whimsy [ˈwɪmzi]  [ˈhwɪmzi, ˈwɪm-] 


whimsy 基本解释

名词 异想天开; 怪念头; 怪脾气; 与众不同的幽默感

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whimsy 网络解释

1. 奇想:whimsicality 异想天开 | whimsy 奇想 | whine 发牢骚

2. 心情浮动:whimsicality 心情浮动 | whimsy 心情浮动 | whin 棘豆

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 怪念头:hypocrisy 伪善 | whimsy 怪念头 | flimsy 站不住脚的

4. 异想天开的怪念头:Pediatrics 小儿科(就是儿科 不是内个小儿科啊) | Whimsy 异想天开的怪念头 | Eclair 法式点心

whimsy 双语例句

1. Why Shanghai teachers very low tolerance for whimsy?

2. Experts feel the pulse of Shanghai high school education: teachers very low tolerance for whimsy.


3. Teachers and students a very low tolerance for whimsy serious side branches - People's Network Education Channel of China's most authoritative...

4. This probably seems like a lot of work, but I want to assure you that it will be well worth it, because your electronic birthday card will feature music, and dancing cartoon animals, and a not insignificant amount of whimsy.

5. All of this is cooked up with Apple's traditional secret sauce of simplicity, intelligence and whimsy.

6. In response, the spa industry has leapt up to embrace this new and growing clientele; catering to men who want an eyebrow wax and a peppermint hair mask is not whimsy it is good business.

7. His speech was full of whimsy.

8. Curious George was apparently just a small part of a more elaborate vorld of whimsy.

9. whimsy的翻译

9. Perfect as well for the weather that generally prevails in Scotland, the setting that John Crocco's collection suggested. Backstage, he insisted he's not into specifics and it was more Perry`s elusive whimsy he was after, rather than the evocation of any particular time or place.
    与苏格兰的天气类似,整个秀场风格也极具暗示性,并且与John Crocco的设计相符,而在后台的时候,他坚持没有特定性或者是相连於某一处或某一时代的风格。

10. Mary Engelbreit shares her magic and whimsy in this idea-filled book of projects you can make.

11. The following types of direct burning incense are commonly encountered, though the material itself can take virtually any form, according to expediency or whimsy

12. They can blind the sun's creatures of whimsy.

13. And that particular whimsy was helped along by droll styling touches, like deerstalker hats and wellies that amplified the collection's utilitarian details: the stitched half-belt on jackets and coats, the elbow patches, the welted seams and toggle closings. The strength of the collection was in its outerwear and knitwear, particularly a shadow-plaid coat and a long, slouchy cardigan.

14. On the whole, I really enjoyed this space for the pure quirk and whimsy of it.

15. These designs are not exactly headed to an art museum, but they do convey a sense of whimsy, and blur the line between cold web and personal interaction– the ultimate goal of the internet. If you can doodle, you can sketch for web design.

16. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

16. These designs are not exactly headed to an art museum, but they do convey a sense of whimsy, and blur the line between cold web and personal interaction– the ultimate goal of the internet.

17. Lawrence Durrell, who admitted he came to be amused in a lofty British way, found himself moved: it had more Blakean ardor than Betjemanish whimsy, he decided.

18. Far from telling us anything about doodling, it tells us the French have a babyish approach to work and a taste for arty whimsy.

19. whimsy

19. Gaze at the vivid yellows, blues, and psychedelic swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you'll sense the whimsy of evolution.

20. Vintage cafe curtains in a graphic floral pattern add whimsy.

whimsy 词典解释

1. 奇思异想;不同寻常的行为
    Whimsy is behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having any serious reason or purpose behind it.


whimsy 英英释义


1. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment

    e.g. I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory

    Synonym: flightiness arbitrariness whimsicality whimsey capriciousness

2. an odd or fanciful or capricious idea

    e.g. the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories
           he had a whimsy about flying to the moon
           whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it

    Synonym: notion whim whimsey


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