.

20. E. truth, if one wants to know anything, one has to give up the common knowledge of ordinary people by means of melting away from cognition and casting off its limitation, whereby one directly attains to the unlimited sphere of absolute truth.

whereby 词典解释

1. 凭此;借以
    A system or action whereby something happens is one that makes that thing happen.

    e.g. ...the system whereby Britons choose their family doctors and the government pays those doctors...
    e.g. They voted to accept a deal whereby the union will receive nearly three-quarters of a million pounds from the International Miners Organisation.

whereby 单语例句

1. Medical experts said the operation was an important development in treating people suffering from cardiomyopathy, whereby the heart becomes inflamed and functions poorly.

2. The routes through it provided the means whereby the Han Chinese of the central plains could communicate with the desert tribes living beyond the border.

3. It is a process whereby a Party member is required to confess to wrongdoings at a stipulated place within a specified time limit.

4. An individual contract system will be introduced whereby house holds are assigned tasks, receive subsidies and own the trees and other vegetation they plant.

5. An MBO is the operation whereby the managers or executives of a company purchase controlling interest in that company.

6. Conversely it is possible to drink too much water leading to water intoxication whereby levels of salt and other electrolytes become too diluted.

7. A cycle of exercising and relaxing the spine creates a pumping activity whereby spinal discs soak up water and nutrients like a sponge.

8. This has led to a security dilemma whereby increasing one's security may bring along even greater instability in the event of an arms race.

9. It seemed like a fracture in priorities whereby the wealth being generated within the nation was not penetrating into the education system.

10. The technology could be compared to a solar hot water heater, whereby water is continuously heated as long as there is sunlight.


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